Medicaid Rules and Non-Emergency Medical Transport


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In this Documents, we define the different ‪‎medicaid‬ rules which suggest you proper information before accessing any Non-emergency‬ ‪‎Medical‬ ‪‎Transportation‬ ‪Services‬. These rules are defined under Medicaid Program in ‪United States‬. If any Transportation ‪‎agency violates these rules, then it will be penalized with criminal as well as civil penalty.

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Martin Stromberg

We are a non-emergency medical transportation broker, specializing in affordable, safe and professional transportation. Call us today at 866-220-3834 to help serve your medical transportation needs. We specialize in affordable, safe and professional transportation. We offer the following services nationwide, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year.

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