Level 1 Specialist Guide by Dennis - HTML preview

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You will be learning constantly as you move forward through the CoachYu program. Here are some resources to help you find answers to the questions you will encounter along the way:

Do your research: Be proactive and do research before asking questions. Suggest the solution you think is correct when you ask your questions whenever possible.

Tips and Tricks to find the information you seek (bookmark these pages now):

Step by Step Tutorial:

Asset Tracker

There is a huge amount of information in our current courses and guides, which you’ll find in the Asset Tracker tab: Important Docs

Video Tutorial:


There are countless articles that CoachYu has written on a wide variety of marketing topics, which you’ll find in our Content Library.

Video Tutorial:


Content Library Link:

For operations or procedural questions, refer to the Operations Process Guide.

Operations Process Guide Link:

Search with Google, specifically if you are looking for information that is not specifically a CoachYu practice or process, (e.g. how to link a specific time in a Youtube video, how to use a WordPress plugin, etc.).

Ask your team lead via email or Skype. If you are new to the system, be sure to send out an email with your Skype username to get connected to the rest of the team. Our senior team members have a huge email load, so refer questions to your team lead whenever possible. You can locate your team lead in the Team Roster.