Damage Control


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Published: 14 years ago

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Book Description HTML

When a Mexican drug lord sets his sights on celebrity money manager, Peter Hansen, a quiet terror is unleashed across suburban New Jersey. As Peter's investment business morphs into a money laundering center for drug lord Julio Viola, friends, family and clients get caught in the wake. Dr. Nick Johnson, Peter's good friend, is appointed to serve on a high profile heart drug study, and is flattered and eager to further his stagnant career. But Nick’s excitement turns to terror when Julio discovers the valuable inside information Nick has about the pharmaceutical trial and unwittingly makes it known to Nick that the cartel has no plans to let him live in the end. Will Julio deliver on his death warrant for Nick? Will a celebrity client take vengeance on Peter for his lies? Download this FREE e-Book today and find out!

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Timothy Gilbert

Sequel is out! Overload is the name http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/57184 I have been writing Damage Control on and off for over two years with only limited interest from agents. The publishing world is in such chaos right now from sites like this. The sequel to Damage Control is being written and will be out in a few months. I have four beautiful kids that leave little precious time to write. Please enjoy my work. 12-07 update: I have a new idea for the opening chapter. Check out the new version at timgilbertsite.com