The Plot to Overthrow by Mohammad Goldstein - HTML preview

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of the federal government. Submit, or we will murder you; I do not respect

your rights as a free democracy state, or the free democracy foundation of

blood on which your ancestors formed this country.


I could give a shit about democracy’s rights to allow ALL people the right

to practice political self-determination in every area of their lives culturally,

socially, and economically.”

Red-faced, Steve shouted, “EVERYONE IN EVERY STATE, YOU WILL

ABORT YOUR BABY! If you do not submit to federal authority and abort

your babies, I will stop at nothing to put down your rebellion. The only thing

history got correct about Honest Abe is the concept that he loved the federal

government more than ‘we the people.’

“Can anyone in this room show me any difference between Lincoln’s

actions of forced government and those of Syria Iran, or Libya? Every

dictator will fight to preserve and keep control of the government at the cost

of human lives. There is not one ounce of difference when we compare what

the kings of England, the Soviet Union, or Lincoln did to control the people.

America, the only new nation in the history of the world, vanished as a

democracy; it became a forced tyranny ruled by Lincoln. A conquering

United States federal government was determined to conquer its own citizens

into submission, even if it meant murdering them. The use of forced military

power ripped the deed of ownership from ‘we the people,’ changing the

country forever. Just the thought of Americans killing Americans in a

declared act of war by a president, still upsets me.”

Raising his voice, Steve said, “Civil war is normally a war, where the people

of the country seek to overthrow an unjust or unfair conquering government.

STOP and think about what I said. In a civil war, an uprising occurs by the

people against a corrupt government. What kind of government starts an

unnecessary war against its own people? When Lincoln made the decision

for the federal government to attack and murder its own citizens, the

democracy of ‘we the people’ perished at the exact second the federal

government murdered the first citizen. Just as the king of England denied

freedom to the Scottish people, Abraham Lincoln denied the rights of a free

people to direct their own lives in their states. That is the exact point in

history when the federal government grew in power.

“Lincoln’s actions were also tantamount to the same dominant communist

actions of the USSR. I challenge anyone to show me any difference

whatsoever in what the old Soviet Union did to the communist bloc countries

by using military force. Communism dominated those countries into

submission, and the federal government under Abraham Lincoln dominated

the states into submission. The more I studied, the more I understood the

obvious thing about Lincoln’s character was that he loved the Union more

than he had an actual love for the people. American history clearly depicts

that Lincoln was about only one thing – he was out to save the Union.


I say, save the Union, my ass. What benefit is a forced union when the bride’s

family is murdered by the groom’s family?

“Lincoln’s acts of war were brutal. He used a scorch and burn policy,

commanding General Sherman to invade defenseless southern towns where

the majority of their men was fighting on the battlefield. Just as the kings of

England had done to the Scottish men, Sherman burned the homes,

businesses, and the entire cities of soldiers fighting on a battlefield. With the

same bag of dirty tricks as the English kings, he dispossessed the wives and

children, making them homeless, and made sure the men fighting knew what

he had done. My god, the man burned Atlanta to the ground. Would you

explain to me how this man loved the American people? There are still

massive amounts of ‘uninvestigated’ claims of rape by Sherman’s army all

over the south.

“Any president that would use a scorch and burn policy against the

American people and their families to save a fucking federal government

deserved to be shot. Unfortunately, for democracy in America, Lincoln’s

decision killed true democracy in America before he was assassinated.

“I feel I must inject a comment about slavery for those who think freeing

the slaves was a benefit, or the reason for Lincoln’s war. Slavery is still a

big commodity in the world today, with the continent of Africa listed as the

world’s largest slave trader. I hope you have read what they are doing as they

rape what they call beaded young children. If you have not, you need to. The

world has pumped so much aid into that continent with degenerative results.

“If you can imagine a lawyer reading the Bible, well, I did for the first time

in my life. Lincoln quoted or referred to the Bible often in his speeches, so

naturally I had to look at the Bible , as well. It might interest you to know

that Lincoln never endorsed Christianity or organized religion and denied

most all Christian doctrines, including the divinity. That’s free information

about Lincoln; it did not cost you anything, take it for what you will. I was

surprised to find that the Bible does not forbid slavery even today. According

to the Bible and the Apostle Paul, I can own a slave. In fact, many Christians

in the New Testament owned slaves. Paul the Apostle gave instructions on

how to treat slaves, as well as instructions to Christian slaves about how they

were to obey their masters. Every theologian I spoke with told me that I was

correct; the Bible does not forbid slavery, so I asked myself, what was

Lincoln’s problem?

“If freeing the slaves was his motivation, then biblically, he was in error.

The question I kept asking was this: why did he not allow states the freedom

to own slaves, and stop the imports at a federal level? There was any number

of ways to come to an agreement without conquering your own countrymen.


Why did he refuse to attend the peace negotiations with the states? Why not

allow secession, which seemed to be a better option than war. Think about

it. It was not as if Georgia was going to roll up the state like a carpet and go

anywhere. In time, I think the matter would have worked itself out, and we

would not have lost our democracy.

“There are no answers other than what history teaches. Lincoln betrayed

the blood of the legitimate owners of the title deed ‘we the people,’ whose

forefathers had purchased the American democracy with their blood. The

federal government, under the command of Abraham Lincoln, killed 625,000

sons and daughters whose grandfathers, great grandfathers, uncles, and

cousins fought and died to free this country from tyranny. Lincoln’s decision

disgraced their deaths, negating their honorable deaths, causing their deaths

to appear in history as needless bloodshed. The criminal actions of the

federal government under Lincoln destroyed the people’s government, for

the people, and by the people.

“In my search, the disturbing answer that I couldn’t find was who, or what,

took control of the United States government, and why? It seems to me the

power of the United States government has kept growing in power since

Lincoln. There seems to be a quest for more government control over the

lives of ‘we the people?’ I am still looking for the answer to that one.

“Whatever our purpose may be, let us be bold enough to restore the dignity

of those murdered by Lincoln. It is time to fight. We are intelligent men; we

can find a way to take down the federal government and give the power back

to the ‘we the people.’ I am not sure a pure democracy is obtainable as a

form of government, but at this point, I will take any form of democracy

over the hypocrisy we think is democracy.

“I want to make two more points that will put a death nail in the coffin.

Rather than force people to remain under his rule, Egypt’s President Mubarak

resigned because I believe the old dictator loved his country and the people.

In the Sudan, the North and the South voted peacefully to secede from one

another. In a world of extreme turmoil, we find Arab governments and people

of the world demonstrating to us what Lincoln should have done.

“Therefore, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I submit the following for

your considerations during your deliberation of the facts.

“A freely gathered nation is a democracy.

“A Democracy is not a forced marriage where the groom’s family murders

the bride’s family.

“Do we want a government that says everyone will abort their children and

if you do not we will murder you into submission. I didn’t think so.


“Then you must all agree that there are others who do not want a

government that says you cannot abort a fetus.

“Democracy is about freedom of choice for everyone.

“Lincoln made the wrong choice. He conquered ‘we the people’ like a

dictator. Took the title deed from the rightful owners and transferred the

power of ownership to the government.

“I tell you, Honest Abe was not honest; he was a devious man who knew

exactly what he was doing. He intentionally destroyed the only nation in the

history of the world that was birthed by divinity. I think the man was from

the dark Kingdom that Larry talks about. He knew precisely, what he was

doing. There was nothing to be gained from his actions other than taking the

title deed from ‘we the people’ and placing all power in the control of the

United States federal government. Based on clear the evidence, and the fact

that two Arab nations provided a living demonstration of how Lincoln could

have done it another way, I will be bold enough to state that not a single

person in this room tonight can stand up and tell me that Lincoln did not

make the wrong decision.

“Tonight, I stand before you ready to fight to my own death in order to rid

this nation of its evil dictatorship and take the title deed back. I will wait for

your verdict or proof that I am wrong.”

Everyone sat in silence looking at one another. Sam and Molly were about

to jump out of their skins as they realized Steve had just solved the mystery

of the first horseman for them.

Sam whispered to Molly, “We will have a late night confirming what we

just heard. Damn, I wish I had a tape recorder.”

Smiling, Molly lifted her purse, showing him her recorder. “Well, at least

one of us came prepared for class, Professor,” she said, smiling. “He was

awesome, Sam. The man is wired with a brilliant mind. I loved the way he

laid everything out. People are not going to enjoy having Honest Abe painted

as a dictator, but the facts are there. I told you these guys were serious, Sam.”

“Yes, they are, Molly, but I am the one with the plot, the plan, and the

implementation,” Sam said, as he patiently waited for a response from the


“What are you talking about, the plot, the plan, and the implementation,


“In time, my dear, in due time.”

Larry was first. He stood to his feet and started clapping his hands. “I say

yes, and reserve the right to hear Roger and Jerry.” Scott stood in the same

manner and began clapping with Larry in unison. “I say, yes.” Roger and

Jerry, clapping in unison, declared, “I say, yes.”


Steve began clapping excitedly with them for a few minutes.

Just as fast as Larry started clapping, they stopped and joined hands in a

circle around the table. Steve said, “Give us the wisdom and courage to do

something about what we see.” This was followed by hugs of friendship.

As Sam observed them, it became evident that they were all serious enough

to attempt the development of a plan of action, including Scott. After

confirming with Larry and Steve that they would meet tomorrow at Larry’s

place, Sam and Molly rushed back to his home.

As everyone else drove away, one news van, still on stakeout, cornered

Scott. Running up to him with cameras rolling, he was asked, “Congressman,

is it true you were near a nervous breakdown tonight?”

“Absurd,” Scott replied. “My close friends had a surprise party planned for

me, so I surprised them by showing up dressed like a bum. Look at how they

dressed me for my trick on them; I am now a walking billboard for the best

place in town, Woodstock69. I love my retirement,” he added; getting into

his car without another word, he drove away.



“Light A Candle For Me”

Leaving the bar, Sam and Molly acted like two giddy kids all the way to

Sam’s home. Excited about the night’s events, they talked over one another,

making points about the various evening’s conversations and the potential

revelation of the first horseman by Steve.

As he opened the door to the study, a strong wave of power emanating from

the room immediately hit Sam in the chest so hard it nearly knocked him to

the floor. It was the strongest he had ever felt the power. Glancing over at

Molly, Sam noticed her knees seemed to weaken. “This is the strongest it’s

ever been, Molly.”

“It feels as if I am wading through warm, thick honey that contains a

pulsating energy,” Molly replied.

Like drunks stumbling in a comedy skit, they tried to make it to a pair of

chairs. After a few more steps, the power became too much for Molly to

continue. She was the first to give out. Falling to the floor, they laughed at

their weak inability to control their own bodies. As she lay flat on her back,

Sam attempted to get up one last time, and when he went down again, she

began to laugh hysterically. Lying on the floor, still in a happy, giddy mood,

they were head-to-head; Sam’s feet were pointing to twelve o’clock, and

Molly’s feet were pointing to six o’clock. After a few moments, a contest

began to see if either one of them could lift an arm, a leg, or their head off

the floor. After several failed attempts, Molly jokingly quipped, “I bet you

couldn’t get it up now, Sam.”

“What good would that do, Molly? You could not get up to get on, even if

I could get it up,” Sam replied, which instantly began another cycle of


Their friendship was innocent, real, and sweet. It was for that reason Sam

had never tried to have sex with her. Although the desire was certainly there,

for some reason it just did not feel right. He was also concerned about her

past, and since her abusive, molesting father Karl was close to his own age,

a pushy, older man might just “push” the wrong button. Another troubling

thing Sam felt about Molly was her open admission that the only man who

ever rang her bell was RC. Sam lay there, thinking, ‘Who wants to follow

that act on stage?’

As if a bolt of lightning struck him, Molly’s words snapped Sam back to

reality when she said, “Sam, call it a woman’s intuition, if you wish, but I

think it’s pretty obvious this whole thing is a setup by a power bigger than



Look at us. Here we are lying on a floor pinned down by a power we don’t

comprehend, and acting as if it is funny and normal. After what happened in

the bar tonight, I know something bigger than me has led me here. Talk about

a set up; look at what happened to me tonight and how I was used. Why

would you need to find out that Larry saved your life, unless there is a bigger

purpose involved? I think the same power we feel in this room picked Larry

out to save your life the day they shot you. Then, with perfect timing, this

same power used silly Molly’s ‘foolish heart,’ as you called it, to reveal you

to each other. Think about it, Sam. Steve solved the first horseman mystery

as if it were nothing hard to figure out. I was blown away by how

intelligently and precisely he made his case. Pardon the pun.

“Think about it, Sam. You studied thirty-years, and Steve figured it out in

thirty days. Now that is a real hoot. Explain this one, Sam. How is it that

you just happened to own the bar where Steve would reveal the first

horseman to you with such clarity? Here’s a better one: he thinks his study

is about ‘we the people’ and doesn’t have a clue about the mystery of the

apocalyptic 4Horsemen. I think that, somehow, those old hippies are a part

of everything you are going to do, Sam, and you are a part of them.

“I don’t understand what you mean when you say you have the plot, the

plan, or the implementation. One thing I am sure of: you are the big key

holder who has the real and only answer for everyone. In all of your studies,

did you ever consider the actions of Honest Abe as a candidate?”

“Molly, I see that you see. Your woman’s intuition is very discriminating.

You know that I am not a religious man and consider most religions nothing

more than vain institutions created for feeble-minded people. Admittedly,

lying here with you under the influence of a power that I cannot explain,

talking about purpose and destiny, I must admit I see too many connecting

events to call them coincidental. When I watched you put the pictures and

Larry’s shirt back up in the bar tonight, I began to wonder how all of this

could be happening.

“My other studies I mentioned have occupied my time for nearly the same

thirty years as my study of the 4Horsemen. Please keep them between you

and me only, and excuse my reservation about sharing the contents of them

with you just yet. It has nothing to do with you. I need a bit more

information, and when I obtain it, you will be the first to know what they

are all about.

“I agree with everything you said about the group. My meeting Larry

tonight after four decades cannot be accidental. However, what your intuition

cannot show you yet is how much the men in that group fit my other three



What I cannot figure out is how the 4Horsemen relate to them, or how Steve

was able to nail the first horseman so precisely without knowing anything

about the 4Horsemen or my studies of them. Now that is a new mystery.

There seems to be a correlation between my studies, but I cannot pin it down

just yet. If there was ever a way to convince me that a supernatural power is

involved, it happened during our discussion after their first meeting in the

bar. When you explained to me what they said, and what they were trying to

accomplish, my mind was doing back flips all night. I had searched the term

‘we the people’ from my bed after being shot at Kent State.

“In answer to your question about Honest Abe; no, I never considered

Honest Abe. I don’t know why. For some reason, I always looked at other

periods in history: the Roman Empire, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and

several others, including Hitler. I must hand it to Steve. He pinned the tail

on the donkey perfectly, and I was the only blind guy in the room. He was

right. Lincoln’s actions were governmentally tyrannical. He destroyed the

new nation and democracy. Steve spelled it out. He proved that Lincoln’s

actions were identical to the conquering kings of England and the Soviet

Union. His actions set a precedent, empowering the federal government with

the right to use unchecked power on the people of this nation. Look at what

that power has grown into today. My god, it is almost staggering. I don’t

understand how I missed him.

Turning his attention to the poster of the 4Horsemen, Sam said, “Look at

the picture of the first horseman. The most revealing thing to me about

Lincoln in the picture is the crown on the head. Remember when I explained

to you that prophets used symbolic images in the Bible and wrote in a style

that most scholars call prophetic poetry?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Read the words with me again, Molly. ‘He who sat on it had a bow; and

a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.’

“The head represents the leader of a government; we know this because he

held a bow to make war, and the crown always represents governmental

authority in history and the Bible. The most important phrase in this passage

is the words ‘and a crown was given to him.’ I have read that phrase ten

thousand times, Molly, and until now it never made sense. Thanks to Steve,

we have new understanding. This is very important, so listen carefully. In

previous history, dictators and kings, who governmentally ruled the world,

never willingly gave up power, much less a crown. Crowns were never

‘freely given to anyone.’ Crowns were ‘inherited by birthright’ or taken away

from someone by force. It was right in front of me all this time, ‘a crown

was given to him.’


“Up until the moment the world gave birth to this new democratic nation

we called America, the world’s governments had never placed a crown on

the head of a common man. That all changed when the rightful owners of

the governmental title deed of this new nation, ‘we the people,’ placed a

governmental crown of authority on a common, a man the people freely

elected, and called him ‘Mr. President.’

“The prophet used the term ‘crown’ for duel, symbolic, prophetic meanings.

The first meaning was to show us that the crown ‘would be freely given to

a common man.’ That could only happen under a democratic government,

putting us squarely in the timeline of American history.

“The second meaning behind the crown is even more profound. Frankly, it

is what you call a bit freaky, and I call a little scary. The symbolic meaning

blows me away mentally because of how much wisdom was written down

so long ago about such a simple thing. Listen. The second meaning of the

crown depicts what kind of power would begin to operate through a freely

given crown. In other words, a freely elected common man, crowned by ‘we

the people,’ would use the same powers as a crowned monarchy, the kings

of England.

“The writer could have made it simple. When you see a group of free people

controlling their own government place a crown on a common man, one day

a common man wearing that crown will conquer his own people. A freely

elected man wearing the crown would one day choose to embrace the same

dominating actions of a crowned monarch, or a conquering style of

government. It blows me away how such a small thing is so powerful in

understanding and knowledge once you know the answer to the mystery.”

Molly spoke up, saying, “Stunning, that’s what I think you are, Sam. The

way you explain such deep thoughts about profound topics like this amazes

me. History was not my favorite subject, so I learned a lot tonight listening

to everyone. I found it very disturbing when I realized that Lincoln made a

clear decision to use the same scorch and burn tactics, just like the kings of

England had used on Scotland. Why would any president ever do that?”

“Molly, General Sherman sent Lincoln a note informing him that his

Christmas present had arrived early after he burned Atlanta to the ground.

Another Union colonel, named John Beatty, said, ‘Every time the telegraph

wire was cut, we would burn a house; every time a train was fired upon, we

would hang a man; and we would continue to do this until every house was

burned, and every man hanged between Decatur and Bridgeport.’ I cannot

imagine what evil resided in all of them. Honest Abe, my ass. He never even

measured up to a dying Mubarak.”


“Sam, I was afraid but impressed with Roger tonight. I thought the guy was

a loner idiot with a make-believe friend. He spoke volumes of understanding

in a manner that anyone could understand. Those eyes freak me out, and I

think he will kill us if anyone snitches about his documents.”

“I agree. His eyes are staggering to look at. Men like that do not fight,

Molly; they kill every time they fight. I don’t know what he is up to with

this special gift, but one damn thing is for sure. I am taking it, saying thanks,

and shutting up even if it is shit in a can.” Laughter filled the r