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How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting

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How To Lose Weight With

Intermittent Fasting

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People who want to lose weight are frequently confused by the wide range of available diets and exercise regimens. Choosing one that is right for you is difficult because each individual has specific eating habits and lifestyles. Additionally, there are many diets that are simply ineffective, meaning that medical research has not confirmed their utility in weight loss. This further complicates the task of navigating through the immense amount of information found in books and on the Internet in an attempt to choose an effective and safe weight loss diet.

However, there are a few diet regimens that have been monitored throughout the years by medical professionals to ensure utility and safety in weight loss, and that have proven their effectiveness in research studies. One such diet is called intermittent fasting, and this article will explain how it works to help you lose weight and why it is so effective.

Intermittent fasting is similar to caloric restriction, a straightforward diet that involves a reduction of the amount of ingested calories while maintaining proper nutritional value of food to stay healthy. Unlike caloric restriction, however, in intermittent fasting the emphasis is placed on the eating pattern of the individual rather than on reducing the amount of calories of each meal.

According to a 2011 study conducted and published by the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition at the University of Illinois in Chicago, intermittent fasting is more effective than daily caloric restriction when

it comes to weight loss. Additionally, intermittent fasting preserves

muscle tissue and prevents muscle protein loss, leading to a more

attractive and lean body. Intermittent fasting involves alternation of periods of eating with periods of fasting. There are several forms of intermittent fasting, with varying durations of fasting and eating periods.

Intermittent fasting has many benefits besides weight loss. The reduction of caloric intake caused by fasting will stimulate the body to use its reserves, which include fat deposits. Fasting is also beneficial in reducing blood sugar levels, improving the utilization of insulin, lowering cholesterol levels, protecting against heart disease, and many other health benefits. Unlike some other diets that are being promoted on the Internet, intermittent fasting is scientifically approved, and its health effects have been tested and verified in research studies to evaluate its utility in weight loss and a variety of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and high cholesterol.

An important feature of intermittent fasting diet is that is closely resembles the dietary habits of our ancestors, who were hunters and gatherers. Before people started to obtain food through farming, which led to a steady daily supply of food, hunting was the main source of nutrition. The diet of humans largely depended on their luck with hunting on a specific day, and intermittent is the term that best describes their eating habits. It was not possible to procure long-term food supplies, due to a lack of storage facilities and external threats.

Because of this, the human body developed several adaptive mechanisms to switch from conditions when food was readily available those times when food was insufficient.

Since humans lived with intermittent fasting for thousands of years before the advent of agriculture allowed us to begin storing food, our bodies may still have those adaptive metabolic processes encoded in our genes. In fact, people who procure their food through hunting may still be found today in the depths of the African jungle and in the South American rain forests, and for them, intermittent fasting is a normal eating routine rather than a specifically designed diet.

How To Use Intermittent Fasting As A Weight Loss Diet

Intermittent fasting involves changing your eating habits to alternate between periods of fasting and periods of food intake. In a typical intermittent fasting diet, people will only drink water during fasting days to keep their body properly hydrated. The duration of the fasting period varies depending on the type of intermittent fasting.

The most popular type is called alternate day fasting (ADF), which involves 24 hours of fasting followed by 24 hours of food intake combined in a 48-hour cycle. Other types of intermittent fasting are designated 20/4 (20 hours of fasting and 4 hours of non-fasting), 19/5

or 16/8. In theory, any combination may be used. However, the specific intermittent fasting routine needs to be adjusted to prevent health damage and follow several specific requirements: The fasting period should not exceed 36 hours. Prolonged fasting, or starvation, may cause excessive protein breakdown and an abnormal slowing of metabolism. The goal is to lose weight and not muscle tissue. A long term lack of food will cause the body to start using proteins as an energy source, which may cause muscle tissue loss and a lowered immune response to infections. Moreover, prolonged fasting will cause the body to slow down its metabolism, which will minimize the effectiveness of the diet.

Intermittent fasting should not be practiced with certain health conditions. It is recommended that people undergo a basic medical checkup before engaging in intermittent fasting. If you are suffering from a severe metabolic condition, you may be ineligible to start an intermittent fasting diet, since it could cause a reduction in blood sugar levels. Although intermittent fasting is a safe and effective diet, it may still be perceived by your body as a stressful event, especially in the

initial stages. Consulting your doctor and discussing the utility of intermittent fasting in your specific case is a great idea if you want to lose weight safely.

Make sure to stay properly hydrated. Water makes up 60 to 70 percent of our body. Drink plenty of water during fasting days to ensure a normal function and prevent damage to your health. During fasting days, your body is busy with removing toxic substances from your digestive system. An increased water intake will make the process more effective.

Intermittent Fasting Is More

Effective When You Make Healthy

Food Choices

Although intermittent fasting involves a reduction of caloric intake and will stimulate fat burning processes, it does not mean that you have to ignore healthy food. Simply eating less and fasting is already a great strategy to lose weight, but a healthy diet will make it an excellent one.

According to Mayo Clinic, a leading health care provider and medical research center, your diet should include some of the following foods: Lean meat is an excellent source of high-quality proteins. Grilled chicken and turkey are great sources of iron, which is a chemical element that is used to produce red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, giving you energy. Meat is rich in carnitine, which is a natural compound that is used to transport fat inside the cells to the place where it is burned.

Fish is a great source of proteins and has almost no cholesterol. There is something magically strange about fish fat: it can help you lose weight and lower the risk of heart disease. This is because fish fat contains omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol levels and increase the metabolism to stimulate the burning of "bad" fat.

Whole-grain foods and cereals are an excellent component of a good intermittent fasting diet due to their specific compounds that help you lose weight naturally. First, whole-grain foods are rich in dietary fiber.

Fiber is a natural compound found in plant-derived foods that is not digested and absorbed by the human body. However, even though it has no energetic value, it has a vital role in weight loss, especially when combined with intermittent fasting. Fiber can swell with water in the stomach and gut, which creates a gel-like structure that prevents excessive absorption of fat and cholesterol.

Moreover, fiber increases the volume of food without adding any calories, which stimulates the stretch of stomach walls and serves as a signal to the brain to reduce the appetite and limit the intake of food.

Whole-grain foods and cereals are great components of any weight loss diet, but when combined with the caloric restriction provided by intermittent fasting, the results may be surprisingly positive.

According to a 2010 study conducted by Provident Clinical Research and published in the Journal of American Dietetic Association, a diet that contains whole-grain products is more effective in helping lose weight than a control diet that is low in fiber

Dairy is a great source of calcium, phosphorus, and proteins. Low-fat milk or cheese are beneficial for your bone health because they provide a steady supply of minerals to ensure bone strength and joint integrity. Calcium is also required for muscle contraction, which is especially useful if you choose to combine your intermittent fasting diet with an exercise regimen.

Rice and beans contain complex carbohydrates, which are a slow-release sources of sugar. Unlike simple sugar, which is absorbed very quickly into the blood and can be transformed into fat, complex carbohydrates are long-chained molecules of sugar that are released slowly during digestion. It prevents a sharp rise in blood sugar, but at the same time provides a steady supply to prevent low blood sugar and muscle weakness. An increased intake of complex carbohydrates, unlike high amounts of simple sugar, does not lead to production of fat because the slow-release sugar is used instantly by body tissues, preventing excess buildup that is usually transformed into fat.

Nuts and seeds are rich in antioxidants, minerals and healthy oil.

Unlike animal-derived fat from meat and dairy products, nuts and seeds contain oils that are beneficial for your health by providing high amounts of vitamin E, non-saturated essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Vitamin E promotes tissue regeneration and antioxidants protect the cells from damage caused by certain toxic substances that are byproducts in metabolic chemical reactions. The oil that is

contained in nuts and seeds does not contain cholesterol at all, and it has a protective effect on the cellular membranes in the brain.

Last but not least, fruits and vegetables are essential nutritional components of your intermittent fasting diet on your non-fasting days.

They are rich in a wide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will stimulate your metabolism and will help lose weight. Fruits and vegetables are usually very low in calories due to their high water content.

The Science Of Intermittent Fasting A continuous daily supply of food requires significant effort from your digestive system to process, digest and absorb the nutritional components from the food you eat. The appetite-regulating brain centers in certain people are not good at permanently monitoring daily food intake effectively. Our body has several protective mechanisms to prevent starvation and nutritional deficiencies, and hunger is one of them. Although it was a great tool for ancient hunters and gatherers, it is less useful in our days when food is readily available. This is why obesity and its health consequences are increasingly frequent in the modern population. Choosing intermittent fasting as your weight loss diet regimen may be a natural way to adjust your eating habits to effectively monitor your weight and protect yourself from heart disease and high cholesterol. Intermittent fasting works through several mechanisms to help maintain a normal body weight and stay healthy:

Appetite Control

Intermittent fasting stimulates your body to use the nutritional components more effectively and prevents buildup of excessive fat.

When we eat more calories than we consume through mental and physical work, our body will store the excessive energy as fat deposits.

As a protective mechanism against hunger and malnutrition, which was developed when our ancestors were struggling to obtain food, our appetite is not a great tool to regulate our food intake, because it will always cause us to eat more than we actually need. Our appetite, which resides in the lower brain centers that are not controlled by superior brain regions responsible for logic and reasoning, has no way of telling how much mental and muscular work we are going to perform after food intake. Intermittent fasting allows our body to adapt to a temporary lack of food and use the food more effectively without storing fat deposits.

Enhanced Metabolism

During short-term food deprivation, the energy expenditure is increased by higher blood adrenaline (also known as epinephrine)

levels, as shown by a 2000 medical research study conducted by the University of Vienna, Austria, and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It is an adaptive mechanism that causes the mobilization of fat from deposits and accelerated burning of carbohydrates and fatty acids. The results is an enhanced metabolism that will lead to a gradual weight loss, provided you do not eat unhealthy food on your non-fasting days.

Intermittent fasting works in a similar manner with moderate exercise, which also results in an increase of blood adrenaline levels and enhanced weight loss. However, it does not mean that you should not exercise when using intermittent fasting as a diet to manage your weight.

Calorie Reduction

Intermittent fasting is associated with a reduction in total caloric intake. If you will not eat high amounts of food on your non-fasting days, the diet will decrease your caloric count. However, unlike daily caloric restriction, intermittent fasting allows you to eat some of your favorite foods during your non-fasting days. Besides reducing the caloric intake, intermittent fasting provides other significant health, benefits such as the speed-up of toxic substance removal from the digestive system, enhanced metabolism, better blood circulation and even increased longevity.

Other Health Benefits Of

Intermittent Fasting

Although weight loss is a a great health benefit of this great diet, there are others that are equally as important, and maybe even more so.

1. Repairs Tissue. Intermittent fasting improves the processes of tissue

repair and prevents the growth of tumors. According to a 2007

study conducted by researchers from the Department of Nutritional

Sciences and Toxicology at the University of California at Berkeley, intermittent fasting may exert protective effects against certain types of cancers. Although large studies on humans are currently in progress, there is positive confirmation that intermittent fasting slows down the development of lymphomas in laboratory conditions in animals.

Moreover, on fasting days, the body is not occupied with food digestion and absorption, which is a time and resource-consuming process, and it may focus on repairing the tissues, removing toxic substances and regenerating the cells of your digestive system.

2. Lowers blood sugar. Alternate day fasting, as the most popular intermittent fasting diet, helps lower blood sugar and increase the tissues' sensitivity to insulin, which provides relief for diabetics.

Because people who are overweight are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, intermittent fasting is a great solution for both problems. Short-term food deprivation improves the utilization of insulin by body cells and leads to a more effective use of sugar.

3. Stimulates human growth hormone (HGH). Short-term, safe fasting causes an increased production of HGH by the pituitary gland. HGH is a powerful biological compound that stimulates the production of more muscle tissue, the regeneration of bones, and the facilitation of repair processes. In children, HGH causes enhanced body growth, and its levels are lower in adults. However, enhanced HGH levels achieved through intermittent fasting will protect you from aging and will promote cell regeneration.

4. Lowers cholesterol. Short-term fasting effectively lowers cholesterol levels, which prevents heart disease and high blood pressure. Because an increased daily intake of food may be associated with cholesterol buildup in the small arteries, people who are overweight have a higher risk of impaired blood circulation, heart attack, stroke, heart disease and hypertension. Intermittent fasting is a great way to lose weight and lower cholesterol levels, which will enhance your cardiovascular fitness and will clean your vessels from "bad" cholesterol deposits.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

With Intermittent Fasting

When people find an effective way to lose weight and maintain their health, they may become excessively enthusiastic about it and make more efforts than is required. Fasting more than 24 hours actually does more harm than good, because it causes a general slowing of your metabolism, which prevents fat from being burned. Moreover, prolonged food deprivation stimulates the degradation of proteins, which leads to loss of muscle tissue, weakening of your immune system and poor bone and skin health.

Some people are vulnerable to a lowered blood sugar, which is a relatively frequent occurrence with intermittent fasting. If you feel dizzy or muscle weakness, you may drink sweetened tea or juice instead or plain water during your fasting days. It will not increase your caloric count significantly, but it will protect you from excessively low sugar. There is also a modified form of intermittent fasting that involves the consumption of 20 percent of daily caloric intake on fasting days, while still maintaining the main benefits of this diet. If intermittent fasting is too difficult to adjust to, choose to reduce the fasting period or use the modified, low-caloric fasting day as an alternative. Remember that losing weight is beneficial only when it is safe and is not associated with health damage.

Don't start intermittent fasting if you suspect a health condition that has not been evaluated by a doctor. If you think that you have some undiagnosed health issues, start by consulting a doctor and discussing the utility of intermittent fasting in your case. This diet is effective and safe for weight loss, but if you have severe heart disease, liver or kidney failure, or a serious metabolic disorder, you may need to talk to a medical professional first. Also, sudden weight loss may require periodical re-evaluation by your doctor to make sure that you actually improve your health rather than harm it. Gradual weight loss through

intermittent fasting is safe and provides multiple health benefits for the vast majority of people.

Adjust your intermittent fasting regimen continuously until you find the perfect dietary routine. If you feel that it is hard to tolerate prolonged fasting, don't hesitate to shorten the period. Also, if you feel that several hours of fasting are not enough and you are fit enough to fast more, you can use the maximum 24-hr fasting period, but don't exceed it. Fasting is safe, but prolonged starvation is not.

Tips And Tricks To Maximize Your Results With Intermittent Fasting

Short-term, alternate fasting is a great way to lose weight, but you can still add some specific routines to make it even better.

Combine intermittent fasting with moderate exercise. It is best to exercise during non-fasting period to avoid muscle weakness and dizziness due to low blood sugar. Adjust the intensity of exercise to your fitness level and follow the recommendations of a qualified trainer or your doctor. Drink plenty of water during exercise, or supplement your energy intake with caloric drinks such as milk, tea or juice. However, high-intensity, exhaustive exercise is not recommended during intermittent fasting, because it severely depletes your nutritional resources, which may cause health damage or muscle degradation.

Although your caloric intake will be reduced, your vitamin and mineral intake should not suffer. If you feel that you are not eating enough fruits and vegetables, don't hesitate to take vitamin supplements to stay healthy during your diet. Vitamin supplements do not add to your caloric count, but they provide a steady supply of vitamins and minerals to maintain proper metabolism and enhance your weight loss efforts.

Several safe, clinically approved supplements may help maximize the results. Dietary fiber supplements are a great addition to your intermittent fasting diet. Fiber limits the absorption of fat and reduces cholesterol levels. Supplements that contain carnitine are also beneficial to promote fat-burning processes.

Green tea is a great weight loss nutritional source. It is rich in antioxidants and theanine, which speed-up your metabolism and protect your tissues from toxic substances. Additionally, green tea has a low amount of caffeine, which acts as a mild stimulant and promotes fat loss.

Intermittent fasting is a natural and effective way to lose weight and obtain several other health benefits. When starting this diet, make sure you are healthy and fit enough to fast, and if you’re not sure, talk to your doctor. Don't forget to avoid eating excessively during non-fasting days, and adopt a healthy diet that includes lean meat, fish, nuts, whole-grain foods, fruits, and vegetables. With dedication and discipline you will succeed in achieving your weight loss goals. We wish you patience and good luck!


Mayo Clinic, Healthy Eating

LA Times, Health, Leangains Guide

University of California, Fasting

Daily Mail, Fasting Slows Aging

Real Food University, Intermittent Fasting

Weight Loss Resources, Alternate Day Fasting

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