Rebirth of Ahimsika by T. K. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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Rebirth of Ahimsika

They huddled around the blazing log

fire,extending their hands towards the

leaping flames to catch some heat to ward

off the chill.It was peak of winter, a cold

night fell early ,bringing all activities in

that small forest clearing, to a slow halt,

earlier than usual. The still night, leaping

flames of the fire throwing shadows

of different shapes and forms on the

surrounding bush. The crackling sound of

the burning logs, eddying smoke rising

slowly up the cold air and strange lights of

early night all contributed to creation of a

blissful ambience had lulled the huddling

foursome into a thoughtful and nostalgic

silence. Philosophy takes hold of mind in

such circumstances and they all felt like

talking about things that they had learnt

to hide from themselves. They all had

some things in common. Each of them had

rejected the societies that had spawned

them, for some very personal reasons

they would not care to talk about. They

had gratefully accepted the anonymity

offered by the forest,and finding kindred

souls had made their tough life somehow

tolerable.In each others company, they

had found the blanket of security that life

had conspired to deny them

They could talk about a variety of topics and

concepts on account of varied background

and past experiences.Today strangely, it

was metaphysical philosophy.

The oldest of them was thinking aloud, ‘

some of our intimate actions give us more

pleasure and our mind keeps positioning

us to make us reiterate these actions,so

that we get to re enjoy those fleeting

moments of pleasure. Over a period of

time , this becomes a habit which we

eagerly anticipate and enjoy.If there was

no pleasure, life would become flat and

unbearable for desolate souls like us.”

The other three listened patiently , not

wishing to interrupt the thoughtprocess.

In the type of life they led and struggles

they had to contend with, moments of

pleasure were few and their memories

very faint and unclear.They were more

familiar with pain than any pleasure, so

the words of the oldman seemed more

like a tame joke than profound wisdom.

The urge to talk never the less was very

much evident and it was a way of life to

pass such nights.

The second man thought differently.For

him ,talk of pleasure was painful.He said

“Ibeg to differ.I think pain rules the life.

I think there is pain in every effort weak

or strong..You can laugh at the pain but

can not ignore it altogether.It is there

alright.As you grow older away from

everybody, you seem to feel the pain

more frequently.”

The mention of pain made them un

comfortable and to hide it from one another

, they all laughed un easily .The third one

said as though he wanted to change the

subject ”Ithink, you are mistaking pain

for fear. Man is dogged more by fear than

pain. In all his actions , there is a fear

of failure, some thing going very wrong

as it happened to many of us. Fear of

uncertainty of positive results arising out

of our actions. Fear can be kept in check

but never conquered totally..Yes weak

or strong , fear lurks around you all the


The fourth one , the youngest of the lot

remained quiet.The others had expected

him to talk because normally he was the

one who kept them going . He seemed so

knowledgeable, with broad forehead and

shining countenance. They had heard

that he had attended the university

at Takshashila, which he had to leave

suddenly because his enemies had cought

up with him all of a sudden ,terminating his

quest for knowledge and scholarship., and

he had to run away. He had been running

all the time, from place to place till he

found some safety in this forest cover..To

night , he was listening to his friends talk

about pain and fear and he had endured

pain and fear of far greater intensity and

frequency than any of the others. There

was a time he was known by names like

Abhaya and Ahimsiks.The irony of life was

such that those names were more cruel

appendages of his personality ,as he was

always in perpetual fear of discovery and

pain as consequence .

The youngster shifted his weight. Actually

he was squatting in front of the fire,his

troubled face in the shadow , with his

buttocks arched over the ground, his

feet held together tightly and his chin

resting on his round knees. This way he

was better able to absorb more heat and

handle the cold.As he shifted his position,

others leaned in anticipation, thinking

he was going to say some thing. They

always liked to hear him speak. He had

such a rich cultured voice and a knack of

saying in simple words, complex feelings

and issues. They hoped he would speak.

He pushed himself up and stood towering

over them. He was tall and well built. Power

oozed from every pore and he locked his

fingers and lifted both hands above his

head, flexing his muscles. He had the

raw poor you see in some people. He had

trained himself to be a warrior some time

back but never came around to testing his

strength in any combat situation, because

he was always in fear of consequences

of his actions. He preferred to run away

from situation, than making a stand and

testing his strength and fighting skills.

He feared that his strength would be his

undoing. He was feeling that fear again

and wished his friends talked about some

thing else.

He turned away from fire and walked

towards the distant bushes. They watched

him as darkness enveloped him as he

stepped out of circle of light thrown by

the fire. They shrugged their shoulders

in disappointment. The world was full of

strange people. Some people preferred

to carry their burdens on their own


shoulders, not wanting others to know

of their problems. Jagan as they called

him was definitely in different mood this


Jagan smiled to himself.It is so easy to

talk about fear and pain, when you are

sitting around your own camp fire., when

you feel secure that your friend wont stab

your back all of a sudden, when screaming

mob is not chasing you.when armed men

on swift horses are not chasing you down

and you are not dodging silent arrows

aimed at you. You don’t wait to see if

there is any pleasure in the engagement

or the violent grip of fear around your

neck. Then you run , run as fast as your

legs can carry you away and away from

that source of fear and pain. He had the

intelligence to find a way out of this fear,

He even had his own supporters, many

in number who would have made him a

king. If only he had stopped running and

made a stand. He never dared to find out.

Because, the fear had the uncanny habit

of creating distrust. Intense distrust piled

on more fear. Whenever he trusted, he

faced more pain . Betrayal, treachery and


flight. That was his way of life earlier..It

was like a large wheel, turning over and

over fear, trust and pain , one over another

always inter linked, keeping him on the

move all the time till he found secured

shelter in this forest. He had never cared

to talk about such experiences. Today,

he had heard his friends talk about these

aspects so casually. He wondered if any

of his friends had suffered that way.

He walked back to the fire in time to hear

one of them pose a question,” can pain

or fear be used to induce pleasure?”

Second man said,”sure.”

“How?”,jagan almost shouted.

“Simple, “said the oldman,”transfer it to

another person and see how you feel.

That would be a very satisfying moment


They all became very silent, thinking

about what the old man had said. They all

knew it did not work that way at all. Fear

and Pain were permanent perceptions

while pleasure was a fleeting one, lasting

for a very very small time. Man had not

worked out of that problem , yet. It

required a very special person to make

pleasure a lasting perception. The world

would stop for such a person. They had

no idea that such a person was already

born and He was closing in on them.

Jagan was puzzled. He was wondering if

it was really possible to gain pleasure by

transferring your own pain and fears over

to another person. Would it work for every

one. Importantly would it for him? If so,

it would change his life, he thought.