My Big Girl Dream by I May End Soon - HTML preview

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Bella arrived the hotel and she did as she was asked. Now, Bella is in the room waiting for John. John eventually arrived and when he got into the room and he locked the door and he kept the key.

“Why did you lock the door?” asked Bella.

“Why are you concerned about me locking the door?” asked John.

“Never mind. So what do you want to tell me? I’m just really eager to know.” Bella said.

“Wait! Do you have any idea about the requirements I told you I will disclose to you today? Please, give me a sincere answer.” asked John

“I can’t really say. Just tell me please.” Bella said.

“For real? After the discussions we had yesterday, after I sent a message to you asking you to meet me in a hotel room at such hour of the day, and even after both of us are here now in this situation, enclosed in a single room with the door locked and you still don’t have any idea about the requirements you are to perform here. Anyways, I will take my time to tell you. You are going to be sleeping with me right here in this room.” John said.

“What?! No I can’t do that. I cannot just do that. Please if there are other options, please tell me. But this one, no way.” Bella said.

“Looks like you’re joking. After all the efforts I have exerted over you. After all my time, money and influence that I dedicated in your way, don’t you think you need to pay me back? Or do you think those things I did for you were for free or I just willingly gave it expecting nothing in return. You better agree to it.” John said.

“Are you really serious about this? As in, do you really want to do this?” Bella asked.

“Does this situation look like we are acting a movie here? Or have you ever seen me on a stage doing standup comedy before? See, you are wasting my time. Limit your talk and start rolling.” John said.

“No, I am definitely not doing this, not me Bella. And I’m even having this feeling that you’ve been lying to me and you told me all those things, thinking they could make you have your way with me. But no, I refused to be fooled by your tricks. And let me tell you one thing, if you ever pester me on this issue, I will report your case to the director and you will possibly be fired as a consequence.” Bella said.

John was however a man who towered above six feet, and was quite well built. By virtue of the extent to which he possessed manly features, he had the tendency to strike hard and inflict severe pain.

Bella stood up to leave and as she approached the door, she realized that the door is locked and the key was with John. She requested for the key to the door and John, while still sitting on the bed, stretched out the key, signaling for her to come for it. But, it so happened that his intention was different. As Bella moved closer to him and reached for the keys, he viciously struck her on the neck with a sharp point of the key and then he grabbed her and delivered three head butts to her. Consequentially, Bella lost her balance and he overpowered her and eventually, he raped her.


“No man is alone with a woman but the Shaytaan will be the third one present” – Prophet

Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

“No man should be alone with a woman unless there is a Mahram with them” – Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)


(In a hotel room)

“But Mr. Frank, what were you telling me on phone yesterday night? I thought we had an agreement, and I’ve done my part and met with the conditions you laid out. I expect that you should fulfill your own part of the agreement. Or tell me, didn’t I serve you well?” said Adele.

“Adele, you did serve me well. But you know, there are some times in life when some unforeseen circumstances just spring up which can disrupt or affect some already designed plans. This is what has happened here. Let me tell you, that movie which I’ve been working on and planning to fix you into the role we agreed upon, the project has been withdrawn from me and given to somebody else. So someone else is now in charge. The movie producers felt they needed someone more competent to carry out the task, and now I’m no more in charge, which consequentially means that you have also lost the opportunity to be assigned for that role by my approval.” Frank replied.

“What? After all I have done to secure that role? So all my sacrifices were for nothing? This is a loss to me, after all I have invested and sacrificed in the way of that role, you’re now telling me you cannot give me the role anymore?” Adele asked.

“Not that I meant to cheat you, Adele. It was the circumstances involved that lead to that. But, I have some information for you. I know how much you love to get that role and considering that you’ve made some sacrifices and investments in its way, I don’t just want you to fail in achieving you goal just like that. So I contrived some plans and effected some measures. The new person in charge of the project was one of my counterparts when I was still in acting school, so I personally know him. I connected with him and I tabled your matter before him, and we were able to reach some conclusions. He agreed to give you the role, if you can fulfill some conditions. So I just don’t know if you are ready to fulfill the conditions, but I think they are beyond your capacity or not totally impossible for you to achieve.” said Frank.

“I want to know the conditions before I decide if I’m ready to fulfill them or not.” Adele demanded.

“Actually, he wants to have a short time affair with you. He wants to have his way with you, but he hasn’t disclosed the period of time for which such relationship will continue. But he added that if you’re able to fulfill the condition, he assured that you will get the role. I’ve not known him to be a cheat over the years in the sense that he may eventually not fulfill his part of the agreement after you’ve done yours. It wouldn’t even have happened in my case, if not for what happened. So what do you intend to do?” Frank declared.

Adele bowed her head in grief. She didn’t expect that things would turn out that way. Adele, in her struggle to get movie roles, had been trying different means to achieve her goals in the industry, before she eventually met Frank and went into an agreement with him. Her part of the agreement was to offer her body to Frank for pleasure on some occasions and period agreed to between them, which she did. And in return, Frank was to assign her pursued role to her if she met the standards. But it so happened that Frank couldn’t deliver as expected.

“Okay, how can I meet him?” Adele asked.

“I would give you his contact, so you can connect with him. You should introduce yourself, and tell him you’re from Frank. His name is Johnson. And please note that after this move, once you are able to connect with him, you have to deal with him and leave me out of your relation with him. Connecting with him to discuss your case with him and reaching those conclusions, in addition to giving you his contact, of course, are the final measures I will be effecting to help you secure the role. Once I give you the contact, and I will as well give you some money, I am opting out and it is over between us. So whatever happens between you two, you have to deal with it with him and leave me out of the picture.” Frank asserted.

Adele receives the money and the contact and leaves the hotel room, feeling disappointed and sorrowful.


“Hello! Good evening. Is that Mr. Johnson?”

“Yes. And who am I speaking with?”

“This is Adele, from Mr. Frank.”

“Oh! Adele, how are you doing? Oh! You eventually agreed to the conditions. That is good. So when are we meeting? Should I send you the details? I don’t want you to waste time on this, as the time when the filming of the movie will commence is fast approaching. If you don’t act fast, someone else may get the role and I don’t think there can be any other slot for you if you lose that role. And when you are coming, please don’t wear gown. Don’t wear something wide at all, okay? You may wear miniskirt or leggings or … Hello! Are u there?” Johnson said.

(Adele was amazed at what he had said. She had not even expressed her readiness or consent to the agreement and he had reached conclusions in that manner.)

“O.. O.. Okay, you can send the details. I will be expecting your message. Good Bye Sir.” Adele replied.

“Okay, I will send it. I will…”

Adele cuts the phone. She was feeling irritated.


A black jeep parks in the front of a building, and a lady comes out of the building and enters the car.

“My lady, why are you frowning? Aren’t you happy to see me after we couldn’t see each other all these while?”

“Why won’t I frown at you? Honorable, this is not just fair. It seems like you are just taking advantage of me. I don’t see you doing anything about my condition. What is happening? What have you been doing? I didn’t get any update from you about my situation and I cannot even witness you doing something about it”

“Ellen Come on, don’t talk like that. I’m not just taking advantage of you and I’m not being unfair to you. Is that why you are frowning? Now smile. My lady smile, and let me behold your ravishing face in such countenance.” Honorable was trying to appease her.

“Honourable, please I am not joking here, and I’m not smiling until you give me updates about my situation. Let me know what you’ve been doing at least.”

Ellen who talked about women dominance over men and not just equality, is trying to achieve her aim of involving in political affairs of the country at the federal level. She succeeded in joining the most widely supported party in the country, and as she didn’t want to start from a lower level, she opted for having an affair with the chairman of their party in hoping that she could be favored and given a place in the political affairs of the country at her desired federal level.

“Okay! Okay! You know we are preparing for the presidential elections. For a candidate to win the presidential seat in this country is not child’s play. It is a tough competition. All other parties involved are contriving some serious plans for their candidates to attain the seat according to our research. Although, our party is regarded as the most widely supported in this our country, but that doesn’t mean we should just relent or shouldn’t step up our game. If we do not effect some rigorous and efficacious measures for our candidate to attain the seat, our party might just lose out on such a big catch. The more we relent, the more we jeopardize our chances of attaining our goal. That is the game. And as the party chairman, that is part of what I’ve been busy with and that is why I travelled. I hope you understand?” said the Honourable.

“But, what is in for me in all your plans or am I not featured in the processes yet?” Ellen was curious to know.

“Okay. If that is what you want to know. I’ve met with our presidential candidate and we’ve reached some conclusions in your favor. If our candidate eventually succeeds in attaining that seat, he will put you in charge of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development. Are you okay now?”

“For real? Oh! You’re so amazing. Thank you so much” said Ellen exhibiting satisfaction.

“So can we see tonight?” the Honourable asked.

“Of course, we can”

“Okay. I will see you tonight. Bye for now.”


“Have you been able to reach him?”

“No, I haven’t. What could be happening?”

“I hope it’s not what I’m thinking”

That was Genevieve and her sister, Kate. Genevieve in her efforts to start a business with some money she was able to accumulate, she came across a business deal online. An advertisement read that:

If you want to be a dealer in lady and baby care products, toiletries, home care products etc. imported into the country from different developed countries from different parts of the world and sold out at affordable prices, please feel free to connect with us on the following contacts. +123 – 90 839 56 300

+123 – 80 576 00 000

Genevieve saw that as an opportunity and contacted the supposed company. After some bargaining and negotiations, she forwarded some money into a given account in anticipation of the arrival of her goods. As days counted and ran into weeks, Genevieve felt the arrival of the goods was taking too much a time. She contacted the numbers but they were all switched off. She tried to go through the e-mail and she realized that the e–mail address was fake. She browsed the CHATBOX account that disseminated the adverts she came across on social media, but she couldn’t find the account. It was deactivated. She tried to browse the name of the company on a search engine to get any possible information about them, it didn’t yield any positive results. The supposed company did not have a website. She tried to ask people if anyone has heard or knows about the company, but she didn’t find anyone who knows about the company. So the only option she had at that time in her capacity through which she could reach them was their mobile numbers. She dialed and dialed, but she couldn’t reach them as the numbers were all switched off.

Actually, there was no company initially. It was just one man who tried to play smart and devised fraudulent means to earn some money, and Genevieve deplorably fell for the scam. She was swindled out of her money, a huge sum of $27, 000.

“What are you thinking?” Genevieve asked.

“The numbers are switched off, the e-mail is fake, the CHATBOX account has disappeared which probably means that the account was deactivated, you couldn’t find any website for the company, you couldn’t find anyone who knows or have heard of the company, the bottom line is that you cannot reach them through any means in your capacity and through all the possible measures you tried. All these, if analyzed with a critical look, they seem like indications of a scam story. I think you’ve been scammed.” Kate replied.

Genevieve who wanted to run businesses, be a boss and give orders was eventually scammed in her pursuit of achieving her goals. However, she is from a rich family, and that scam experience didn’t mean impoverishment for her, but $27, 000 was quite a huge amount of money. As a consequence of that experience, she became $27, 000 poorer. The parents of both sisters were out of the country and had left a huge sum of money and some assets for them. Part of the assets given to Genevieve had been lost as a consequence of the scam experience.