Few Moments of Letting Go by Kavita - HTML preview

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About the author


Kavita is the author of Few Moments of letting Go. Besides giving her time to this book she had to put her best spin to parenting her daughter, handling her boss at a demanding marketing job, dropping down dead with her close friends while random adventures, fixing household stuff and of course her addiction to reading. She has been writing Poems and Articles since last ten years and have submitted more than one articles in various formats. She believes in spreading love and light around her by touching all the lives that she encounters in a positive way. She loves to interact with children and is also practice psychotherapy in the same direction.

She believes in what she writes. She has firm faith in the fact that all human beings are interconnected at a larger level and our feelings affect each other immensely. The book is an attempt to connect with people and speak with them through a story.