Don't Say a Word by Patty Stanley - HTML preview

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Eleven year old Marianne Singer was found kneeling over her five year old sister Shelby with a bloody hammer in her hand. Her mother told the attendants in blue jump suits that she had heard her daughter say she would kill her younger sister. She had to tell them what she heard. “They were always fighting and Marianne was always threatening to kill her.”


“I didn’t do it. She was like this when I found her,” Marianne insisted. She started crying and bent over, sobbing.


The ambulance attendants took Shelby away in an ambulance with the sirens blaring. A Detective and a lady dressed in black slacks and jacket came and put Marianne in a plain black car and drove away.


“It won’t be for long, Marianne. They don’t keep little girls for a long time.” Rex, her stepfather said while untangling her fingers from his clothing. “Remember, don’t say a word to anyone about our secret,” he whispered to her as they led her away.