Rosalind at Red Gate by Meredith Nicholson - HTML preview

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Rosalind: I thought thy heart had been wounded with the claws of a lion.

Orlando: Wounded it is, but with the eyes of a lady.

As You Like It.


"Then dame Liones said unto Sir Gareth, Sir, I will lend you a ring; but I would pray you as ye love me heartily let me have it again when the tournament is done, for that ring increaseth my beauty much more than it is of itself. And the virtue of my ring is that that is green it will turn to red, and that is red it will turn in likeness to green, and that is blue it will turn to likeness of white, and that is white, it will turn in likeness to blue, and so it will do of all manner of colours."
 Morte D'Arthur.