Net Profits by Dr. Jeffrey Lant - HTML preview

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Where you discover just how easy it is to make money now by following a simple, proven system you can do at home.


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This book is a $29.95 retail value. It is my gift to you now. Enjoy!

This is a book about getting rich online. Because of my name on the cover, because of its intensely popular subject, because it's free, and because over 1,000,000 people worldwide will request their copy and refer it to their family and friends, this book will have substantial impact on many, many lives and fortunes. I guarantee it.

That may or may not include you.

I have been in marketing for a very long time now, over 40 years, and during this time I have made millions of dollars. I like people, I like helping them, I like making money, I like savoring the good life, I like working and I like having people thank me for assisting them. This is the formula for getting rich and richer still.

This may or may not include you.

In fact, it probably doesn't.

It is my belief, herewith honestly stated, that 99 people out of 100 requesting a copy of this book will fail on the Internet. That is, they will not make money online, will not build their fortune from it, and will never escape from the straitened circumstances they call "Life."

The reason for this unmitigated catastrophe is clear and unanswerable. They will not read it carefully, they will not understand what they read, they will not re-read it to increase comprehension. They will never use the detailed advice I give them, advice which it has taken me a lifetime to experience, gather, and use to proven and substantial advantage.

Sadly, instead of making money from this book, the easiest money you would ever make, you will make excuses of the most unpersuasive and flatulent kind. These excuses will feature words and phrases like I meant to, I couldn't, I was fixing to, I had to do something else, I forgot, I skipped, I planned to, I was about to... and a hundred other lethal formulations which clearly indicate you haven't got a snowball's chance in Hell to achieve your impossible dreams and flaccid aspirations. You are, whatever you say merely a talker, doing the thing in question unthinkable, never contemplated, never undertaken, never achieved.

But the most curious part of this situation is that you never, ever blame yourself for your inability to achieve success in all its glorious aspects. You are always innocent, never responsible, a paragon, a role model for the hapless, helpless, capricious, inefficient, lazy, always a victim, terminally self-inflating, and self- excusing.

Or as the fans at British soccer matches sing out loud and boisterous, "Why was he born so beautiful. Why was he born at all? He's no bloody good to anyone, he's no bloody good at all." And just think, until this very moment, you never knew this tune was about you! Take a bow. It may be the last chance you get to enjoy the fast receding limelight.

But this book is not for those who live but to brag and fail. By no means. Rather, it is for the single reader absolutely determined, to the point of insistent and manic obsession, to succeed and exult in all the benefits thereunto pertaining... the money... the celebrity... the respect of peers and fellow entrepreneurs... the joy of living better than the rest. All this and more is now at your fingertips if and only if you make the immediate and abiding decision, the tenacious, unshakeable decision to be the 1 in 100 who will follow my long-proven steps, recommendations and guidelines for success. Friend, it is a privilege to meet you... and to escort you into the giddy and exhilarating world of the Internet, about to be your oyster, for life.

As for the rest, I give you the Official Raspberry in all its raucous, splendid insult. You had your chance... now live with your bad decision for life. Serves you right!



It's time to get you started on your golden journey and for this we need... music. And not just any music either but some of the best dance rhythms ever composed. Recorded in 1983 by the Pointer Sisters, I am, of course, talking about "Jump". It contains a quick injection of what you need to stay focused and upbeat whenever the situation requires. Go now to any search engine and indulge yourself until the very foundation of your house reverberates with unqualified energy and this cannot be denied primal urgency,

"I'll take you up, I'll take you up  “Where no one's ever been before”

And if you want more, if you want more “More, more, more Jump for my love."

Now, let's begin... we have a world to conquer for you... an empire to build, riches to garner, lives to change for the better (not just yours), and more fun than a barrel of monkeys to experience. The moment is auspicious, the goals worth fighting for, the game worth the candle, the matter of high importance and undeniable significance. You are about to be become a player, with every benefit that delivers the enhanced life you have always wanted.


"The list is the business, the business is the list."

I am going to reveal the "secret" of online success... the undeniable, must-do, can never by-pass or ignore absolutely essential task that guarantees your success, every day you use it. That "secret" is The List you work on growing, augmenting, increasing and building EVERY SINGLE DAY YOU WANT TO PROFIT.

The List features the names and follow-up details of every person you either have good reason to suppose is interested in buying what you're selling, has just bought what you sell (and thereby should be immediately made the next offer), or the lucky folks who have already bought what you sell... and need another one of your great, never-bettered, cannot be topped special offers, the creme de la creme.

These people, this list must be built DAILY, must be treated with the care and consideration it deserves, for this list may well be the single most important asset you ever acquire. See for yourself.

Right now if