Life Among the Butterflies by Vance Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter I. Books About Butterflies

Linnaeus—Clerck—Fabricius—Peter Cramer—Hübner—Smith and Abbot—Boisduval and LeConte—Harris—Morris—W. H. Edwards—S. H. Scudder—G. H. French—C. J. Maynard—W. J. Holland—William G. Wright—Longstaff—C. M. Weed.

Chapter II. The Butterfly’s Body

The Head, Eyes, and Mouth Parts—The Thorax, Wings, and Legs—The Abdomen—The Digestive Apparatus—The Circulatory System—The Respiratory Tract—The Excretory Organs—The Nervous System—The Reproductive Organs.

Chapter III. Butterfly Metamorphosis

The First Stage or Egg—The Second or Larval Stage—The Third or Pupal Stage—The Fourth Stage or Imago.

Chapter IV. The Case of the Red Silverwing

Oviposition—The Egg—The Emergence of the Caterpillar—The Caterpillar—Moulting—Pupation—The Chrysalis—Pupal Movements—The Appearance of the Butterfly.

Chapter V. The Classification of Butterflies

Subkingdoms, Classes, Orders and Suborders—The Four Families—Subfamilies, Genera, and Species—The Value of Scientific Nomenclature—Varieties.

Chapter VI. The Four Families

The Four-footed Butterflies—The Euploeinae—The Heliconiinae—The Nymphalinae—The Satyrinae—The Libytheinae—The Gossamer-winged Butterflies—The Lycaeninae—The Swallowtails and their Allies—The Pierinae—The Papilioninae—The Skippers.

Chapter VII. Enemies and Protection

Protective Coloration—Offensive Odors and Tastes—Warning Coloration—Protective Mimicry—Heliotropism and List—Feigning Death.