More Than a Morning Brew by LifeSky - HTML preview

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Chapter 1: Finding Your Flavor


One of the most important decisions that you can make it when it comes to your coffee is just what flavor to choose. There are so many on the market today that finding that perfect blend of flavors and spices can seem like a job in itself. To help get you started, though, the following are some tips and tricks that you can use to narrow down your flavor choices and choose the perfect blend for your lifestyle.

A. Understand Your Goal 

When it comes to choosing shoes or a purse, it is likely that you consider what the end goal or purpose that item is supposed to serve in your life will be. Maybe it is an accessory for an evening out or comfortable shoes for the gym. You may want a purse that suits that little black dress or one that can carry all of your children's toys. Regardless, it is likely that you consider the end goal of that item and this same thought should be put into selecting your coffee.

Consider what you want from your coffee in the way of a “pickme-up.”Do you want a highly caffeinated drink that will keep you on your toes or something that brings comfort? Do you want a coffee that is perfect for your evening in or one that brings a conversation to life? These may seem like unimportant questions or something that does not jive with a coffee selection, however, choosing the end goal of the coffee is something that can greatly narrow your scope and help you to find your perfect flavor.

B. Strength 

Another characteristic that you want to consider when choosing a flavor for your coffee is just how strong you want it to be.

Some people enjoy a light and smooth taste to their coffee while others like it to wham them over the head with a punch of flavor. Still, others enjoy a middle of the road or medium strength coffee. Regardless, this is important to understand before choosing because not only will it impact the type of flavor that you get but also the bean type.

The bean type is important and can greatly impact the flavor of the coffee. Darker beans tend to provide a stronger flavor punch, like the French and Italian Roasts as well as some African beans. As you would expect, lighter beans tend to pack a lighter flavor punch. Therefore, knowing what strength of coffee flavor you want will help you to decide which type of bean and thus, narrow down the choices.

C. The Smell 

When it comes to coffee flavors, the aroma matters. You need to consider what smells you enjoy and what you can’t stand before choosing a flavor for yourself. For instance, dark beans tend to smell richer and stronger than lighter beans, just as the way they taste. If you like a light aroma, then, the darker brews are not going to be your best selection. But, if you enjoy a more pungent odor wafting from your mug, then, it may be a suitable choice.

The same can be said for the gourmet styles and flavors of coffee. If you hate the vanilla smell, for example, you will want to avoid a vanilla infused coffee even if you do not mind the taste. Coffee as it is brewed will release the smell into your home or space, so consider the strength of smell that you want when choosing a flavor, especially if your coffee maker is in a small or confined space.

D. Your Favorite Flavors 

When you peruse the coffee shelf or view coffees available for purchase online, you will notice that there are numerous options in flavors. There is literally something to fit every palette and flavor want. Consider the general tastes that you enjoy in your foods and other consumables when choosing. For instance, if you like a sweet flavor or rich nutty taste, a hazelnut coffee may be a suitable fit. If you like something purer in your coffees, then, a traditional roast will likely suit you better. Your palette will determine whether or not you enjoy a food and it plays the same role when choosing a flavored coffee as well.

E. The Amount of Flavor 

You will also want to consider the amount of added flavor that you want in your coffee. For instance, maybe you want a lightly infused flavor in your traditional coffee drink. A heavy syrup added to a coffee blend, then, is likely to be too strong or overly flavorful. On the contrary, if you like a lot of flavor in your drink, then consider something that offers that stronger flavor. The packaging should help you to differentiate between the two and make the decision a bit easier. Smelling the package can be an indication, too, as these aromas can waft even from the package think of the strength of smells in the coffee aisle at the store!

F. Acidity 

There can be a high acidity level in coffee that will greatly impact the taste. Those that are coffee aficionados will likely know this but newbies to the coffee world and flavor selection may not. Regardless, the acidity level can affect the taste of the product and can give a different reaction on the palette. Coffee grown at higher elevation levels have a higher acidity level and the higher the acidity, the more likely the coffee is to take on a cleansing taste. That means, these coffees tend to be brighter, lighter, and refresh the palette. It can also lighten the overall flavor of a drink and is a great addition to a menu between courses. If looking for something a bit less harsh on the palette, then, consider the acidity level in the coffee flavor you are choosing.

G. Your Creamer 

Finally, if you have a go to or flavored creamer that you love, this can greatly change the level of taste in your drink. It can also overcomplicated an already rich and flavorful drink. If you are using a creamer that has a high flavor level, then, you will want to ensure that you consider this when picking out your base coffee flavor. The mixing can change both and enhance or detract from your flavor goals.