Summer's Harvest by Tom & Dianna Riley - HTML preview

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The lives and deaths of the characters portrayed in this book convey a sense  of reality and record profound moments in history. These were the darkest times in our nation’s annals. The joyous feeling of newborn freedom granted to those who had only known bondage was often short-lived. Many faced the old South with the fragility of new hope and dreams of a better way of life. They were guided solely by the strength of their convictions. Yet, despite oppression, there were notable events and incredible achievements. This story is a testament to the legacy of slavery that is still interwoven in African-Americans’ lives today – mainly in the form of racism.

We take freedom for granted but it is the very pulse of life as depicted within these pages. The wide-raging emotional triumphs and failures of the characters are shimmering reflections of our own lives. The lives of former generations are our perpetual connection to yesterday. These unique glimpses into history have the power to investigate contemplation of a family’s roots and pasts that will linger after the book is closed… I hope this volume will touch a chord in your life as it has in mine.

New Orleans, Louisiana         T.R.

March, 2015