Paradise Unveiled by D.B. Magee - HTML preview

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• Possible concept: Glasses and Headphones??? • Components to produce all required frequencies –


• Power source – NEEDED • Micro computer processor to control the simultaneous

delivery of the range of frequencies (both audio and visual) – NEEDED

• Container to hold all components and power source –


• Self destruct device or circuitry – NEEDED

It looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me,he thinks and drops the tablet and pencil on the desk and heads for bed. Chapter Fourteen

It’s been two years since David’s receipt of the “gift”. He is now in the process of constructing a pair of glasses or goggles that he calls the Frequency Glasses. Until now he’s been researching and studying all things related to waves, frequencies and vibrations. He’s even researched and now understands the basic concept of the effects of our brain waves on our bodies, and the various states that our minds go through. He has also researched technology and concepts available for producing various types of light and sound waves.

During this time he has discovered that the “gift” given him by Paul will cause our current brain waves to change through a process known as entrainment. This is a process of synchronization where vibrations of one object will cause the vibrations of a different object to oscillate at the same rate as the first object.

David has found that he has to use a combination of light patterns and a technique known as “binaural beats” in order to cause the brain waves to be altered and forced into the required meditative state. “Binaural beats” is a technique whereby two different frequencies are presented to the ears, one frequency per ear. The difference between frequencies is perceived by the brain and is a very effective stimulus for brainwave entrainment.

He has decided to work in and manipulate the Theta or twilight state of the brain. In this state the mind is in a waking dream where vivid imagery displays before the mind's eye and it can perceive information beyond the normal conscious awareness. Meditating while in this state awakens intuition and other extrasensory perception skills.

David has set up a workshop in his office and has put partitions around it to keep Jamie out and safe from the various tools and equipment present. Most of the components needed he has already developed or gathered. He has also bought or borrowed assorted test equipment from work for adjusting and verifying the frequencies produced by the diverse components.

Already he has constructed the basic frame for the glasses. These frames look like a bulky version of the standard-issue military glasses distributed to service men and women whom require prescription eyewear. The ridge along and above the lenses support a small lightweight box that houses the microprocessor, power supply, and other respective components that produce the required frequencies.

The microprocessor is contained in one side of the box and the components producing the frequencies are on the other side, with the 6V power supply in the center. The outside edges of the frames near the lenses house LED’s that produce the light patterns and frequencies onto the lenses. The lenses themselves are painted black. The ear pieces are thick and sturdy and hold rotating arms with micro speakers at their ends. These arms rotate down toward the ear canal and produce the inaudible, binaural beat, high frequency waves to the ears. When these arms are rotated up, for removal of the glasses, the speakers rest close to the lenses. The speakers are covered in a foam sponge material, similar to what is found on small computer microphones, in order to protect them and to prevent any discomfort to the wearer. David has incorporated guards or blinders on the sides of the glasses inside the ear pieces and just long enough to block any stray outside light.

Some of the equipment David needs to test, adjust and verify the correct frequencies being produced by the components of the glasses is too big and valuable to remove from work, so he has received permission from the head of the lab to use the lab and equipment on off hours.

A computer program has been created by David that he can manipulate and upload to the microprocessor via a small USB jack. This program will cause the microprocessor to signal and adjust the electronic frequency components (EFC’s).

The values of the frequencies themselves are not contained on the microprocessor. An index and cross reference binary number system is written into the computer program. The true values (frequencies) are kept in David’s head. This is part of the fail safe incorporated into the glasses. If anyone ever got hold of the glasses and the un-configured computer program they still couldn’t get the microprocessor to configure the correct frequencies without the knowledge retained by David himself.

Another feature he has incorporated into the glasses is a destruct circuitry. If the glasses are tampered with or even if the cover to the battery pack is removed, or power lost to the glasses, the operating frequency configuration would be lost.

Once new batteries or other power was re-established and the cover put back on, only then could the computer program be uploaded again and the components configured properly.

The configured computer program is never saved in any manner. Every time David reloads the program he has to add the correct values to the appropriate places in the computer program first. This prevents anybody from getting hold of the completed computer program and uploading it to the glasses allowing them to function.

David is at home in his workshop when Susan steps in. “Hey babe, I’m going to take Jamie to the park and hang out with a few friends and their kids for a couple of hours this afternoon. Is that alright with you?”

“Sure, I was planning on going over to the lab again to see if I’m any closer to getting these to work anyway,” he says indicating the glasses. “Hey, what do you feel like doing this evening?”

“Nothing special, unless you have something in mind.” “No, not really, we’ll just play it by ear then.” “Ok,” she says moving cheerfully across the room

towards her computer. Sliding gracefully into the desk chair she begins scanning her new E-mail messages. “Hey, I got one from Beth... and one from Kim too!” she informs.

“Really, what’s she up to lately? We haven’t heard from her in a while.” David peeks over the partition from his office workshop.

“I’m not sure yet, hold on I’ll read it.” She quickly scans the E-mail from Kim and fills David in on the main points: “Sarah is now a little over two years old. Kim and John are doing fine. John is still teaching and Kim is still freelance writing. She apologizes for not writing sooner, she says she’s been real busy with various writing projects. She asks about all of us and Beth. She says she will try to E-mail Beth right after writing this one. She is enjoying Japan and she says that a few of her magazine clients want her to travel to some of the other far east countries to write some articles and documentaries, but she has turned them down for now because of Sarah being so young. That’s basically it for the headlines. You can read the entire E-mail if you wish. I’ll leave it in my in-box for you.”

“Ok thanks. It sounds like she’s doing ok. We’ll have to try to visit sometime so we can see the baby...and Japan.”
“Should I book the flight?” Susan jokes.
“Ha-ha” David counters. “Who knows, maybe we can go this summer though.”
“Beth says ‘hi’ and that she and Mary are doing pretty well. She is still feeling lonely and has been talking about possibly moving out here in the future. She says that she has given up trying to astral travel and now just satisfies herself with communicating to Brian via Madam Mary.”
“If you write her back, say ‘hi’ for me. Tell her they ought to come out here for a visit soon. We can take a few days off work to spend with them,” David offers.
“Really? Good I’ll mention it to her.”

David arrives at the lab and even though it’s Sunday a guard is present and lets him in. He has been to the lab many times during the last two years trying to get the frequencies to configure and operate properly, without success so far. Approaching the room where the diagnostic equipment is located he notices someone nearby in the hallway.

“Good afternoon sir. Stuck working on a Sunday huh?” Bill asks. Bill is one of the new janitors recently hired and responsible for cleaning this area.

David glances at his name tag. “I’m just here to run some tests, Bill,” David answers simply, not wanting to get into the details of his purpose. He enters the room and shuts the door behind him.

A moment later Bill enters and proceeds with his janitorial duties of the lab. He continues to come and go while straightening up and cleaning the floors.

David crosses the room and reaches the oscilloscope and sets it up. He rolls the spectrum analyzer and the Frequency analyzer over to his workbench and prepares them. Booting up the computer he then uploads the program from his flash drive. He inputs and verifies the appropriate values, using the same values he used last time. He feels that based on his previous results he may be getting close to the correct configuration.

After connecting the glasses to the computer via the mini USB cable he uploads the configured program to the spectacles microprocessor and checks that the battery’s charged. The digital frequency analyzer program on his computer is activated. This he uses in conjunction with the other test equipment for comparison and recording purposes. With everything set and configured properly he dons the glasses taking a quick peek.Yeah same as last time, he thinks.

He rests the glasses on the bench and turns to the computer.Ok, these were the last set of values used, so let’s try this, he considers as he tweaks a few of the values in the computer program and uploads them to the glasses.

It will take a minute for the program to upload and then automatically configure and adjust all of the components. David decides to get a soda from the vending machine in the hallway. Unplugging the flash drive he sticks it in his pocket. He then minimizes the various windows on the computer as a matter of habit whenever leaving the area. He quickly surveys the room and seeing that it’s devoid of people steps out and heads down the hall.

“Hi David how’s it going?” asks George, the security guard on duty.
“Oh, not too bad so far but I’m just getting started.”
“Are you still working on that secret project of yours?” George peeks around the hallway covertly while asking the question, as if it’s a matter of national security.
David chuckles, “Yeah, but I still can’t get it to work.”
“It’s alright, you’re a smart one I know you’ll get it working... whatever it is,” he states in a reassuring tone.
“Thanks George, I’m sure I will... someday.”
David buys his drink and heads back to the testing room. Staring at the ground deep in thought he enters whistling to himself. Just as he starts to close the door he hears a noise and looks up. There’s Bill wearing the glasses whilst fiddling with the speaker arms.
“Whoa... Hey Bill those are fragile and in the middle of being tested right now. Please put them down.” Hastily he approaches the janitor and unplugs the cable from the mini port in the glasses.

For a split second while Bill peers into the blackened lenses, while the electronics of the glasses as well as his brain waves adjust, he sees nothing but the reflection of blinking LED’s. Then, suddenly he sees an image so clear and beautiful it’s beyond description.

“What the...” he exclaims as he reaches instinctively to steady himself.
Irritated, David says, “Bill these glasses are delicate and experimental, please let me have them back. I need to check the results of the test I’m running.”
“Uh, wait a minute this is great!” He continues staring into the glasses. As he gazes at the imagery he begins to make a mental note of what he’s witnessing. His first conscious observation is that he is looking at some sort of spherical land. Scanning the scene he attempts to fully understand exactly what it is he’s looking at when it becomes apparent that he is seeing not a land and not even a world, but many worlds that seem to extend deep into space. As he attempts to focus on details he can see houses, trees, hills, valleys, lakes and complete communities within these worlds.
Astonished, he quickly snatches the spectacles off his face and stares at David. “Hey, what’s with the specs?”
David’s demeanor changes, now that the cat is out of the bag. From Bill’s attitude and comments it’s apparent that the glasses work so he proudly states, “They’re called Frequency Glasses and they allow the wearer to see into the spirit world.”
“No way!” Bill blurts as he turns the glasses around in his hands and scrutinizes over them. He decides on a second look at David’s claim and asks, “Mind if I take another peek?” Without waiting for an answer he dons the glasses once again. Againit takes a split second for the adjustment and then ‘viola’ celestial beauty floods his vision once more. Something seems different this time but unable to determine what it is he doesn’t give it a second thought.
David relaxes and leans back against his workbench and just watches the janitor. A smile comes to his lips. He’s pleased that the glasses seem to work, even though he isn’t the first to try them.
Bill peers about and studies the scene in more detail. It seems to him that he is not justseeingthese worlds but that he is actually among them.
“This is pretty darn amazing,” he says as he continues to look about. “How’d you get all of these worlds to appear as if they are on different levels? The 3-D effect you’ve got going on here is awesome!”
He begins to shift his gaze to another area and notices that for some strange reason the scene is becoming darker. He decides he doesn’t care for this imagery and sets his sights further outward toward the beauty in the distance.
Casually Bill glances to the right and notices ethereally delicate houses dotted far apart along a lush rolling hillside amongst robust trees and wildflowers. The leaves of the trees are a rich and velvety green with hints of gold that sparkle as they reflect rays of light.
Bill’s mouth drops open as he stares in disbelief at this wondrous sight.
The tree trunks that he focuses on now are not the usual dull brownish tinge that we see here on Earth, but a rich and shimmering brown with a soft bark of patterns and textures that exhibit the efforts of a magnificent artist.
Moving on visually he sees a city to his left.
David clears his voice.
Bill decides he better speed this up a bit.I have to get back to work anyway, he thinks. Quickly scanning what seems to be up or is it out, he can’t decide, he looks from one world to another and notices that as the world’s progress further out the scenery becomes more brilliant.
Out of the corner of his eye he catches a glimpse of a grand mansion.
He starts to focus on it and hears David say, “Excuse me, but can I have my glasses back now?”
Bill says, without actually taking off the glasses, “Yeah sure here you go.”
Just as he is thinking about taking off the glasses he remembers David’s claim that these glasses allow you to see into the spirit world. He smirks and thinks,I don’t think so! Very nicely done and the colors and materials seem unworldly but this is just an image, a part of the glasses themselves.He reaches to remove them when he senses movement. He stops and looks again. He drops his arm. There is movement! He continues watching and it appears that the movement is coming from what looks like balls of light, or wisps of light or clouds, he can’t decide. He now sees that these forms are moving about everywhere.Why didn’t I see this earlier? he wonders when the thought hits him that this must really be a movie of some sort.
Apparently the movie doesn’t start for a predetermined amount of time, enough time to allow the wearer to get a sense of this “spirit world” before seeing the movement.Ah, now I get it, the movements of light are suppose to be spirits, yes, this is what this guy is claming to be able to see with these glasses. Fascinating and brilliant, he thinks. But hah, this guy is trying to sell some kind of scam and I am on to him.
Still looking at the ‘movie’, he smiles at the wonder of it all and reaches up once more to remove the glasses. At the same instant he thinks,if this is supposed to be real I should be able to see my parents,and almost instantly he sees two of these floating streaks of light approaching his location. He instinctively pulls his head and shoulders back as if something is invading his space. As the two forms of light near they seem to change form. They arrive and position themselves effortlessly right in front of him. He notices two “people” looking at him and smiling. Bill blinks and stares back at these two and it hits him.These are my parents! Startled and amazed he thinksgreat trick, and starts to say that out loud to David when it becomes instantly apparent that David, someone whom he just met, could not know what his parents look like.
He pulls the glasses from his head and stares at David in disbelief. “I... uh... just saw my... parents.” Bill looks a bit flustered.
“Oh, your parents are passed? I’m sorry to hear that.” David is truly sorry for his loss but at the moment he is more interested in reclaiming his invention.
“Yeah... but that was a long... uh, no don’t worry about it, that was a long time ago,” he remarks as he regains his composure. “No, no, I’m not sad over their crossing, as I said that happened a long time ago. What I want to know... is how you got my parents in your glasses.”
“First things first, Bill. Can I have my glasses back?”
Bill looks down at the glasses still in his hands and answers, “Oh yeah sure. Sorry, here you go.” He
relinquishes the glasses.
“Ok, like I said a few minutes ago, these glasses are being designed to allow the wearer to view into the spirit world. And it appears from your experience that they now work. I’ve been working on these for two years and until now haven’t been able to get them configured properly. Since I haven’t yet had the chance to look through them, I can’t comment on what you saw. All I can say is that I hope it was a good experience for you. I still have more testing to do before I am ready to introduce them publicly. Can I count on you to keep my secret for awhile?”
“Oh yeah sure, you bet, no problem,” Bill quickly answers.
David looks inquisitively at Bill, who is still standing there staring at the glasses, and says, “Well I need to get back to work.”
“Oh yeah me too!” Bill replies. “Thanks for letting me check those out.” He gestures towards the glasses as he heads back out to the hallway to continue his housekeeping duties.

David is so excited by the thought that the glasses finally work that he is too nervous to put them on. He stands there staring at them for a minute thinking about the comments Bill had made. He glances at the various test equipment and considers putting everything away and going home to try them there but thinks,what if they are not quite working right yet, I may have to make a few more minor adjustments. He decides to test them himself briefly.This shouldn’t be that big of a deal. I’ve traveled to the other side many times by meditating, although this will be the first time without the limitation of ‘the window’. Walking swiftly across the room he locks the door and returns to the workbench. He plops down on one of the pneumatic chairs and gets comfortable.

Here goes , he thinks as he dons the glasses. A quick moment of flickering lights and suddenly, POOF! He’s there right in the middle of a field of beautiful vibrant green grass about knee high, intermixed with wild flowers that are flowing amongst the blades of grass to an undetectable breeze. The flowers are of various types with colors that are bright and vivid.Amazing! This is truly remarkable!” he thinks. He peers over the landscape and can see everything that a world would have all from one vantage point. He sees majestic mountains that shine with colors that can not even be conceived.These mountains don’t look hard and cold, like the ones on earth, he considers.These seem warm and inviting. They almost appear soft, like a marshmallow or cloud. The changing elevation of peaks and valleys are very gradual, no hard changes in elevation, no feeling of abruptness.

Without the limitation of “the window” David feels totally free. He continues to look about, adjusting his focus up and into the distance. He can see various bright and shiny cities. These cities seem to float in and occupy various depths of space. He can see cities floating above, beyond and below other cities. As he stares and concentrates on these cities he is mystified by another startling discovery - there are various landscapes around and between these cities. He can see hills and dales, mountains and valleys, fields, lakes, streams and rivers. But to David’s amazement it appears that the landscape is one continuous flowing and changing landscape that traverses space in and amongst all planes and dimensions.I can’t believe this, he thinks.I don’t remember noticing this type of landscape on any of my previous trips here. It appears that if someone from one city in one plane started walking along the landscape that he could wind up at any other city on any other plane without leaving the landscape he started on. It just continues to roll up into other planes, then out, then down. The effect is truly unimaginable and impossible in a world like ours. This world is truly more than three dimensional.

As he considers this for a moment, he thinks about getting a closer look and immediately moves very quickly toward his point of focus. “Whoa, I almost forgot about being able to do that,” he says to himself and immediately follows with the thought,this is much better than using ‘the window’. As he continues to get closer to one of the cities he makes a conscious effort to stop and does. He looks upward and outward. He concentrates on what now looks like differences between groups of cities and landscapes, and other cities and landscapes.Ah, I think I see the transitions between levels and possibly spheres.It’s so amazing to be able to see all of paradise without being limited to one level at a time. Man, I can’t wait for mankind to witness this. How can we dare to continue with all of the negativity and destruction on earth knowing this exists?”

David is just about to move on when he remembers that he is not actually here but still on earth.Oh wow, I’m still sitting in the lab.I guess I’d better get back. And with that he makes the conscious decision to close his eyes and remove the glasses.

The glasses off, he opens his eyes and is back in the dimly light (compared to paradise) diagnostic and testing lab. The room feels dreary. He suddenly feels emotionally negative, almost depressed. He shakes his head to dismiss the dispiriting feelings and thinks about his recent experience.

That was awesome! All of the sudden the reality of the situation hits him. “Damn, I did it... it works... I’m done, its over,” he says out loud.What now, what do I do? What should I do... he considers to himself as he sits there dazed, confused and excited all at the same time. “Calm down, sit down... oh yeah I am sitting. Relax and think, take a deep breath,” he says to himself and then seeks to follow his own direction.

Finally calming himself he commences to turn off the equipment and document the values, codes and adjustments he’s made. Recording them in a code that only he can understand he then deletes various digital files from the lab’s computer and runs a file destruct program which prevents anyone from un-deleting the information. He checks that he has his flash drive, shuts down the computer and packs the glasses and cable in his briefcase and heads home.
Chapter Fifteen

David arrives home and finds that Susan is not yet back from her outing at the park. He is still overly excited about everything; the fact that two years of research and design are now over, that the glasses are a success, that he can travel the spirit world unhampered, and that now he can look into presenting them to the world. It was however his whole reason for wanting to do this, to help mankind and hopefully start the process to peace on earth, which he believes can be initiated with the presentation of these glasses to the world.I need to get hold of Paul! I need to let him know that they’re completed. I need his help in developing a plan for presenting these to the world.

In his office David removes the glasses from his briefcase and turns them on via the little switch located on the outside bottom center of the component box. He settles into his recliner and dons the glasses rotating the speaker arms down towards his ears. A moment later he’s in the spirit world. Looking around he notices that he’s in a different location than he was the last time he put the glasses on.

Huh! I wonder if the different entry point is due to the different exit location on earth or if it’s random each time I put on the glasses. Maybe it’s some function of time,he wonders.I’ll have to study this... or just ask Paul. He decides the latter would be quicker and easier. He pauses for a moment to enjoy the scenery.

This time he’s in a dale between assorted rolling hills. The valley is covered in a golden grass that almost looks like wheat which runs slightly up the bottom of the hills where it transitions into a beautiful light tan thick patch or ridge of multi-shaded flowers.

Beyond the polygonal ringed shaped ridge of flowers that surround the valley along the hills and beyond the grass, are light green hedges with some kind of darker green and yellow flowers growing along the tops of the bushes.

Beyond the bushes the terrain merges into short trees, a little darker in color than the hedges but not as dark as the taller trees beyond these short ones.

The tallest trees are a rich dark green that looks almost velvety from this distance. They reach the top of the hills and beyond.

He decides it’s time to contact Paul. “Paul, are you there? If you have a few minutes I would like to meet with you.” He projects his thought the way he has in the past during his other astral travel journeys.

Immediately Paul appears in front of him. “Well hello there! Due to the fact that you are standing in my realm without the escort of ‘the window’, I would have to say congratulations are in order.”

“Yes, thank you! That’s why I came to talk to you, to let you know that I finally got the glasses working. I must say I am truly amazed at the freedom this allows and the ease and quickness at which I can arrive now.”

As David explains he nonchalantly glances at his form. “Whoa! How did that happen?” he asks referring to the fact that he is robed and not naked as before.

Paul smiles, “I took the liberty of making it an automatic process. I hope you don’t mind.”
“No, that’s wonderful. I’m sure Susan will be happy about that when she visits. How are you able to do that?”
“It really isn’t much different from the way people on earth automate a process. I simply program the process of robing anyone who arrives here through the use of your glasses. Think of it like: the lights of a room automatically coming on when someone walks through a door.”
“Ah, that simple huh?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“Cool.” David pauses momentarily and then
remembering his reason for being here adds, “Hey Paul listen, I also wanted to talk to you about how and when we can introduce the glasses to the world.”
Paul looks at David with concern showing on his face. “David, I know how much you want humanity to be able to see this world and to know that it exists with the hopes that it will change mankind’s outlook. And that you think humanity will be so influenced by what they learn that no option exists except for an outcome of world peace.”
David nods.
“I want you to know and you must believe that the SfM has been around for a long time, and that we have been watching the ways of man and hoping for an opportunity to get involved and help make a difference in the benefit and welfare of mankind. You must also know that we can not directly interfere but can only help when asked, and then only advise and hint towards ideas and concepts.”
Paul pauses and looks at David for a minute and then continues. “We can also somewhat see into the future. Actually it’s more like following a timeline, or persons life that’s in motion, and projecting past it and being able to determine what will happen next, providing the person stays on the path that is under consideration at the time. Think of it like being the parent of a toddler and you are watching this youngster waddle toward a low table that has a sharp edge sticking out. You already know that if the baby doesn’t change his course he will run right into the edge of the table. Well that of course is a very simplistic example but I think you get the idea.”
“Yeah, I follow what you are saying but what does that have to do with...”
Paul interjects. “We know that mankind is not yet ready for this wonderful ‘key’ that you have created. However, we also know that there will be a time in the future, as well as a group of people that will exist in that time, that will give the glasses a very good chance for success. This then is our plan for your invention. I hope

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