The Secrets Most Men Will Never Know About Women by Kenny Rowell - HTML preview

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Dear Reader,

Congratulations on taking a positive step toward mastering your dating life. What you’re about to learn are the secrets that most men NEVER learn about women: how they think, what attracts them, how to demonstrate to them that you are a great catch, the top five places to take her on a date, instant icebreakers and much more.

Now, you might be wondering how these secrets can be found in a simple e-book if most men never learn them. Most people assume that they know things simply because they’ve been doing them their entire lives. This is true in relation to the way people manage money, take care of their bodies and most of all, the way that they manage their relationships.

As you know, it’s not common practice for someone to search for more knowledge if they believe what they already know to be sufficient for getting the results that they want. But what happens when you stop getting the results you want, or you realize that your approach isn’t working? Well, you have two choices: You can keep doing what you’re doing and expect different results (bad idea), or you can look for new information to guide your future choices.

The first choice is how most men keep getting results they don’t want...sometimes for their entire lives. These are the men who never read books like this thinking: “What kind of a loser needs a book on dating?” Ironically, this is the very reason why most men NEVER learn the simple and VERY effective strategies you’re about to discover.

That’s good. More opportunity for you to snatch women right out from under their noses (more on this later).

You’re reading this e-book because you’ve made the decision to set aside your ego and accept that you might not know as much as you thought about relating with women. Maybe you just went through a divorce or broke up with your girlfriend; perhaps you just want to enjoy more high-quality relationships with women. Whatever the reason, that itching feeling that there’s more to this dating game than what you’ve learned through life experience has led you to this point.

As you’ll soon see, this simple decision is about to open up a whole new world of options for your dating life.
