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E v a n A n s o t


Copyright © 2016 by Evan Ansot. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise

without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

Scripture quotations marked (kjv) are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge, 1769. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

This novel is a work of fiction. Names, descriptions, entities, and incidents included in the story are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, and entities is entirely coincidental.

The opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily those of Tate Publishing, LLC.

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Published in the United States of America

ISBN: 978-1-68319-790-4

1. Fiction / Christian / Futuristic

2. Fiction / Christian / Historical


This book is dedicated to the children of the bloodline. Soon, all will be revealed about this great truth. One that has been secreted

away from the masses for a very long time.


Introduction ........................................................................ 9

1 Gabriel ....................................................................... 11

2 Adam .......................................................................... 31

3 Noah .......................................................................... 65

4 Abraham .................................................................... 83

5 Moses ....................................................................... 129

6 The Ark of the Covenant .......................................... 167

7 Lucifer ...................................................................... 182

8 Elkanah .................................................................... 196

9 Samuel ...................................................................... 226

10 David ........................................................................ 229

11 More Prophecies....................................................... 264

12 King of the South ..................................................... 280


This is the second book of my Blood Royal series. It’s a

series of books based upon messages given from the Holy

Spirit, and upon a Biblical prophecy. A prophecy that began

four thousand years ago, when a man made an agreement

with his God that would change the world, affecting billions

of people. The ramifications of that agreement are still being

felt today on a wide-scale basis. Part of that agreement was

that all the world would be blessed through the man’s seed,

creating a holy royal bloodline which would eventually lead

to the Anointed One. The prophesied Messiah who will rule

all nations, and lead this planet into the Golden Age.

Beginning with Abraham, to his great-grandson Judah,

to King David, and to Jesus and beyond, this controversial

bloodline is sending shock waves today felt throughout

the world.

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Through a series of events beginning in 1985, a man finds

out he is the carrier of the holy royal bloodline, and that he

has children scattered on four different continents. Each one

of these prophesied children is chosen for a final mission on

Earth. A mission that began four thousand years ago with a

prophet from the desert, and a God he believed in.

Archangel is a book about one of those chosen children

of the Holy Royal Bloodline. I hope you enjoy reading this

manuscript as much as I enjoyed writing it.

—Evan Ansot

January 12, 2016

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June 3, 2016

Alexandria, Egypt

On the anniversary of the death of his father, Youssef

Sherif laid down his prayer rug. He knelt down slowly

and deliberately, at exactly 8:34 p.m., for his evening prayers.

Youssef ’s fifth of the day. His bodyguards, Omar and Abdul

from the Egyptian Secret Service, dutifully stood watch.

It had been a long and depressing year for the twenty-

nine-year-old Egyptian politician, one which he would give

anything to forget.

Youssef had spent a long and trying search for the identity

of his biological father, a Mr. Edward Dudley, of Bald Eagle

Bluffs, Michigan. Youssef was able to spend an hour with

him before Edward Dudley was gunned down while he was

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vacationing on Mount Tamborine, in Queensland, Australia.

It had all happened right in front of him, and had left a

gaping hole in his soul that wouldn’t, and couldn’t, be filled.

His mind had frequently replayed the scene. Neither mind

nor memory would let the images fade. Father and son were

walking down the side of the road, when suddenly, a black

sedan with two men inside pulled over next to them and

opened fire on his father, Eddie. Three shots had struck his

father, which put him in a coma for three days. His father

came out of it long enough to instruct Youssef to go find his

sisters, then he passed away.

Just as Youssef was finally able to say hello to his biological

father, he said good-bye.

Youssef went first to Italy to find his younger sister,

Gabriella, and then on to Israel to find his elder sister, Anna.

Along with Anna’s daughter, Miriam, they prayed as instructed

by the archangel Gabriel. While doing so, two ten–year-old

girls and a woman who looked to be about forty years old

also joined the prayer circle. After deep prayer, a white light

enveloped the entire scene. It was the prophet Jesus telling

them to continue in prayer, and that he was going to retrieve

Eddie from the gates of hell.

The last image Youssef saw of his father was with the

prophet Jesus, who was taking his father on his way to the

kingdom of heaven. His father, Edward Dudley of Bald Eagle

Bluffs, Michigan, with an enormous smile on his face, then

prophesied to Youssef that he would see him on the other

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side. Those would be the last words his father would speak

to him. Words which burned through Youssef ’s soul as he

replayed the scene a thousand times since.

After safely seeing his father to heaven, Youssef returned

home to Egypt. He tried to carry on his duties as an Egyptian

politician representing his district in Alexandria, but it was of

no use. There were too many words left unsaid between father

and son. Too many experiences unshared. It was a burden

that was impossible for the Egyptian to handle. The only

consolation for Youssef was that he now knew that he had

four sisters who shared the same father with him.

He kept up correspondence as best as he could with his

newfound family members. His sister Anna in Israel wrote

him about every other week. His father’s fiancée, Elizabeth,

wrote him weekly from Australia, keeping him up to date on

the status of his twin sisters, Jessica and Joan, who lived there.

They also kept track of each other through social media on the

Internet. And, up until about a month ago, he had also kept a

weekly correspondence with his sister Gabriella in Italy. May

5 was the date of the last letter he received from her.

Yet on the first anniversary of his father’s death, after

suffering from months of depression, Youssef was on the

verge of joining him in heaven. Life just wasn’t worth living

anymore. He tried desperately to hang on, but his spirit

was waning.

Tears flowed down the cheeks of Youssef as he prayed to

his God.

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Allah, why did you take my father from me? After all these

years of not knowing him, I finally get to see him, just to watch

him be yanked away from me. I need to know more of him. I need

to experience him. I need to find out who he was! This wound

inside me cannot heal. I have tried to carry on without him, but it

is fruitless. I am lost without his presence…

…Please give me the strength to live…

His prayer was interrupted by a brilliant burst of light

energy that entered and enveloped the room approximately

three feet in front of Youssef. He looked upward to see the

being who had visited him twice previously, the archangel

Gabriel. The first visit from Gabriel had been on March 15,

2015, to prophecy to him that he would one day become

leader of all of Egypt. The second time was on June 9, 2015,

to tell him to find his sister in Israel and pray for the soul of

their father.

Gabriel stood around eight to nine feet tall, emanating

rays of light in all directions. He was dressed in a long,

flowing white robe with a golden rope for a belt. As before, he

also wore his leather sandals. A long, two-hand broadsword

was sheathed at his side. He had dark, shiny, flowing hair,

penetrating blue eyes, and a well-trimmed beard. When he

spoke, it sounded like the voice of thunder:

“Youssef, the Father has heard your prayer and desires to

answer you.” Gabriel then stretched out his hand for Youssef

to grasp. Hands shaking with fear, the young Egyptian took

it, and was immediately teleported to a strange place.

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That place was the rock of Mount Moriah, where the

sacred Dome of the Rock is located in the Eternal City of

Jerusalem. It took a moment for Youssef to get his bearings as

he looked around and scanned his surroundings.

“This is where the sacrifice was to take place,” said Gabriel.

After a few moments of standing on this rock of ages, they

were then teleported to another place.

It was a large tent sat upon an open plain. Inside the tent

sat a man with his head between his hands, weeping bitterly.

“Who is this?” asked Youssef.

“This is your father, Abraham. He cannot see us,” said


“The prophet Abraham? The father of the prophets

Ishmael and Isaac?” asked Youssef.

“The very same, the father of yourself and your younger

brother Isaac. Youssef, Ishmael, and yourself are one,” replied

the archangel.

Ishmael. I’ve heard that before. The Egyptian mystic known

as Ahmed Rama had told him the very same thing, thought

Youssef. “Why is Abraham weeping?” he asked.

“Because in his mind he feels that he has lost everything

that he has cherished and loved—his family,” answered

Gabriel. “From his perspective he lost both his sons and his

wife, because he listened to and obeyed the Father.”

“I don’t understand,” said Youssef.

“The Father, or ‘Allah’ as you call him, needed a man whom

he would and from whom he could make himself manifest.

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He wanted someone who would be able to share the same

feelings that he has. He selected Abraham, and asked him to

offer up his son as a sacrifice. As you know, Abraham obeyed

and would have carried out the mission had not the Father

intervened and stopped him. Yet Abraham still lost the child

because he ran to his mother and both immediately left him.

Abraham’s wife would no longer be able to trust a man who

would willingly slay her son at the request of his God. What

you are now witnessing is Abraham realizing that he no

longer has a family. They have left him.”

“Then why would Allah put this man through this?” asked


“Because the pain that Abraham is feeling is the same pain

that the Father felt when he sacrificed his son as a ransom

for many.”

“The prophet Jesus?” asked Youssef.

“Yes,” answered Gabriel.

“Why did that have to happen? Why did Allah have

to sacrifice his son? Why did he have to feel the pain that

Abraham is showing me?”

“The Father knows everything beforehand, and when Jesus

was on the cross at Calvary and cried out, ‘My God, my God,

why have you forsaken me?’ the anguish of the Father was

tremendous, as he knew it would be. Like a knife to his very

heart, the pain was deep. So the Father looked for a man who

would be able to share that same unique pain. The pain that the

Father would have at Jesus’s moment of doubt. Therefore he

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sought out and found a man who would be able to share that

feeling with him. That man was Abraham. So when Abraham

consented to God’s command, and then lost his son because

he was willing to sacrifice him, that intensely painful feeling

was shared between God and man. Because of Abraham, the

Father now understood the pain that was to come. Before

that, it was just a concept to him. Do you understand?”

“I think so,” said Youssef.

“Allow me to continue. The Father knew in advance that

he would have to sacrifice his only son for the benefit of

mankind. So he chose a man from whose seed his son would

come from. He tested Abraham to see if he too would sacrifice

his son, and, as you know, Abraham passed the test of faith,

and out of his seed came forth Jesus. Once Abraham passed

the test, an agreement was made between God and man. The

Father would make Abraham’s name great. He also promised

many descendants from him. He promised land for those

descendants to dwell in. Most importantly, he promised that

the Savior of the world would come from his descendants, his

bloodline. As a sign of this agreement, all the male children

from Abraham’s seed would become circumcised.”

“Abraham was truly a great man,” declared Youssef.

“At the moment of losing his family, he didn’t feel so great.

He sacrificed all that he loved for the God he believed in. In

the end, his God would be all that Abraham would be left

with,” said Gabriel.

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Tears were flowing down Youssef ’s cheeks. “I need to

know more of this,” he said, in between the sobs of Abraham’s

pain. Watching of the scene inside Abraham’s tent, he could

literally feel the passion of the man.

Gabriel looked at Youssef, once again holding out his

hand, which Youssef took, and they both teleported to

another place.

It was a world of light and color.

The two were standing in a courtyard outside a temple

which emanated the entire light spectrum. Hues and shades

were cast out in a thousand directions. The brilliance of it was

astounding to Youssef ’s eyes. Shades of color dazzling the

young Egyptian. He could see and feel the magnificence and

beauty of all things in this most holy place. The energy being

transmitted was beyond comprehension. Youssef felt he was

about to faint at the sight of everything when he felt Gabriel’s

loving hand on his shoulder to steady him.

It seemed as if all the light and energy of the entire

universe was concentrated in this one place.

“Fear not, Youssef. You are standing in the courtyard of

the kingdom of heaven,” said Gabriel.

“I somewhat remember this place when we were praying

for the soul of my father. It’s so beautiful and awe-inspiring,”

said Youssef. He looked around at his surroundings and

saw twelve trees of twelve different colors surrounding the

courtyard. Each bore a different variety of fruit. All were

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fed by a river of living water whose origin stemmed from

the source of all the light energy that filled this most holy

place: the Temple. Youssef knew his scriptures, and thought it

looked exactly like Solomon’s temple. Surrounding the trees

were twelve different angels, who guarded them with flaming

swords. No one could eat of the fruit of the trees without first

getting permission from the source of all things: the Father,

who resides in the temple, within the ark of the covenant.

The river which flowed from the temple to the trees

looked as if it was made of glass. It ran from the Temple

to the middle of the courtyard, and then branched off into

twelve different directions, feeding the trees. One minute it

was blue, the next green, the next violet, and so on. It fed the

trees and gave them eternal life.

“I have the sudden urge to drink from the water of this

river,” said Youssef.

“It’s called the river of life, and you can’t drink from it

unless you reside in the kingdom of heaven,” said Gabriel.

“What does it do to you?” asked Youssef.

“It gives one life and makes each eternal,” answered Gabriel.

Youssef looked at the river a little longer, noticing that

it flowed past the twelve trees then branched back together

and flowed out of the courtyard into what looked like a large

building. The building, shaped in a circular fashion, looked to

be at least twelve stories high.

“What is this building?” asked Youssef.

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“It is the Hall of Souls, known as the Hall of Duf. It is also

called the Hall of Records. This is where all the information

is kept on everyone’s lives, past, present, and possible futures.”

“The building seems to be changing colors,” noticed

Youssef. “The bottom third is the same white color, the middle

slowly changes colors, but the top seems to be in a constant

state of flux.”

“The bottom part of the building, the lower four floors,

were the past. The middle four floors are the present, and

the top four floors are the possible futures. Each soul in the

Hall has a distinct and unchangeable past, which is why it

is the color of white and doesn’t change. The middle four

floors are the present. The colors change as each soul changes.

The top four floors are the possible futures, which is why it

is in constant change. As the soul changes in the present, it

affects the soul’s future, changing its colors more radically,”

said Gabriel.

“Fascinating. Can we go inside?” asked Youssef.

“It is the reason we are here,” said Gabriel.

Immediately the two were inside, looking at an infinite

number of threads all interwoven with each other, beginning

from the bottom of the building and stretching to the top.

The entire color spectrum was well represented. Most of the

colors were red, blue, and yellow, the primary colors. Some

were green, orange, and violet, and all of the secondary colors

in between. A few were black, and a few were white. Even

rarer were some silver and golden threads.

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Youssef was awestruck as he gazed at the sight of it. He

looked at the archangel, the most beautiful being he had ever

witnessed, and asked, “Tell me the meaning of the Temple,

the river, the trees, and this Hall of Records.”

“The Temple is the seat of the Creator, the Source. Within

the Temple is the eternal ark of the covenant where the Source

of all things resides. From the Source stems all things, which

is represented by the river of life. The twelve trees are the fruit

that the river of life produces. The river then flows into the

Hall of Records and bears this fruit from the trees, and brings

the fruit to all the souls that exist. It begins at the Temple and

ends here in the Hall.”.

Youssef could only look at Gabriel, trying to comprehend

all the information that the angel had just given him. “So

each one of these threads in this hall is a particular soul?”

He asked.

“That is true,” answered Gabriel.

Youssef ’s eyes focused on a particular thread that stood

out to him. It was golden, and it wove in and out of many

other threads, which all had very different colors. “Who is

this golden thread?”

Gabriel stood silent for a moment, as if he was listening

to something or someone before he spoke. “The Father,

which is the Source, who resides in the Temple, has given

me permission to show you. The golden thread is the soul of

Amos. He has been on a special mission agreed upon between

himself and the Father, a long time ago.”

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“What mission?” asked Youssef.

“To create change on a massive scale,” said Gabriel.

Youssef looked at Gabriel, uncomprehending what was

put forth to him. “What does this thread that is called Amos

have to do with me?”

“He is your father, the one who was called Edward Dudley

in his last life,” said Gabriel.

“And the one who was called Abraham in a life previous

to that,” declared Youssef.

“And many more names besides Abraham,” said Gabriel.

Youssef ’s mind was about to explode. This was a flood of

information in a short period of time, and it was taking time

to process it all. Gabriel stood by him patiently as Youssef

kept tossing it all inside his head. This talk of reincarnation

was new to this devout Muslim.

After a few moments, Youssef spoke again. “I need to

know the whole story, how it all began, the meaning of it all.”

“Then we must start at the beginning,” declared Gabriel.

“Once again, take my hands and I will show you.”

Youssef did as was instructed, and immediately a holo-

graphic projection appeared before him inside the Hall.

“What do you see?” asked Gabriel.

Youssef focused on the images in front of him and said,

“I see a bright light. In the middle of the light, I see three

figures. They seem to be moving out of the light and into

the darkness. The figures look like mighty angels, and one of

them looks like you.”

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“Very good, Youssef. The three figures are Lucifer, Michael,

and myself,” said Gabriel.

Youssef looked at Gabriel, studying him for a moment.

He had been with the archangel for a little while now, and

his fear and trembling of the spiritual being was subsiding.

He looked like a being at peace with himself. A calmness and

serenity emanating from within. Gabriel with his eyes of fire

looked back at the young Egyptian. No, that wasn’t correct;
