Repatriate by Mary Ann Moody - HTML preview

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Chapter One


Finding Jacob did not stop the nightmares.

The cold, wet air slaps the windshield as the wipers desperately try to clear away the rain. Bright headlights illuminate the black asphalt with yellow stripes, reminding me where the lane is. I am alone in my car, driving the road at night. The darkness surrounds me as I focus my eyes on the road. I cannot see inside the car, only the road in front of me is impervious to the darkness shadowing me. 

I look behind me and there is no one there, but I have to keep driving. I am driving towards something. I cannot remember why I am on this road at night and I do not have time to think about it, I have to get there. Not a moment to waste. 

Suddenly, from the darkness above me, a person drops from the sky and onto my car. The body lands with a hard thump on the roof, a mere inches from my head. Fear pulsates through me as I realize the person who created the darkness has found me, again. I try to get control of my hands as they violently shake, threatening to steer the car off course. 

I cannot think. Logic abandons my mind as the fear crawls inside it, finding a new home to birth panic. Screams explode from my throat as a black figure appears outside my car window. Blue eyes stare at me through the clear pane of glass. My flesh crawls at the thought of one inch of flimsy glass being the only thing separating me from the figure. I do not stop to think about it because I must keep driving.

As I drive, the person only stares at me through the window. It does not attempt to get inside my car. The answer comes to me when I feel myself slipping into the darkness. Whatever it is outside my window, it has full control over the car. However, a part of me does not want to interfere with its plan. I feel the darkness calling my soul and I want answer it. All my life I have felt the darkness inside me, breathing as I breathe, growing as I grow. 

But I knew inside my soul I did not want to live in the dark. I wanted to thrive in the sunlight and live a life a beauty, not evil.

The monster outside felt my thoughts and roared in anger. I grab the wheel and make sure my seatbelt is fastened as I push down the accelerator. I decide to ram the car into a tree as soon as I see one. Madness escapes my body in the form of laughter as my foot slams the pedal down to the floorboard. I’m going to do it. I know this will rid me of the darkness.

I see a tree. I narrow my eyes and drive my car right into the …..

I woke up screaming into my lit bedroom.

Sarah was with me. Her body lay beside mine and turned to comfort me. The bed shook as she shifted her lean body. It made me realize I no longer dreamed. I was safe in my bedroom with Sarah. The soft candlelight floated around my room, and kept darkness away while I slept.

“You alright, Anna?” She asked me as her hand touched my shoulder. Her eyes were barely open and her voice was just a notch above a whisper.

Sweat poured out of my body. My breaths came out fast and I gasped as I answered her. “I think so.”

“Nightmare?” She asked.


“Oh, it’s okay, Anna. You’re safe now. Do you want me to light more candles?” Sarah whispered softly.

“No. I’ll be alright.” I said as I patted her shoulder. “You go back to sleep.”

Sarah turned away from me to return to her peaceful slumber. My nightmares are something she is getting accustomed to. I lie awake in the bed, unable to close my eyes. Anxiety seized my body, held it hostage against my will. For about an hour, my body was stiff with fear. However, sleep refused to be denied and I felt my eyelids close. I drifted back into sleep. I am grateful it was a dreamless rest.