A Pebble for Dickey by Tkraghunathan - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


A young Kamala was walking fast in the afternoon sun. It was month of May and sun was torrid. She had pulled the end of saree to cover her head. The hot radiation from the tar road hit her in the face roasting it to a fine blend of reddish brown. She had more than a mile or so to cover before she could reach her hut in the outskirts of the city. Her hut was situated amidst a cluster of thatched huts in a clearance beyond the big  hospital. She was just beginning to see its profile shimmering in the hot sun. She wanted to pause and have a sip of water, but decided she would hurry home. .The road was deserted and she saw no movement of vehicles. Every one preferred to stay indoors to escape the heat.

She walked and walked. Soon she was with in touching distance of old man who was walking in front , ahead of her. He had been in her sight last few minutes..

She noticed that his steps were becoming wobbly.

He was swaying from side to side trying to maintain his walk.

She knew he would collapse any time .She had seen many people suffer heatstroke during long summer months.

She hastened her steps to come close to him and caught up with him just as he collapsed. She caught him in her strong hands. She pulled him over to side and found a tree near by.She made him lie on the ground in the shade. She looked inside her bag and took out a long bottle of water. she sprinkled some water on his face and put the water bottle to his lips. He drank eagerly  and sat up in a fit of cough. She moved and put him against her chest  to make him a little more comfortable. With one end of saree she waved in front of his face.The wind generated by this makeshift fan revived him. He stayed put leaning against her soft body and opened his eyes. He moved a little to look at her and smiled at her. His eyes were very bright and she saw those eyes were very kind.. He tried to speak. She offered him some more water and he drank some more. He wiped the bottle clean and returned it to her. He said softly, ”Thank you , dear. You are very kind.”

Kamala found her tongue. She said, ”Oldman, you should not be out on the road in this heat”

I know dear, but I am in a hurry.

‘where do you want to go?“


But that place is far away. You can not walk to that place, not in the condition you are presently in. If you don’t mind, you can stay with me for the night and proceed to hyderbasti in the morning

The old man considered her offer.

I came here to visit a hospital. can you take me there. I have to see a doctor there.

“Yes, I will help you to reach the hospital. It is near by.

She walked ahead and he followed her holding her hand. kamala found the hand soft but it had some strength. They came to the hospital.it was a two storied building  of old type design, standing on its own ground with lot of trees all round it. She saw many people sitting under different trees. There was car standing at the portico and a well dressed but tired looking man standing close to the car in the act of opening it. He saw kamala and Oldman. His tired face changed to one of anger. from where he stood, he stopped kamla and  the Oldman in their tracks with an unexpected outburst, ” you have  come a long way,Oldman.”

‘and just in time, I hope’ returned the Oldman, jerking himself free from kamala’s hold.

The words came out spontaneously. There was no attempt to greet each other.one could make out that there was no love lost between them. kamala could touch the intense sense of hatred trading between the two. she realised they knew each other .

The Oldman said calmly, I have come to take charge of what is mine. what is justly due to me . as per your own commitment made long long ago. 

The younger man retorted, ’there is nothing that even remotely belongs to you. I have made no commitment. you are wasting your time. now go away.’

The Oldman stood his ground. he had expected this .he said maintaining his calm. .” I am asking you one last time. Settle now and you will live well with all that you possess. if not , doomsday is not far off. I am the only person who can save you. After all these years, god has sent me back here. I will save you as per His will but all help will be conditional.”

Your helping days are long over, Oldman. I am amazed that you still talk about god after what all you went through. You are a doddering old fool. I have no use for help, not your help  anyway.so please go away.

Oldman laughed. ’okay, I will go away now. But your dooms days are closing over you. I can see all that as clearly as I see you now

I see this smart building built  with my money, being ripped apart and put to flames. Thirty days That is all you have. My words always come true.’

The younger man laughed. “You have suffered a stroke, Oldman.  Sun stroke. you are blabbering. Go home and sleep. you will see everything in new light once you wake up after a good night sleep. I am tired , I have had a busy day.”

  He got into the car away drove away without another look at the Oldman.

The Oldman kept staring at the speeding car .His eyes were blazing. All his muscles were drawn tight over his old body. The hold on the young woman’s hand was too tight. With great effort he brought his emotions under control He said haltingly, ‘let us go my dear. Those people who  drive double speed to their hell are blind to red lights on their way I am  the red light he jumped now.

A pity, he did not wait to listen to what I had to offer.

I am sorry we are going to lose a good doctor..

They walked to kamal’s hut. There in over a kerosene lamp. The old man told an extra ordinary story. Kamala listened with her jaws dropping.