Spirituality by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Life is all about survival. With survival comes the desire to live a secured life and a life filled with luxury and happiness. To achieve all these, we struggle all our lives to fulfill our dreams. While we are busy fulfilling our dreams, we miss out on one thing very special and precious to lives; spirituality. Spirituality, in other words, is the food for our souls. Those of us, who do not have time to pursue spirituality in lives, lead a life filled with a poor soul, void of   true happiness. Once we are born, growth and death are certain with misery, suffering and happiness in between, until our last days. How we conduct our lives and how we make use of spirituality in conducting our lives successfully is what this book is all about. Once we learn to fill our lives with spirituality, we learn to live our life successfully. Nothing is truer than this little belief.

In this book I shall examine certain points which you may find helpful and useful to bring joy and happiness in whatever you do, wherever you go and whichever way you live.  Without spirituality, we live an incomplete life; empty and wanting always. 

Eric EH Buddhadharma
