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I want to thank and congratulate you for downloading the book, The Weight Loss Cure: How to Lose Weight Faster Than Ever Before and Keep It Off Forever.

This book contains proven steps and strategies for losing weight and keeping it off. With the variety of diets available, one can’t help but wonder about the weight loss process. What should you eat? What workouts should you take part in? Do miracle pills exist? When you lose weight, why can’t you keep it off? For most people, the process becomes frustrating.

So what’s the solution? You’re probably thinking, ‘How is this book different from the rest?’ Well, just like you, I have struggled with my weight. I was bullied when I was young, and I grew up insecure. Then, I sought answers. I used myself as a guinea pig, experimenting with almost every available exercise, diet, cleanse, and course. I even put myself through school and studied nutrition. I became a personal trainer, transformation specialist, and more. Still, I wasn’t happy. I needed more information, so I joined a well-known and respected health and wellness company with which some of today’s top health and wellness trainers, including Chris Powell from the T.V. series “Extreme Weight Loss” are involved. I met and interviewed great leaders with years of experience.

I needed more than a so-called magic pill, so I took my pursuit seriously. It became part of my life, and now I want to share this information with you.

What are the real reasons we gain weight, and how can we shed those pounds forever? How can we avoid gaining fat? How can we live longer, healthier lives? How can we become more confident and never again stress about gaining weight?

Thanks again for downloading this book. I hope you enjoy it!

see how to lose weight fast>>>

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Chack how can lose 1kg 7 days>>>>



You can be the hero of your own story. You woke up today with a vision of change. How many times have you set goals and tried to accomplish them, but found that things didn’t work out the way you wanted? Many people come out of those situations disillusioned, angry and resentful, looking for someone to blame. I truly believe that not always getting what you want is part of life’s design. It’s what makes you who you are. It divides the weak from the strong, the ambitious from the unmotivated. To build the foundation of something you want, you must serve what I call an apprenticeship. You become the student and life becomes the teacher. You must learn early on to endure life’s ups and downs, knowing that, in the end, all the time you invested will lead to pleasure, mastery of a craft, and mastery of yourself.

To want success is not enough. Only when you know what you want, understand why you’re pursuing it, and dedicate every ounce of your being to making it happen, no matter what gets in your way—then and only then will you achieve it. You can’t pretend to be the hero of your own story and you can’t live in the past. Your sense of who you are determines your actions and what you get out of life. If your vision is limited and you see yourself as helpless in the face of your day-to-day difficulties, you will maintain few ambitions and receive only the little that you expect for yourself. Instead, you must train yourself to pursue the opposite—you must ask for more, aim high, and believe that you are destined for something great.

Your sense of self-worth comes from you alone, never from others. As your confidence in your abilities increases, you will start taking risks that boost your chances of success. People follow individuals who know where they are going, so ask yourself: Do you know what you want? And do you know where you’re going? Make no mistake about it, the process is difficult, but you are the determining factor.

Your brain is like a switch. Once you believe you are something, that belief becomes a part of you. If you were in a coma and woke with no memory, but were told that you were a special agent who needed to go back on duty, do you think you would have a different self-concept than if you were told you were a guitar instructor? Success is all about having the proper belief system. You must truly believe that you are something unique. If you truly believe that you’re one of the best in whatever you choose to do, you will be a completely different person then if you simply hope that you’re good.

Your expressions and tone of voice will be different. You’ll talk with more confidence. You’ll be more real and relatable.

Your brain is like a high-tech device that you carry around with you, everywhere you go. If you infuse it with the proper wiring and nourishment, you will head straight to your target. If you’re unsure about who you are, your dreams and goals will never become reality. Everyone has doubts, even the most successful among us, but not everyone lives in those moments. You must learn to handle those negative thoughts and overwhelm them with positive actions. Trust that you are better than the moment and that you will overcome it because you are stronger than you think.

I have many weight-loss tips to share with you, tips that have probably been right under your nose your whole life. These very simple tips can help you quickly lose one to two inches from your belly in under a week, and continue to shed pounds faster than you would on any diet. You must pay close attention because this book contains some of my biggest fat burning secrets, the same secrets that companies don’t want you to know. I mean, why would they if they are making millions of dollars selling diets and pills that aren’t lowering the obesity rate?

You're probably thinking to yourself, ‘Listen...I’ve tried every diet known to man. I’ve given it my all, but the weight just keeps coming back.’ Let me stop you right there. What I’m proposing is not some magical weight-loss pill. It has nothing to do with that crazy acai berry garbage or special drops or any of the other weight-loss scams we see all over the Internet these days. In fact, these tips date all the way back to the 1950s and help explain why

the majority of North Americans are now considered obese. You might think it’s due solely to the foods we eat; while I agree with that in part, it’s not the main issue. Instead, the problem is more like a puzzle. The story isn’t complete until you put all the pieces together. I’ll show you how you can eat some bad foods and still lose weight. Believe it or not, it's not your fault.

The situation stems back to the hunter/gatherer days of our ancestors. At that time, men were not built for fat storage; they were built to be lean and fast so that they could hunt. The ways in which men accumulate as much fat as they do nowadays are contrary to human genetics. Women, on the other hand, were built to maintain fat stores so that they could survive and care for children, especially during times of famine. A woman’s essential minimal fat stores are many times higher than those of men.

Women were built to accumulate as much fat as possible and to not lose those accumulations so that they could produce milk and give birth to children.

When it comes to weight loss, women get the short end of the stick.

They’ve been hardwired to retain weight. Women's fat cells are bigger and have more fat-storing enzymes than do men’s fat cells.

In addition, estrogen multiplies fat-storing enzymes, boosting weight gain around the butt and thighs like it's an Olympic event. It also reduces fat-burning enzymes by as much as 50 percent.

Is it possible to overcome these genetic issues? I’ve got some great news—the answer is “yes.” I’ll share one simple tip that can instantly boost your fat loss, guaranteed. When you learn what I’m about to share with you, you’ll realize why the popular, well-known, so-called “diet” programs simply don't work in the long term. Mega-rich weight-loss companies make money by selling

gimmicks that, at best, lead to temporary results. But here's the thing—we don't need them and their expensive tricks to lose weight. The lesson I’m about to share will enable you to eat some bad foods and still burn fat.

Let me offer a quick anatomy lesson, something about which you’ve probably never heard. The liver’s main role is to break down toxic substances and produce bile. Bile, in turn, breaks down fat in the small intestine. Bile is critical for the transportation of fat throughout the body. Consequently, liver dysfunction can lead to difficulties eliminating a type of fat, cholesterol, that’s very common in North American diets. Liver dysfunction plays a significant role in weight gain, especially around the belly and the abdomen (i.e., a pot belly). An unhealthy liver can also create a roll of fat below the upper abdomen and can lead to cellulite, which tends to appear in the butt, thighs, and belly. A person will likely encounter difficulty removing this abdominal fat until his or her liver function improves.

Basically, what I’m saying is this. When junk clogs your liver, you’ll have trouble losing weight no matter how much you diet and exercise. Ever wonder why, when you lose weight, you gain it right back? Well, clean up your liver and turn it back into the metabolism-boosting organ it’s supposed to be, burning fat 24

hours a day, seven days a week—even while you sleep. The key is to get your body as healthy as possible before you begin a proper weight loss program. I believe that starting a weight loss program without cleansing and purifying your body will set you up for failure before you even begin.

According to Gallup polls, six in ten Americans want to lose weight.

No problem, right? Wrong! Many of these people have unhealthy habits and are not getting the exercise they need to lose the amount of weight they

want to take—and keep—off. They’re stressed so they grab unhealthy food because they don’t have time to eat or cook properly. You may or may not be part of this population. In any event, how do you stick to your plan and keep the weight off?

That's where my book comes in! I’ll show you not only how to lose weight, but how to keep it off. You WILL fit back into your skinny clothes. You WILL be proud to shop again. You can pull your skinny clothes out of storage. You’ll drop that extra weight and learn to love yourself again.

You’ll feel sexy again and other people will notice you.

Weight loss is a great way to look awesome and feel awesome. Want that job promotion? Want to meet someone new or have your mate fall in love with you all over again? Improving your diet—getting good stuff in and bad stuff out—will help you feel better, reduce stress, and reduce depression.

All the toxins in your body are hurting you and you don’t even know it!

These toxins, as well as your extra weight, put unnecessary stress on your organs. Now is the time to do something about it!

Don't opt for costly plastic surgery, or undergo dangerous bariatric surgery, gastric bypass surgery, or banding. Don’t buy expensive weight-loss products from store shelves. The truth is that many of them do not work!

Think you should wait to lose the weight? Think again! The older we get, the harder it is to lose weight. The longer you are overweight, the more you put your health at risk. The more stressed out you are, the worse your weight problem becomes. Let's face it. Fat makes you sick. Stress makes you sick. Bad food makes you sick. A sedentary lifestyle makes you sick.

All of these things can shave years off your life.

Consider your family members and friends. The older they get, the more their joints and backs ache. Their extra weight causes arthritis, spine degeneration, thyroid problems, heart disease, and a myriad of other chronic illnesses. They have exposed themselves to a lifetime of free radicals and toxins. However, right here in this book you’ll find the secrets to feeling great! Simply implement the practices that we discuss, and you’ll start feeling better. Other people will notice and ask what you’ve been doing.

You can share this book with them!

Do you think that fasting will help you lose weight? Think again. Fasting puts your body into starvation mode, which actually halts your weight-loss efforts. A fine line exists between eating healthy portions, under-eating, and eating unhealthy stuff that causes stomach bloat and weight gain. Anorexics who stop eating can actually cause their hearts to stop. Your body needs healthy fuel, so avoiding food is not the answer.

One of the most important concepts to remember is that weight loss is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix. Over time, you must learn to eat better. You didn't learn your unhealthy eating habits overnight, and you won’t unlearn them in a day. You’ll need education, perseverance, and support. I’m here to provide those things and to help you on your journey. Be kind to yourself.

Give yourself time to unlearn your healthy habits and to re-learn a new way of life that will make you feel better!

In this book, I’ll teach you how to lose weight, how to make lifestyle changes, and how to keep your weight off.




Let's be real with ourselves. “Junk in” means “junk out.” Have you ever eaten McDonald's or another type of fast food every day for a week or two?

If you're anything like me, you found that your hair became greasy. Your skin got pimply and discoloured. You started to feel bloated and sluggish.

You just didn’t feel good. Your body was letting you know that your food had bad things in it. Don’t believe me? Try eating fast food for a week, then assess your skin, eyes, hair, and stomach bloat.

Want to know why you don't feel good? You feel ill because you are eating an unbalanced and unhealthy diet. McDonald's and other fast food falls under a category called “processed” foods. If you continue to eat processed foods, you continue to feel ill, crave junk food, and have trouble maintaining an exercise routine. You’ll also probably end up with some type of chronic condition, like thyroid disease, diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. These diseases require maintenance, trips to the doctor, and needle pokes. They also damage your organs and, if not treated properly, can cause death.

The first problem with processed foods is that they contain high amounts of salt and sugar. Too much salt can cause thyroid problems, heart disease, strokes, and kidney disease. You may be wondering, ‘How can salt do all that?’ Well, salt causes your kidneys to retain water, which leads to high blood pressure. Water retention and high blood pressure strain your body's organs and are unhealthy for you.

Take a Big Mac. It has almost half your daily recommended salt intake!

Add that to some french fries and another side, and you've probably reached your salt requirement for the day—in one meal. Any additional salt you take in is excessive and damages your body!

An overload of sodium, and, subsequently, iodine, causes thyroid dysfunction in adults. According to, “An estimated 20

million Americans have some form of thyroid disease...60 percent [of whom are] unaware of their condition.” Since your thyroid regulates most of your body’s systems, it can cause problems with your sleeping pattern, appetite, digestion, mood, temperature, and a myriad of other body functions.

Are you a salt fiend? Do you put salt on most of your food? Many Americans do. But too much salt is bad for you, whether you sprinkle it on yourself or a manufacturer adds it to your food before you buy it. Want an alternative? Great salt substitutes, such as Mrs. Dash, are available; instead of overloading you with iodized salt, they contain healthy spices that are good for you and that taste great. Choosing non-iodized salt is another alternative, as the iodine in salt is what works with your thyroid.

The other problem with processed food is its high sugar content. Sugar is extremely bad for us. Too much of it can case diabetes, weight gain, dental cavities, and gingivitis. Cavities become even worse when sugar combines with the citric acid in soda. Some teens who consume soda daily have gone, in as little as six months, from having no cavities at all to needing root canals in half their teeth. Yuck!

Still not convinced that sugar is bad for you? Another problem with sugar is that it feeds bad bacteria and yeast within your body. Too much sugar can cause your body to grow an excessive amount of Candida, or yeast. Are you plagued with chronic sinus infections that won't go away, even when you take antibiotics or make 100 trips to your physician? These infections might stem from viruses, bacteria, or fungi! Are you blaming your issues on allergens? Many other people do, too. Eat whole foods and learn to regulate your sugar intake, and you, my friend, might have fewer sinus problems!

Ladies, do you have problems with your pH balance or with chronic yeast in your body’s intimate areas? Sugar and processed junk food feeds those nasty little critters. You are spending a boatload of money on drug store cures for yeast infections that are being fed by sugar. Many pH and yeast problems will go away naturally if you switch to a healthy diet or increase your intake of yogurt and cultured foods or probiotics.

But wait…doesn’t fruit contain sugar? The short answer is yes, but the sugar in fruit is a natural sugar. Fruit is good for you. Processed foods and the sugar they contain are not. Artificial sweeteners, like the ones in diet soda, are also unhealthy, as sugar substitutes are no different than sugar.

Unhealthy sugars in processed foods don't even satisfy your body.

Wondering why you ate that Snickers bar and still craved more food afterward? It’s because those sugars didn't tell your brain that you were satisfied. Your body still thought it was hungry even after taking in 250


In addition, any excess sugar that your body cannot burn turns into fat. Yes, FAT. Isn't that what you DON'T want? Plus, sugar overload is literally toxic to your body. The simple and undeniable fact is that you must cut down your sugar intake. Do you want to make your food taste better? Reach for something other than sugar, like honey, and sweeten your foods naturally.

Stay away from foods containing high fructose corn syrup.

Many people don't realize that alcohol contains unhealthy sugars.

Consequently, when changing your lifestyle, consider and alter your alcohol intake. Do you know anyone older than you who has diabetes? Was that person big into alcohol? The fact that diabetes and alcoholism often coexist in the same person is not a coincidence. Among heavy drinkers, a causal relationship exists between alcohol intake and diabetes. That’s not to say that you can't enjoy a drink now and again, but everything in moderation.

If you start looking at the sugar and salt content in your foods, you’ll find a few surprises. Many sweet foods contain salt, and many salty foods contain sugar. Many manufacturers add both salt and sugar to their products because salt makes something sweet taste even sweeter, while sugar makes something salty taste even saltier. It’s a trick that manufacturers play on your tastebuds, and it contributes to over-consumption! Pretty sneaky, right?

Do you think that excess sugars and salts are the only bad things inside processed foods? Think again. Processed foods almost always contain other junk your body doesn't need, like preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, and ingredients that give the food a texture that appeals to your taste buds.

Many of these additives can cause food intolerances and allergic reactions, or are simply, in large quantities, toxic to your body. When you change the way you buy groceries and cook, be sure to read labels. If you can’t pronounce most of the ingredients that a label lists, chances are that the product will add junk to your system—junk that is better left on the store shelf!



Another habit you might not realize contributes to weight gain is beverage consumption. Most beverages (soda, for example) contain more sugar than a candy bar. When trying to lose weight, you might avoid candy bars, but you don’t realize that the Mountain Dew you substituted for the candy bar was just as bad for you. Soda rapidly jacks up your caloric intake because you don't realize that you are filling your body with unhealthy calories and sugar.

Soda actually makes you thirstier because when you drink it you take more sugar into your body. Your body then needs water to dilute the sugar and flush it out of your system. The result is thirst, which might lead you to drink even more soda than you would have if you had originally reached for water. You need fluids to burn off and dilute the sugar that you drank, so soda dehydrates you instead of rehydrates you.

Another benefit of water is that it’s a natural appetite suppressant. When you drink water before a meal, you feel full and keep your portion sizes under control. Water also helps satisfy your stomach between meals so that you end up snacking less throughout the day. In addition, water dilutes the unhealthy sugars you eat, and flushes out your kidneys, helping your body and organs rid themselves of toxins. Water also cleans your teeth and gums while you drink it!

Hate the taste of water? Healthy alternatives like Mio are available to infuse some taste into your water. Another option is to simply add lemon wedges or cucumber slices to your water. Fruits and vegetables boost flavor while adding few or no calories. Many retail stores now sell fruit infusion cups, water bottles, and pitchers whose top halves provide room for fruit wedges or vegetable slices; the result is flavor-infused water without seeds or fruit and vegetable remnants in the bottom of your glass. In addition, lemon water provides benefits other than simple hydration. It helps your body maintain a healthy pH balance, which combats yeast and sinus infections.

It’s also a natural antiseptic, meaning that it kills germs and can help fight

upper respiratory bacteria. In addition, lemon removes harmful toxins, and, because it cleanses the body, it fights acne and helps prevent wrinkles!

Lemon controls uric acid levels to ward off joint aches and pains, and is a great source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.

Essentially, by putting lemons in your water, you’re adding electrolytes, which assist in the body’s cell ionization process.

Cucumber slices can also flavor your water without adding junk.

Cucumber is full of vitamin K, which promotes bone development. It also contains cucurbitacins, which fight cancer. Like lemon, cucumber is a great weapon in the fight against wrinkles and aging because it improves skin elasticity. It also stops excess bloating and water retention in areas where you don't want it!

Not fond of putting fruits or vegetables in your drinking water? Or maybe you don't have access to fresh fruit all day long. Tea is an alternative that offers several benefits and that tastes great! Different teas provide different benefits. For example, green tea contains antioxidants that protect your cells from free-radical damage. The small amount of caffeine in green tea also improves memory and concentration. In addition, green tea lowers your risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Do you drink soda solely for the caffeine? You can replace soda with green tea and still get a caffeine boost without experiencing the negative effects of sugar, empty calories, and acid! Used to getting those amazing and expensive chocolate or caramel coffee drinks topped with whipped cream? Check out the number of calories in those drinks! They contain over 500 calories, 66 grams of sugar, and 14 grams of fat! Such numbers should make you think twice before visiting the barista. Many coffee drinks contain half or all of your day’s allotment of calories! Switch to a regular cup of coffee or a regular iced coffee with cream and sugar, and save not only calories, but a ton of money.

When you count calories during your diet, you may realize that just six or seven cans of soda will cause you to reach your maximum daily recommended caloric intake for the day. Consequently, any food you eat on top of that six pack of soda will add to your weight problems. The citric

acid and sugar in soda eat away at your teeth and can cause cavities, gum disease, and a variety of other dental problems. By contrast, the fluoride in tap water helps strengthen your teeth. That's why your toothpaste contains fluoride. Soda = bad. Water = good.

How much water is good for you? Experts say that drinking half your body weight in water (in ounces) will help you lose weight and become healthier and fit. It is possible to drink too much water, so limit your intake to the recommended amount (or slightly more if you sweat a lot). If you exercise heavily, add another liter to your daily water consumption and place a teaspoon of salt in it so that you replace any electrolytes your body lost during your workout. Your cells need water for proper functioning. One of the ways to determine whether you are properly hydrated is to check the color of your urine. If it has any color, you are not drinking enough water. If you’re properly hydrated, your urine should be clear!





The effect of processed food on the human body is something we can’t help but talk about. “Processed” indicates that something has been done to the food, that life has been removed from it. The original intent of processed foods was to prevent spoilage, which led to monetary losses. When you eat processed food, you are eating the original food’s residue. Our bodies are not designed to eat processed foods; instead, we need the life and essence that we find in “real” food. The food’s life is what makes us grow from babies to adults.

Processed food isn’t “clean-burning fuel.” The difference between processed food and real, living food is like the difference between coal and natural gas. Coal leaves a residue on everything it touches.

It emits smoke into the air and leaves ash where it was burned. This is exactly what happens with processed foods. The residue from processed foods is so bad it shows up right away, on the first body part it meets: your teeth.

Try this. Brush your teeth, then eat white bread. Run your tongue over your teeth. Can you feel a film? Now brush your teeth again and eat an apple. When you’re finished, run your tongue over your teeth. You’ll notice that your teeth are cleaner now than they were before you ate the apple. Why is that? An apple is called “nature’s toothbrush” because it cleans the teeth.

Did you know that it’s not natural to brush your teeth? Although the first mass-produced toothbrushes appeared in England in 1780, and in the United States toward the end of the 19th century, the practice of brushing one’s teeth didn’t become widespread until after the Second World War. Tooth brushing is actually a sign that the foods you’re eating are bad for you.

Cows and horses don’t brush their teeth, and they don’t need dentists. They live outdoors and eat natural food (note that I’m speaking here of animals in the wild, not farm-grown animals), so they don’t have the health problems we do. We strip all the life from our food, yet we expect that it will provide the same benefits for us that it does for the horses and cows. This is impossible because cows and horses eat grain in the form in which God provided it. As humans, we have essentially gone to the same field in which the cows and horses eat their meals; added chemicals, herbicides, and pesticides; cut down the grain; taken it to the mill; bleached it, dyed it, and altered its DNA; and added more chemicals to preserve its shelf life. We pasteurize and homogenize every fluid that goes into our bodies, and much, much more.

Over time, such processes make us ill. Mucus builds up at such alarming rates that we literally drown in it. Know that thin layer that shows up on your teeth every year? The one the dentist has to scrape off with a steel tool? Don’t forget that you swallowed the food that caused it, and that the same thing the food did to your teeth, it did to your esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Imagine that small layer growing over the course of 40

years, trapping your organs in mucus and getting harder the longer it remains. You get sick and decide that you need medication, even though the FDA says that medication doesn’t cure diseases, but merely treats symptoms. The drugs you take simply dry the mucus.

Then, you eat more processed foods and deposit additional layers on top of the first layers. Processed foods are your worst enemy.

Growing old does not make us sick; instead, getting sick makes us old.

You might be among the large percentage of Americans who are sensitive to certain types of food. Do you suffer bloat, constipation, diarrhea, migraines, or other reactions after eating foods containing things like dairy products, wheat, or soy? This is because humans were never meant to consume cow's milk. In addition, wheat and soy are things that man has manufactured for consumption that many people’s guts simply cannot handle. People were never meant to take in the large amounts of wheat that we eat on a daily basis. In many people, gluten sensitivities cause bloating and weight gain.

As an infant, did you drink baby formula? Some American babies are overweight and have severe dairy and soy intolerances because baby formula is made from ingredients similar to the processed foods we eat today. When a baby takes in too much sugar, his or her metabolism can suffer ill effects. The baby can also suffer from leaky gut syndrome as well as food intolerances and allergies. When a baby’s digestive tract and immune system are inflamed, his or her body is less able to absorb nutrients from food because it’s trying to avoid absorbing the substances to which it’s reacting. Avoiding these things in your diet can help your body digest food more efficiently, without harmful by-products, inflammation, or bloating.

Organic fruits and vegetables can also help you lose weight. Studies done by the University of Newcastle (May 2011) have shown that the higher levels of vitamins and minerals found in—and the intricate design of—

organic fruits and vegetables help your body burn fat more efficiently.

Fruits and vegetables that you grow in your own garden are best, as you can refrain from using harmful chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides. The act of gardening also gives you such benefits as exercise and stress reduction that can increase your lifespan.

Some people raise and process their own meat and poultry, hunt for wild game like duck or deer, or catch their own fish or seafood. Often, if you boil

or bake meat that you buy from a store, you will notice thick, white by-products that you don’t see in meat from an animal you killed yourself.

These by-products are the chemicals and hormones that companies pump into animals before killing them.

To get healthier meat, go with grass-fed animals, or raise animals yourself.

In some areas, you can purchase wild game or meat that hasn’t been heavily processed. Farmer’s markets may also sell wild game or grass-fed animals.

Some stores that carry organic foods have a grass-fed or organic meat section. If you eat organic products, you’ll keep unhealthy chemicals out of your system and consequently find the weight loss process easier. This is especially true if you look for leaner meats and foods with low fat concentrations.




One diet that can help you lose weight is the Paleo diet (in other words, eating like a caveman). The Paleo diet permits only foods that people had access to millions of years ago. Cow-based dairy products aren’t meant for human consumption, so dairy and cheese do not make the Paleo list. Wheat flour is made using a manufacturing process that wasn’t available to cavemen, so the Paleo diet also forbids wheat and gluten.

Processed-sugar products are excluded, as are pastas. What’s left, essentially, are vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and legumes. These are all healthy fuels for your body.

A Paleo diet might be difficult to follow right off the bat. You’ll need time to change your habits and wean your body from the foods you are currently eating. We have been raised to include many of these things in our daily food intake, and the food pyramid shows that healthy and moderate portions of dairy products, pastas, breads, and wheat are part of a balanced diet. With that in mind, in lieu of white processed breads and pastas, eat breads, cereals, and pastas made from whole grains.

An alternative to Paleo dieting is a practice called carb cycling. If you like carbs (and most of us do), you can use this diet to keep off weight once you lose it. Carb cycling is a meal plan in which you eat foods with high carbohydrate concentrations on certain days, and foods with low carbohydrate concentrations on other days. This diet includes a built-in rewards day during which you can eat your favourite foods so that you don't feel deprived (which is what might happen if you follow the Paleo diet and watch other people eat foods that you really enjoy).

One of the most important things to monitor when you follow the carb cycling diet is your fat, protein, and carbohydrate intake. To lose the correct amount of weight (and to keep it off), your body needs appropriate levels of each of these things. Carbohydrates fuel your body and provide the energy you need to move and exercise, so if you ingest too few of them, you will

feel weak and sluggish. Cutting carbs completely can cause your body to enter starvation mode and actually retain fat instead of burn it. The bottom line is that not only can eating too much cause you to stay overweight, but so can eating too little. You must do everything in moderation.

What types of foods contain carbohydrates? Vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, pastas, cereals, etc. While these are healthy choices, be careful here, because carbohydrates also include unhealthy options like chocolate cake, doughnuts, and cookies. Keep your carbohydrate consumption at a level that helps you burn fat and maintain your blood sugar so that you don't start craving unhealthy foods.

Also pay attention to your fat intake. There are healthy fats (meat and fish) and unhealthy fats (junk food). Healthy fats can help maintain your brain and heart function and eye health, as well as curb your appetite. Conversely, unhealthy fats can cause you to gain a significant amount of weight or struggle to keep weight off. However, don’t simply avoid fats because doing so will cause organ damage. Instead, choose healthy fats that provide the compounds necessary for your body to function. Not all fat is bad.

Protein, including meats, eggs, and fish, builds muscles that help you lose weight and stay fit. Without protein, you wouldn’t be able to exercise and would lose muscle mass. Protein also helps you burn calories for energy.

Keep in mind, though, that while you need protein to accomplish all these things, too much protein will spoil your weight-loss plans. I’ll say it again

—everything in moderation.

You’re probably wondering how to implement the carb cycling diet.

According to carb cycling expert Chris Powell, you should start with a nice breakfast when you wake up, then eat five balanced meals throughout the day. On high-carb days you should eat foods high in carbohydrates. On low-carb days you should eat foods low in carbohydrates. High-carbohydrate foods include cereals, breads, pastas, and canned fruit. Low-carbohydrate foods include chicken breast and eggs.

The reasoning behind the concept of high-carb days and low-carb days is that on high-carb days you’re stocking your calorie-burning furnace with fuel so that on low-carb days, instead of burning carbs, your furnace burns

fat—lots of fat! This is a trick that bodybuilders use and a concept about which most people have no clue. Still, it’s a proven system to shed weight faster than any other method.

I’ve made carb cycling a part of my own life, and others have followed my lead after noticing my amazing results. It truly works! Four different types of carb cycling exist, but the most-used and best-working version is the one I’ll share with you now.

Here’s what it entails:

Five meals a day—no greater, no fewer

A high-carb breakfast, including protein, that you eat within a half hour of waking

Remaining meals consisting of either high carbs or low carbs, depending on the day

Meals eaten every three hours

Whole, unprocessed foods

Consumption of water in an amount that, in ounces, equals half your body weight

Weight loss is a science. To lose weight, our bodies need the right combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Here’s why: Protein builds and maintains muscles, which themselves burn calories like an oven. Protein also takes longer to break down than do carbs and fat, a process that burns more calories and gives you a “full” feeling for a longer period of time.

Carbs are your muscles’ and organs’ preferred fuel, but be sure to differentiate between good carbs and bad carbs.

1. Good carbs: vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, legumes

2. Bad carbs: cookies, cake, pop, juice, candy, processed foods Good carbs are crucial for burning calories, as the process required to break down healthy carbs takes longer than the one required to break up unhealthy carbs. Unhealthy carbs spike your insulin levels, and once you’ve used up your sugars, you experience a “crash.” Healthy carbs not only regulate your blood sugar and keep your energy level steady, they also keep your “furnace” hot so that it continues burning calories.

Healthy fats (unsaturated fats), when eaten on a regular basis, can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and depression, as well as assist in the development and function of your brain. Healthy fats also help you feel full and keep your energy levels steady. Healthy fats include: 1. Avocados

2. Olive oil and coconut oil

3. Nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios)

4. Salmon

Carb cycling can set you free from years of bad self-image. Imagine being in control, feeling better, and having more energy. You don’t have to starve yourself with the idea that doing so will help you lose weight when, in fact, it does the opposite. This system fits anyone’s lifestyle. You’ll shed weight and make smart lifestyle choices that you’ll retain for the rest of your life.

You’ll achieve the balance you’re looking for in terms of physical, mental, and emotional freedom.





When people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they aren't kidding. This rule applies no matter what diet plan you follow. A healthy, high-calorie breakfast fuels your body for the day. It helps you lose weight because it fills you up and helps you avoid late-night eating.

Throughout the day, your body burns the calories you consumed during breakfast. By contrast, if you eat a high-calorie supper, then partake of bedtime snacks, your body has little or no chance to burn the calories you consume because you’re less active—or even sleeping—at that time of day.

Another good practice to follow is to eat small portions of food approximately every three hours. Some people think that when they skip meals they are helping their weight loss efforts. They are actually doing the opposite. When your body goes longer than eight hours without food it resorts to starvation mode. It starts squirreling away calories because it doesn’t know if you’re going to replenish them! When your body harbors carbs, calories, and fats, none of that will come off your thighs. Skipping meals is a bad idea.

If your schedule doesn’t allow you to eat small, frequent meals, bring healthy snacks with you. Grabbing an apple or a small bag of healthy popcorn will stop you from eating fast food. Frequent meals keep your blood sugar from dipping so that you don't suddenly crave sugars and unhealthy food. Frequent meals also keep a consistent amount of food available for fat burning and energy so that you don't feel sluggish. If you don't eat large meals, your stomach will also be smaller and not feel like a large, hungry pit all day long!

Try exercising in the morning, at midday, or early in the evening—not late in the evening. Doing the latter will energize your body and cause you to have trouble falling asleep. Your body needs adequate sleep to repair itself,

and when you exercise earlier in the day, you’ll sleep better, giving your body time to re-energize and repair itself. Rest and sleep are just as important as dieting and exercise!

What would a typical week look like if you were on a carb cycling diet? On Monday you would eat foods from the high-carb list (a healthy lasagna). On Tuesday you would eat from the low-carb list (a low-fat chicken breast). On Wednesday you would eat high carb again (spaghetti), while on Thursday you would eat low carb. Most carb cycling diets include a “rewards” day during which you can eat something like chocolate cake so that you don't feel deprived.

Some studies have shown that a Paleo diet (in which the dieter sharply reduces carbs or avoids them altogether) can cause the body to retain the carbs that it does take in. This might be why, when you lost weight in the past, your weight rebounded once you took in some of your old foods (i.e., carbs).




After reading this far, you are probably pumped to start your weight loss plan. Not so fast! You need to know a few other things before you start losing those unwanted pounds.

We’ve talked about flushing your kidneys with water to remove toxins.

Another thing you may want to consider before you start dieting is the process of detoxing your entire body. But what is detoxing?

Take a look at the ingredient lists on the processed cookies, candy, and cakes that you eat. You’ll see stuff that you can’t even pronounce! This is because manufacturers infuse processed foods with additives and preservatives to keep them fresh for longer periods of time. Our bodies aren't meant to consume these things. Also, many products contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame, some of which can cause nasty illnesses like cancer. Free radicals are dangerous. Nothing unnatural should be in your body, period.

The best way to protect yourself is to avoid putting free radicals in your body. Most of us have eaten processed foods and taken toxic medications, so you probably have a build-up of unhealthy toxins in your body. The good news is that you can cleanse your body of these toxins and prepare it for healthy eating and weight loss!

You may be wondering why your body doesn't detox itself. Actually, it does! The liver rids your body of nasty toxins and bad stuff that we take in, both from the foods we eat and the chemicals our skin absorbs. The liver converts your body’s waste products into urine so that waste can leave your body and you remain healthy. However, because we are exposed to so many toxins and chemicals on a daily basis, our livers can’t keep up, so we must regularly cleanse them.

Many methods are available to detox your liver. You can buy detox systems online or in the drug store. Or you can detox your liver through the use of certain foods, as well as through a lifestyle change. You can also take various herbs that will help your liver detox itself.

One herb that aids in liver detoxification is milk thistle seed. This herb promotes digestion and liver tissue regeneration. It also stimulates the production of bile, which helps digest food. Peppermint tea is another effective detoxification agent. Not only does peppermint tea freshen your breath and promote oral health, it also helps your liver efficiently break down toxins. Other herbs that promote healing and liver support include organic yellow dock root, turmeric, dandelion root tea, borototu bark, chicory root, and chanca piedra.

Appetite suppressants are a great way to ease into your weight loss. Lichi fruit is known to suppress appetite, as are a number of other foods and herbs. Water will also fill you up and suppress your appetite. Appetite suppression is important because if you feel like you are starving yourself while you are trying to eat better, you’ll fall off the wagon and eat unhealthy foods again.

What should you do once you have detoxified your body? To lose weight, can you simply change your diet and suppress your appetite? The short answer is no. I hate the term “diet” because it implies that if you do something or follow someone’s plan for a short period of time, you will be thin and beautiful the rest of your life. In fact, you must pursue a new way of living. You must love yourself more. Are you demonstrating love for yourself when you eat food that kills you from the inside out? Keep in mind that big companies care only about mass production, not food quality. These companies strip away nutrients so that their food maintains a longer shelf life and generates greater profits. They don’t care that their greed harms others. These production companies also have ties to pharmaceutical companies, so when you get sick off their food, they make bigger profits by offering poison in the form of “medication.”

What we don’t know or care to look into is the fact that doctors are people just like us. They go into the medical field because they want to make a

change and help people, but they don’t fully understand who funds their schools. The truth is that pharmaceutical companies pay millions of dollars every year to ensure that their medications appear in medical school textbooks. Then when students become doctors they assume their only options are to prescribe medication or perform surgery.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has this to say. “On average, students received 23.9 contact hours of nutrition instruction during medical school (range: 2–70 h). Only 40 schools required the minimum 25 h recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. Most instructors (88%) expressed the need for additional nutrition instruction at their institutions.”

Now let’s try to grasp this. When you get sick and go to your doctor, what happens? You receive a prescription. But wait. According to the FDA, that medication is not meant to cure your illness, but merely treat its symptoms.

This means that when your pancreas isn’t functioning properly (in other words, when you have diabetes), instead of treating the pancreas, the medical establishment lets it die off, then replaces its natural insulin with a synthetic version that you inject every day. Ask your doctor about treating the underlying disease or cause. He or she won’t have an answer because your doctor has not received training in this area.

This is why you must familiarise yourself with what’s really happening around you. As an example, imagine that you’re driving your car and the engine light blinks on. Instead of taking your car to the mechanic to discover the problem that caused the light to turn on, you rip out the dashboard, cut the cord, and put the dashboard back together. The light is no longer on, but does that mean the engine has been fixed? No. Instead, the engine will only get “sicker” and “sicker.”

The next time you have a headache, ask yourself, ‘What is it that I’m doing that’s causing these headaches?’ Instead of taking Tylenol or ASA, determine whether dehydration, stress, processed foods, or lack of sleep are causing the problem. Then take action. If you choose to make weight loss a part of your life, educate yourself, not only about the methods you can use

to lose weight, but also about the factors that caused the weight gain. Ask yourself, ‘What else can I do to live a healthier, longer life?’

I suggest that you visit a naturopathy doctor. Don’t stop taking your medications, but find alternatives that provide a more natural approach to healing illnesses, instead of merely treating symptoms.




Regular cleanses guarantee weight loss. For best results, perform as many of these as you can.

1. COLON CLEANSE. A colon cleanse cleans out the toxins in your gut, leading to more energy and better-looking hair and nails. A colon cleanse can also correct hormonal imbalances, support the functions of other organs, and much more. When conducting a colon cleanse, do not use over-the-counter medication. Instead, use herbal remedies, which are healthier, more natural methods of conducting any cleanse.

Visit your local naturopath for more information.

2. CANDIDA YEAST OVERGROWTH. Candida yeast overgrowth leads to bloating, gas, poor digestion, constipation, fatigue, and cravings for food, especially sugar. Visit

3. LIVER CLEANSE. The liver produces bile, which breaks down fat in your digestive system and removes toxins from your blood. An unhealthy lifestyle and diet can create a burden on the liver that stymies its attempts to break down fat and digest foods properly. This leads to weight gain. A liver cleanse is almost like a “do-over” that eliminates the damage you've done. It instantly gives your metabolism a much-needed boost. Toxins can hold your body fat captive and keep you from achieving your weight-loss goals. A liver cleanse lets your body shed fat and function more effectively, thereby boosting your energy level and enhancing your overall wellbeing. Four herbs that can help your liver are: Milk Thistle ( Silybum marianum)

The primary healing ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin. This substance defends the liver by filtering out harmful chemicals that lead to liver cell damage. In addition, silymarin stimulates liver cell regeneration, helping to restore the liver after it has been damaged.

Silymarin also helps prevent the depletion of the nutrient glutathione, which is an extremely important vitamin for liver detoxing.

Silymarin in milk thistle seeds isn't really water soluble, so you won’t be able to extract it into herbal tea. Instead, for liver detoxification, take a standard extract containing 140 mg of silymarin, along with protectio.

Dandelion Root ( Taraxacum officinale) Every spring, nature creates a drug store full of liver cleanser in the form of a feared weed that jabs its yellow-bloomed head through the green of our gardens.

Dandelion is one of Mother Nature's finest liver herbs.

The Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism, as well as many other publications, referenced two studies that demonstrated the liver regenerative properties of dandelion in cases of jaundice, liver swelling, hepatitis, and heartburn. On the off chance that you decide to incorporate dandelion root into your liver cleansing efforts, take 500 to 2,000 mg every day in capsule form.

You can also make a decoction by using two teaspoons of powdered dandelion root per cup of water. Heat to the point of boiling and simmer for 15 minutes. Drink one cup three times a day.

Globe Artichoke ( Cynara scolymus) Globe





caffeoylquinic acids, which maintain the powerful liver recovery and regeneration effects that milk thorn has.

Globe artichoke typically comes in capsule form. Daily dosages range from 300 to 500 mg.

Turmeric ( Curcuma longa)

Turmeric is a spice often used in Indian curries, but it also promotes the recovery and regeneration of liver cells, as well as cleanses the liver of toxins. In addition, turmeric boosts bile production and may help diminish liver aggravation. Studies have shown that turmeric builds levels of two liver-supporting catalysts that advertise Phase 2 liver detoxification reactions. Turmeric comes in capsule and tablet form. You can also add ground turmeric to soups, stews, and curries.

Fix yourself from the inside out.

1. TAKE DIGESTIVE ENZYMES. Overweight people often have trouble producing enough enzymes to digest food properly. You can remedy this situation—caused by the consumption of processed foods, canned foods, refined foods, and medication—by taking digestive enzymes with every meal.

2. EAT 100-PERCENT ORGANIC. Make sure the food you’re eating isn’t genetically modified and that it contains no man-made chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics, or hormones. A trick exists to help you identify the difference

between real organic and not-so-organic. If a product is truly 100-percent organic, the label should say “100% organic.” If the label says “organic,” the item is about 80-percent organic.

If the label says that the product is “made with organic ingredients,” the item is approximately 30-percent organic.

The term “all natural” is a way to make consumers think they’re buying something natural when the truth is anything but. To stay thin and healthy we must avoid processed foods and stick with the real, whole, organic foods our bodies need.

3. ADD PROBIOTICS TO YOUR DIET. Probiotics are helpful bacteria that our poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles have inadvertently removed from our bodies. Adding probiotics to your diet will improve your metabolism and digestion, and help cleanse your body.

4. SLEEP. Research has shown that lack of sleep leads to weight gain. On a perfect day, you should go to bed at 10 p.m. and wake at 6 a.m. Getting eight hours of sleep is a must because your body releases healing hormones between 11 p.m. and 2

a.m. During this time you want to be in a deep sleep, which promotes healing, eliminates depression, and puts your hypothalamus in a state at which it’s working its best.

5. USE INFRARED SAUNAS. An infrared sauna is a great method to not only lose weight but also remove toxins that your fat cells and pores store. When you sweat in a sauna, you increase your metabolism and release fat cells, which helps reduce your appetite. Of all the types of saunas available, infrared saunas seem to be the best choice for weight loss.

6. AVOID ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS. Aspartame, Splenda, sucralose, and saccharin are absolute “no-nos.”You might think that because sugar is bad for you, you should use artificial

sweetener instead. However, sweeteners will, in fact, make you fat. Sure, sugar is high in calories, and the more calories we consume, the more weight we gain. But let’s not forget about the role hormones play in weight gain. Artificial sweeteners have a negative effect on the hypothalamus, thereby promoting obesity.


is a flavor enhancer that is well known as an excitotoxin. It adversely affects the hypothalamus, which can lead to depression, obesity, and addiction.

8. DON’T USE MICROWAVES. Really, do I even have to mention this? Get rid of that cancer-causing box in your kitchen. Research shows that microwaved foods affect blood cell counts and lead to hormone imbalances that promote weight gain. Also, the act of microwaving your food kills the food’s nutrients, leaving you with meals that have no nutritional value. I know it’s a fast-paced world and we are always in a hurry, but I don’t care how busy you are—you can always make time for eating well. Prepare your meals the night before and pack foods that don’t require a microwave oven.

Better choices lead to better health.

9. EAT SIX MEALS A DAY. To meet your weight-loss goal, you must speed up your metabolism by eating small, healthy meals throughout the day. Because cortisol levels are high in the morning, and cortisol is what causes belly fat, you’ll want to start with a large breakfast. Skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do if you want to lose weight. You must eat six meals a day. Achieve this by having a snack between breakfast and lunch, then eating lunch. Follow that up with another snack, then dinner, and, finally, another snack. Snacks can

include such options as a protein shake or something easy, light, and small in portion. Whatever you consume, make sure you’re getting enough protein, fat, and carbs in that meal.

10. NO FOOD BEFORE BED. Have your final meal at least three hours before bed, as food consumed any earlier will cause the hypothalamus to store fat. Also, when you’re eating and sleeping, your body doesn’t release growth hormones, thereby affecting recovery. In addition, your body doesn’t have a chance to burn off carbs that you consume immediately before bed, so it has no choice but to turn those carbs into fat.

11. NO TRANS FATS, PERIOD. Avoid trans fats, which cause obesity and other maladies like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Start looking at labels; if you see the terms

“hydrogenated oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil,” stay away 12. USE EXTRA VIRGIN RAW ORGANIC COCONUT OIL.

This is a miracle in itself. Studies have shown that coconut oil stimulates metabolism and the thyroid, helps eliminate fat cells, and improves digestion. Stick with the organic version so that you avoid pesticides and chemicals. Coconut oil is a great option for cooking because of its heat tolerance. Studies have shown that just by taking two teaspoons of coconut oil a day (one in the morning and one in the evening), individuals can lose as many as 10 pounds in one month without changing their diets or adding workouts.

13. DRINK WATER. Overweight people are dehydrated, so they should drink plenty of water. Water can also help a person feel full, so it speeds weight loss. In several studies, people who drank water before their meals consumed fewer calories than did people who refrained from drinking water before their meals. With that in mind, keep a water bottle handy, but don’t

fill it with tap water, which is full of chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals. Instead, drink natural spring water or water that you’ve filtered through the process of reverse osmosis.

14. USE RAW ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. This suggestion is my personal favorite. Raw organic apple cider vinegar is a powerful tool that releases stored fat, increases metabolism, and is easy to cook with. You can even put it on salads. Dilute the vinegar with water or drink it straight, but whatever you do, make sure the apple cider is organic and that the term “mother” appears on its label; this indicates that the cider contains good bacteria.

15. CONSUME HOT AND SPICY FOODS. If you like spicy food you’re in luck, as spices stimulate the metabolism and reduce the appetite.

16. INCREASE YOUR VITAMIN E INTAKE. Vitamin E is a powerful weight-loss tool, as it keeps your arteries open and promotes circulation. Note that you shouldn’t buy the vitamin E that you find in health stores because it’s a synthetic version and not the real deal. Instead, go to the nearest natural health store or Chinese herb store, where staff will lead you in the right direction.




Weight loss must become your lifestyle. To keep weight off, stop viewing food as a reward. Did your parents reward your potty training success with M&Ms? Did they reward your good behavior with cookies or Skittles? Did they promise you a treat when you went shopping? Did your grandma give you pies and cakes when you visited her? Did your family members reward themselves with dinner in nice restaurants for their birthdays or anniversaries?

We live in a society that views food as a reward. Because of this, people eat when they are emotional. Are you going through a breakup? Eat a carton of ice cream and you’ll feel better, right? Wrong. Eating a carton of ice cream will put weight on your hips and cause you to crave bad food in the future.

Instead, start looking at food as fuel for your body. If you see food as fuel, you’ll pay attention to how much of it your body needs to be efficient and to function. You’ll stop overfilling your gas tank.

Is your excuse that you’re too busy to prepare meals? Why not take one day per week to cook and freeze healthy foods so that you can pack them in your lunches for work? If you find yourself tempted to eat junk food at home, don’t buy junk food. You’ll better control your cravings if you don’t expose yourself to unhealthy things.

Do you find yourself drawn to products that help you lose weight? Products that claim to be light and fat-free? Most of these are gimmicks.

Manufacturers sling around such words to sell products, but we’re smarter than that. We realize that the unpronounceable ingredients on the label are simply toxic garbage that our bodies don’t need. If you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t eat it.

Do you enjoy dining out? Look for healthy options. Most restaurants are conscious of Americans’ efforts to lose weight, and note healthy items on

their menus. Chicken breast without skin is always a good option, as are fruits and vegetables. Fish is almost always a good alternative to heavy carbohydrates, pizzas, pastas, and processed foods. If you want dessert, try to find something that’s yummy but that comes in a small portion. Or why not share dessert with a friend?

Are you tired of eating the same bland foods over and over? Look for creative ways to make your meals more exciting. Spices can improve flavor without adding junk that your body doesn’t need. Most spices are natural and provide herbal health benefits, like a reduction in cholesterol and heart disease.

Other options to break up your food routine include wild game, seafood, and unique vegetables. Try different methods, like baking, boiling, blanching, broiling, marinading, grilling, frying, steaming, or caramelizing.

Two other important changes you must incorporate into your lifestyle are stress reduction and exercise. Keep in mind that 3,500 calories becomes one pound of fat. Exercise will burn off those calories; so long as you burn more calories than you take in, you’ll lose weight. It’s simple math. If I eat a couple of McDonald’s Big Macs and then drink soda all day long, I’ll likely take in at least 2,500 calories in one day. What if I did that every day for a week? If I had a sedentary lifestyle and my body naturally burns only 1,250

of those calories, I could gain two or more pounds per week! Ouch!





Why must you reduce stress? Do you have a lot of weight around your midsection? Blame stress. Stress causes your body to secrete a hormone called cortisol, which spikes your appetite and causes you to eat more. High cortisol and stress levels lead to fat accumulation in the midsection. If you’ve gained weight in this area, reduce your stress; otherwise, your weight loss results won’t be as dramatic as you want them to be.

Following are additional bodily changes that stress can cause.

DIGESTION. When you’re stressed your body shuts or slows down unnecessary systems so that it can focus more attention on fighting your anxiety. One of those “unnecessary” activities your body slows down is digestion. Stress slows blood flow to the digestive system, so even if you eat healthy foods your body can’t properly digest and extract nourishment from them. This leads to increased stomach acidity and weight gain. It’s no wonder that when you turn on the TV

you see a variety of ads touting remedies for stomach acidity.

IMMUNE SYSTEM. When it’s stressed, your body suppresses your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.

ANTI-AGING GROWTH HORMONES. Stress reduces your body’s flow of anti- aging growth hormones. Consequently, your body ages faster.

STRESS HORMONES. Under stress, your body pumps out adrenaline and noradrenaline, which let your body know that it’s in danger. These hormones also increase anxiety and fear, making your thoughts race.

How can you reduce stress? The answer is different for everyone. Some people find a new job or new friends because their old job and old friends caused them anxiety. Other people take up hobbies that relax them, like painting, singing, fishing, or camping. Maybe you can get a pet, or take a nap in a hammock in your backyard. Some people meditate or take medication.

Exercise is a universal solution, one that not only fosters weight loss but also promotes stress reduction. Because of this, it’s the second thing you must incorporate into your new, healthy lifestyle. Earlier, when I talked about calories, I mentioned that 3,500 calories burned equals one pound of body fat lost. Keep this equation in mind when you plan your fitness routine.

Must you go to the gym three times a day to lose weight? No! Just going for a walk will help you lose pounds and reduce stress. A mile-long walk burns about 50 calories. If you have enough ambition to jog or run for a mile, you’ll burn 100 calories—double the amount you’d burn by walking! If you can’t find time to exercise because of your busy schedule, incorporate exercise into your everyday activities. Do squats in the shower or while brushing your teeth. Lift hand weights when you take part in a conference call at your desk. Park your car farther away from your office, or, better yet, ride a bike to work. Not only will you save gas, you’ll become fit, reduce your stress levels, and take weight off your midsection!

Busy caring for children? Don’t think you have time to exercise? Get the kids to exercise with you! YouTube is full of videos that you can use to turn your living room into a gym. Your kids will love that you are dancing around with them. Maybe they’ll get so much exercise they’ll fall asleep at bedtime like they should, instead of keeping you up late—a win/win!

Other ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine include running on a treadmill or riding an exercise bike while watching television. You can also go to the gym during your lunch hour or take the stairs instead of riding an elevator.

Before starting any exercise plan take your current health into consideration. Go to the doctor for a physical. You might have heart

problems that you’ll need to keep in mind during your workouts, or you might require a gradual exercise plan so that you don’t injure your muscles and joints.

Different types of exercises do different things. Aerobic, or cardio, exercises get your blood pumping and oxygen circulating. Walking, jogging, and stair-stepping are all great forms of aerobic exercise. Another form of exercise, anaerobic, is short in duration and high in intensity.

Anaerobic exercises include body building, weight lifting, and jumping.

Anaerobic exercise builds endurance and stamina, and also improves strength and mobility, helping you complete cardio exercises without injury.

Stretching is extremely important. Programs like yoga and Pilates improve the range of motion in your muscles and joints. They also boost your flexibility and are great stress reducers. The stronger your core and muscles, the more efficiently your body can lose weight!

Do you need encouragement to exercise? Work out with a friend, your spouse, or your kids, or join a fitness class or group. Sharing your goals and your successes with other people will make the task of working out more fun and will encourage you to stick with your plan!



The mangosteen is a fruit found in Southeast Asia. It’s been used for over 400 years as everything from a cleansing tonic to a digestive aid.

Mangosteen has a rich, purple outer layer and a white interior. When consumed in tea form mangosteen can provide an energy boost. However, its full effects weren’t known until 1973, when scientists discovered more about the fruit’s benefits. Mangosteen contains a high number of antioxidants, making it a powerful weight-loss tool. Its health benefits are so numerous that I can’t list them all here. Instead, I’ve chosen a couple, all of which have been proven through clinical testing: Weight loss

Appetite suppression

Increased fat-burning ability

Increase in the body’s B-cell and T-cell count

Increase in energy level

Management of diabetes, cancer, and some types of leukemia Relief of joint pain and arthritis

A boost to the immune system

I found mangosteen to be such an amazing superfruit that I researched the clinical studies focusing on this plant. I’m sharing them with you here.

Journal of Medicinal Foods:

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Despite its name, mangosteen has no relation to the mango. It contains abundant phytonutrients called xanthones, which are super antioxidants known for their potency. A single mangosteen contains 40 different xanthones, making it the single richest source of these phytonutrients. More than 50 scientific and medical journals have published articles about its medical benefits.

Following is a link to a company that has an “A” rating from the Better Business Bureau and that specializes in mangosteen plants. The company has teamed up with Chris Powell from the show “Extreme Weight Loss” on ABC to create a weight-loss product unlike any other. The product contains: A physician-formulated and clinically studied formula Twelve full-spectrum vitamins

Sixty-five trace/ultra-trace plant-sourced minerals Mangosteen superfruit

Organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera

Organic decaffeinated green tea

The company offers a money-back guarantee, which is rare for a health and wellness business. If you don’t like the product or don’t see results, simply send back the product for a full refund. If you have any of the health problems I mentioned previously, get your blood work done at your doctor’s office before starting the product. Then, take the product for a minimum of 90 days and get your blood work done again so that you can see the results for yourself. I’ve left my Facebook address at the end of this book so that you can tell me how much weight you’ve lost and how this product has changed your life. Here’s the link to try the product:

Image 2


Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope it helped you understand the methods you can use to live a healthy life, reach your weight-loss goals, and maintain your weight with ease.

Now you must choose the goals you want to achieve. Don’t let anything get in your way. This is your commitment to live a longer, healthier, happier life.

If you enjoyed this book, would you be kind enough to leave a review for it on Amazon? It would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you and good luck!

Talal Sobhi

Check Out My Other Books

Following, you’ll find some of my other popular books, available on Amazon and Kindle. Simply click the links to check them out. You can visit my author page on Amazon to see other books I’ve written.

Acne-Free Skin: Simple Proven Solution to Cure Acne Forever and Live Acne-Free, Discover Powerful Secrets To Acne Freedom

Diabetes Solution: Diabetes Guide on How to Incorporate Diabetes Diet and Nutrition Plan for a Diabetes Free Lifestyle

The Blind Truth of Addiction in Society: Drug Addiction Caused by Unemployment, Lack of Education, and Poverty

The True Jesus Speaks Out: The Biblical Secrets Revealed, Jesus Was Man Or Was Jesus God?

The Ultimate Guide To Stress Free Parenting: How to Become Stress Free Using Stress Free Management Skills

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