Save the Animals and Children by Robert S. Swiatek - HTML preview

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The Joy Of Life Cookbook

Introduction by Robert S. Swiatek On too many occasions, we see people –

two-legged beings – being compared to animals.

Someone is said to be a pig or a workhorse. Others might be compared to a fish in their drinking habits while another is called a shark – and he’s not a lawyer. These aren’t very flattering comparisons. If someone is said to be as gentle as a lamb, she should be content, but that is an exception. In too many instances, the analogy is an insult even to the four-legged creature.

Many people underestimate the intelligence of animals, whether those in the forest, in any body of water or in the air. Perhaps they give their pets the credit they deserve in this regard, but they still may look down on them. This has more to do with the fact that Barney and Oscar are so close to the ground.

Some will say that four-legged animals can’t talk, but they certainly can communicate and don’t need to be told when to end a conversation.

Someone was reported to have said, “Quit talking while I’m interrupting!” In our world today, too i

many people seem to be speaking without saying anything. Animals are deprived of that opportunity.

In addition, the way language has been butchered, violated and abused, maybe more people should exercise restraint, or at least do it justice. We hear men and women dropping the last letter of words, using vulgar language – granted, it is a language, but not a very good one – unable to spell simple words and leaving out punctuation and verbs when they write, if they can write at all. Some people create their own words, and they’re not writers. Those creative geniuses are allowed that option.

Certainly, four-legged creatures prey on other smaller animals, but they have to eat, or they won’t survive. Some animals are vegetarians –

that’s why they’re so healthy. Men and women with guns and bows and arrows also go hunting deer and wild turkeys, but in many cases, return with nothing for the kitchen table. If they bag something but do it only for the sport of it, that’s not very nice.

Pets benefit their owners, but in return, those four-legged animals are fed, petted and receive more than that from their masters. The same can be said for the relationship between humans and the creatures of the forest. Everyone gets along and just as men and women can sense another by his or her actions, the same applies to the birds, deer and wild turkeys in the preserve and two-legged animals out ii

for a hike. This symbiosis also exists between man, beast and the ecosystem, where the tiniest organism as well as the massive humpback whale all contribute to the big picture. The loss of one element could spell disaster for the planet.

This is the first book from Swiatek Press that doesn’t have my name on the front cover.

That’s why I’m writing this now. It’s about animals and corporations that misbehave and pollute the earth. In the process they endanger all the animals –

two- and four-legged ones. Though the setting is Western New York with all its health problems and toxic areas, sadly, other parts of the country and world are experiencing much of the same pain.

Save The Animals And Children is also about the intelligence of the former, which may be taken for granted or not even acknowledged. It’s a book for children, a sophisticated one, not x-rated.

You won’t find vulgarity, violence, sex and gore here, but you should find some insight and experience a few laughs. Adults are welcome to read it, even if they aren’t sophisticated.

I feel Wendy has done a good job in her first book. She’s not famous, but just like Cher, Bono and Beyoncé, her last name isn’t necessary. If any animal feels left out, it’ll be in the sequel. Of course, those slighted could go to the library and ask the librarian for a book about their species.

If you liked the book, tell others. Don’t stop iii

there. Become involved. Read, join environmental groups and make some changes in your life to save resources of the earth. Instead of driving or being driven somewhere, think about walking or biking.

Every little effort can make a great difference in order to Save The Animals And Children.
