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How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week – The Ultimate 7 Day Weight Loss Kick Start

By Jenny Allan

Copyright © 2013 Jenny Allan

All Rights Reserved.

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Steps to Take Prior to Starting

Step 1: Let Go of Yesterday

Step 2: Engage in Proper Goal Setting Techniques

Step 3: Don’t Start Empty Handed

Step 4: Make Your Plan Fit Your Lifestyle

Step 5: Prepare to Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Chapter 2: Fasting 101

Cutting Out Sugar

Eat Only Natural Foods


Water Only

The Master Cleanse

Put It All Together

Chapter 3: Understanding Weight Loss

Know How Many Calories You Need

Use These Numbers to Create a Plan

Chapter 4: Get Rid of Bloat

Why Do You Bloat?

Decreasing Your Waistline

Chapter 5: Get Control Over Your Emotions

Negative Consequences of Emotional Eating

Ending the Cycle

Chapter 6: Why Water is Fundamental to Weight Loss

The Advantages of Water

What’s an Appropriate Water Intake?

Chapter 7: Herbs, Vitamins & Other Supplements

Natural Supplements to Consider

Chapter 8: Time for Bathroom Talk

Chapter 9: Get Physically Active

Exercise is Your Friend Not Enemy

Fun Exercise is Sustainable Exercise

Calculate Your Body Fat

Strength Training Basics

Strength Training Exercises

Proper Strength Training

Chapter 11: Keep Yourself Motivated

Create Set-Points

Reward Yourself

Face Your Inner Motivation


Ask for Help

Chapter 12: Get Your Sleep

Advantages of Peaceful Slumber

Perform a Personal Sleep Inventory

Improve Your Sleep

Chapter 13: 7-Day Kick Start

Prepare for Weight Loss:

Sample Daily Plan:

The Continued Journey

Chapter 14: Medical Conditions that May Affect Weight


Where To From Here?

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While it would be nice to wake up one morning and be the size of your dreams, it just isn’t a reality. Losing weight takes time. But, that doesn’t mean that it has to take more time than necessary. With a few little tweaks to the way you do things, you can kick start your weight loss and see tremendous progress in the first week alone!

In honesty, you’re not going to be dropping a lot of fat in those first seven days.

Some of it will be excess water and toxins that have built up in your system and some of it will simply be just reducing any bloating you may have going on.

Regardless, you’ll end this first seven days looking and feeling better than you have in a long time!

How is this going to happen, you ask? You’ll get everything you need by reading this eBook. For example, in Chapter 1 you’ll find out exactly what to do to get your mind and body ready to shed the pounds quickly and easily.

Chapter 2 will teach you about fasting, its positives and negatives, and what to do to insure your safety should you choose to incorporate them into your weight loss plan; whereas in Chapter 3 you’ll learn some proper eating techniques to help you not only lose weight, but keep it off for the long term.

Chapter 4 discusses why bloating occurs and how to avoid it and Chapter 5

will go over eating out of emotional hunger versus physical hunger and provide a little bit of information about eating disorders. After all, if you can uncover your reason for overeating, you can start to heal the problem instead of covering it up with food, resulting in weight loss that lasts!

Chapter 6 talks about water and why it is essential in the weight loss process. It will even help you find out how much your body specifically needs.

In Chapter 7 you’ll learn which dietary nutrients and foods will actually stoke the fat loss process and which ones don’t live up to the hype; and Chapter 8 will go into how your bowels may be working against you in the weight loss process and what you can do to help them turn around and work for you.

Chapter 9 discusses exercise and how to make it something you look forward to instead of something you dread. One of the key elements to burning calories (even while you’re not active) is increasing your muscle mass, which you’ll learn in Chapter 10.

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Of course, staying motivated can prove to be a challenge so you’ll get some handy tips and tricks in Chapter 11 that will help you keep your head in the game.

Although food and exercise is extremely important to the weight loss process, so is adequate sleep, which you’ll learn in chapter 12.

Chapter 13 is going to give you what you need to kick your weight loss in gear that first week (and beyond). And, just in case you don’t get the results that you’re after, Chapter 14 is going to cover some medical reasons that may be to blame.

One thing is for sure, after you’re done with this eBook, you’ll have a toolbox full of tips and tricks to help you reach your weight loss goals once and for all!

Let’s get started, shall we?

Chapter 1: Steps to Take Prior to Starting Have you struggled with dieting and weight gain for years? And, do you find that each time you lose weight it is easier to regain it and even more difficult the next time you try to get it back off? If you answered yes to these questions, don’t despair because you’re now on your final journey to weight loss success!

You’re going to take the next week and help your body learn how to get its metabolism back where it should be. Actually, you’ll get it better than it ever was as long as you follow the guidelines in this eBook!

Of course, you want to make sure that your body is up to the tune-up first. So, please take the time to see your family doctor prior to starting this weight loss journey and make sure you don’t have any medical conditions that could be affected by some of the recommendations. No reason to hurt yourself when you’re trying to make yourself healthy, right?

Once you get the go ahead, here are the steps you’ll want to follow to get your body re-energized for the next week and beyond:

Step 1: Let Go of Yesterday

Even if you’ve tried to lose weight before and not been successful, it’s not a problem. As no two people are the same, you have to learn what specific things help you lose weight and what your obstacles are as well.

Whatever happened last time or the time before when you tried weight loss, it’s time to forgive and forget. Quit holding on to choices you made that didn’t help you reach your goal. What’s done is done and it’s time to move past that.

The fact that you’re even still trying to meet your goals is a great sign! It means that you believe you’re capable of losing the weight once and for all – which is so very true!

So, keep the past in the past, okay? Use your drive and motivation to make today the best day ever! The result will be a tomorrow that’s loaded with joy and happiness because you will have succeeded at finally reaching your goal. How great is that?

Step 2: Engage in Proper Goal Setting Techniques The reason you’re doing this is because you have a goal, right? Well, what is it?

Is it getting to a certain weight or wearing a certain size clothes?

Most importantly, why is this goal important to you? What would it mean to you to have your goal become a reality? For example, would you be more social because you’d have higher self-esteem, or maybe you’d have more courage to ask for that long overdue raise at work if you felt better about yourself?

It is this type of information that will make the difficult times easier. It will be your drive when you just don’t feel like you have the energy to move forward.

Now that you know what your goal is and why, it’s important to take note of a couple other factors that will help make it easier to reach. They are: Make sure your goal is reachable. If you set something that is too difficult to reach, you’ll only cause yourself added aggravation, which will increase the likelihood that you’ll give up altogether.

Don’t cut yourself too short on time by creating a deadline that’s hard to keep. You want it out far enough to make it reasonable, but close enough to keep it in the forefront of your mind.

Break it down into smaller increments that aren’t so daunting. For example, it’s much easier to stomach the idea of losing five pounds three times than it is to think of dropping fifteen pounds.

Follow these simple guidelines and you’re on your way to achieving your goal!

Step 3: Don’t Start Empty Handed

In order to succeed at anything, you need to make sure you have the right gear.

Well, weight loss is no exception to that rule.

Get your fridge and cupboards stocked with healthy, nutritious foods and beverages. And, if you need anything else to help you live a healthy lifestyle, make sure you get that too. For instance, if your running shoes are worn out, make sure you invest in a new pair now so you have no excuses to not get active.

Speaking of getting active, do you plan to sweat it out at home, or have you considered joining a fitness center? You can get a great workout either way, just make sure you include it in your plan in case you want to purchase any new equipment or save up for a membership.

Step 4: Make Your Plan Fit Your Lifestyle

In order to succeed at losing weight, you have to come up with a plan that you

can live with. If you don’t, you’ll likely walk away from it before you can realize any true physical changes.

Because you’re going to be adjusting to a new lifestyle, it’s not uncommon to feel a little tired and overwhelmed for the first day or two so keep that in mind when setting your start date. (After the first two days, though, you’ll feel great!) And, you don’t have to overhaul your entire life to lose weight. Just pick some areas that you’re willing and able to change. For example, if one of your not-so-healthy behaviors is buying veggies but then having to throw them out because you didn’t eat them before they perished, make sure you always cut them up the minute you get home from grocery shopping so they’re handy and accessible.

Step 5: Prepare to Celebrate Your Accomplishments You’re going to be working so hard to make positive changes, you have to make sure you take the time to celebrate them as you go. Do something nice for yourself when you reach some of your mini-goals to keep your energy and drive going strong.

Not sure what to do? Try to select rewards that are like carrots dangling on a stick in front of you. Set things that you may not ordinarily do for yourself, such as:

A day at the spa

New clothes to show off your new body

Upload a new book to listen to as you exercise

Buying a new gadget for the kitchen to make healthy cooking easier Try to select rewards that will help you reach your goal, such as the last two. The more you do to promote a healthy lifestyle, the more likely you’ll make it an everyday habit.

Chapter 2: Fasting 101

Is fasting good for you? Some say it’s not healthy for your body at all. Other experts say it’s actually beneficial to give your body some time without food; that it helps you feel better mentally and physically. Who do you believe?

First, let’s differentiate the different types of fasting. Some say no food and some allow only specific foods. If you’re looking at doing a liquid fast, it should only be for a limited period of time.

Fasting has gained popularity for one purpose – to rid your body of unnecessary toxins and wastes. When you consider how many unnatural substances you consume daily in processed foods, it’s no wonder your body retaliates by not feeling as good as it could. It’s like putting a bunch of dirt in a paint can and wondering why it doesn’t go on the wall all smooth and clean.

Not only do you get these substances from things you eat, but you get them from everything else you come in contact with as well. For instance, when you put scented lotions on your skin, your body takes in all the ingredients. Do this over time with cleaning supplies, makeup and even water from the sink and you can see why you may feel a little sluggish or lethargic.

So, if you are interested in beginning your weight loss journey with a fast, it’s certainly understandable. Here are some options that others found helpful: Cutting Out Sugar

One of the most basic and helpful fasts is the sugar fast. Simply remove foods from your diet that contain sugar and white flour (simple carbohydrates) and replace them with complex carbohydrates like oats, barley, fruit and veggies. As it cuts out unhealthy foods, this type of fast can go on indefinitely.

Just a word of caution: you may have some sugar withdrawal symptoms, particularly if it’s been part of your diet for some time. So, be prepared for headaches and a sick stomach until your body gets rid of the sugar you have built up in your system.

The best way to make it through this process quickly is to consume a lot of water. The faster you can get your body to release the sugars, the better you’ll feel.

Eat Only Natural Foods

The more you work with a food through cooking, the more vitamins and minerals it loses in the process. Therefore, if you want to get the most from your food, some believe it’s best to just eat it raw like the cavemen did.

This presents a few issues when dealing with certain foods, like eggs, which ultimately should be eliminated since they’re not safe unless cooked. But, if you choose to take this route, you can still get plenty of nutrition from other foods such as nuts, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

If you’re not big on meats, you can actually follow this type of fast for quite some time. Just make sure you get adequate protein so your muscles stay healthy and strong.


Popular amongst celebrities, juicing has now found its way into the average household as a viable weight loss option. In fact it’s taken such a hold that there are tons of gizmos and gadgets available to make your juicing experience easier should you choose this type of fast.

Because fruits and veggies contain a lot of natural vitamins and minerals, juicing can be very healthy. It certainly is better than pre-made juices you buy at the store that are typically loaded with sugar.

If this type of fast interests you, you can make a ton of different juices such as:

“Green” smoothies which are a blend of various fruits, veggies and a little bit of tofu

Juice an orange and carrot for a colorful juice loaded with vitamins A & C

Mix cucumber and melon for a smoothie that is nutritious and delicious Because they’re so healthy for you, a fast of this type can go as long as seven days. Your body is still getting its necessary vitamins and minerals so you’ll likely feel very energetic if you choose to juice to begin your weight loss process.

Water Only

Because this type of fast lacks any vitamins and minerals, it is also the most controversial. Although proponents say it has positive side effects, such as increased energy and better skin, there are still a large number of experts that say

it’s too dangerous on the body to go without any sustenance.

If you want to do a water fast, get your doctor’s approval first. And, don’t do it for more than a couple days. Your body needs food to survive.

The Master Cleanse

Used by celebrities such as Beyonce who lost 25 pounds following this fast, the Master Cleanse has gained a lot of popularity. It involves drinking a concoction of lemon juice, cayenne and syrup and sometimes includes salt-water beverages and teas that act as laxatives.

Although you will effectively lose weight on the Master Cleanse, it’s nothing you should sustain for any length of time. Eventually you’ll have to learn how to eat in a manner that helps you maintain a healthy weight.

As a side note: if you do try the Master Cleanse, make sure you drink a lot of water so you don’t dehydrate your body.

Put It All Together

The best fast is one that gives you nutrition and eliminates foods and substances you really shouldn’t be consuming anyway. That means that choosing to eliminate sugars or sticking with only natural foods are great ways to begin your weight loss journey!

Chapter 3: Understanding Weight Loss If you want to be able to lose weight and keep it off, there are some basic things you need to understand. Don’t shy away from this part because it’s like the

‘textbook version,’ because the more you know the better your chances that this is the last time you’ll ever have to lose weight.

Know How Many Calories You Need

The first step in weight loss is to determine how many calories your body uses just to survive. This is also known as your basal metabolic rate or BMR.

Combine this amount to the amount of calories you use by being physically active and you get what is known as your TEE, or Total Energy Expenditure.

To calculate your specific numbers, you can use an online calculator or do it manually. If you choose the latter, the Harris-Benedict formula is a great calculation method to use. It is: (Note: 1 inch = 2.54 cm and 1 kilogram = 2.2 lbs.) Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) – (6.8 X age in years) Women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) – (4.7 X age in years)

So, for instance, if you are a 35 year old female who is 5’4” (163 cm) and currently weighs 130 pounds (59 kilos), your equation would look like this: 655 + 566 + 293 – 165 = 1,349 calories per day just to survive Now that you know this number, you need to account for your physical activity level. You can easily do that by using the following chart: Multiply your BMR by 1.2 if you’re sedentary (office jobs, no real exercise)

Multiply your BMR by 1.35 if you’re lightly active (exercise 1-3


Multiply your BMR by 1.55 if you’re moderately active (exercise 4-5

times/ week)

Multiply your BMR by 1.725 if you’re highly active (sports or intense exercise most days)

Multiply your BMR by 1.9 if you’re extremely active (intense exercise every day)

To go back to our previous example, if the 35 year old 130 pound woman worked in an office, you would take her BMR (1,349) and multiply it by 1.2 to find that it takes 1,619 calories for her to keep her weight where it is. However, if she would work out just a few days a week, her calorie intake would go up to 1,821 per day.

Use These Numbers to Create a Plan

Once you know exactly how many calories your body burns, you can create a plan that will get you the weight loss you desire. So, for instance, if your goal is to lose a pound a week, you’ll need to cut 500 calories a day. You can do this by eating less, becoming more active or both!

The thing is, once you know how many calories you can consume then you can plan your meals accordingly. Aim for 5-6 smaller meals instead of three larger ones so that your body stays satisfied and cravings are kept to a minimum.

Chapter 4: Get Rid of Bloat

There’s nothing worse than the scale hiking up 3-5 pounds overnight or trying to put on your favorite jeans just to find that you can’t get them done up. While it would take food in huge quantities to actually put on that much fat in such a short time frame, it doesn’t take much to get your body to hold onto the same amount of water, causing you to feel miserable and fatigued.

Why Do You Bloat?

There are three main reasons that most people bloat: too many carbs, too much salt or not enough water.

Carb consumption causes your body to retain water. Bodybuilders are aware of this fact and use it prior to shows if they want to make their muscles look bigger.

It’s also why eating too many high-carb meals make you feel and look larger.

The same thing happens if you consume too much salt, which is easy to do in this day of high processed foods. Because your body doesn’t like too much sodium, it retains water in an effort to lessen the concentration. The result? You guessed it – bloat!

And, finally, your body will hold onto water if you don’t give it enough. It may sound weird, but the best way to lose water weight is to drink more of it!

Decreasing Your Waistline

Here are some options to get rid of that dreaded belly bloat: Drink a lot of water (1 ounce for every 2 pounds of body weight) Focus on eating mainly lean protein, low-fat dairy products, fruits and veggies.

Limit the amount of sweets, soft drinks and refined white flour you consume.

Have a cup of coffee or some green tea to help eliminate excess fluids.

Chapter 5: Get Control Over Your Emotions Using food to cope with life is often learned early in childhood. You’re given a cookie when you fall off your bike or you enjoy family time around the dinner table.

When you grow up, you keep those behaviors. When something goes wrong, you continue to go to food. If you want to create a memorable event, it likely is associated with a meal of some sort.

Not only does eating to soothe thoughts or create memorable celebrations feel good emotionally, but it feels good physically as well. When you eat an abundance of fat and carbs, your body releases endorphins which make you feel good. It’s one way that biology does not serve us well.

Negative Consequences of Emotional Eating

Even though eating a food or two that are bad for you when you’re feeling down or anxious isn’t life threatening, it can easily become that way if it’s a pattern you sustain over time. As your weight goes up so does your chances of developing some sort of major health condition such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Also, when you continue to eat out of emotion, you’ll never be able to resolve your weight issue. You’re essentially putting a bandage (food) over something that’s bothering you (the real reason you eat) so you don’t have to look at it when you should focus on doing what is necessary to get it to heal properly (do something that actually resolves the issue).

Ending the Cycle

With a little strength and determination, you can close the door on emotional eating. Next time you’re tempted to eat out of emotion versus physical need, try taking these steps:

Step #1: Decipher your triggers

When you find yourself about to eat, try to decipher what emotion has triggered you to want to take that action. Did something just happen or were you thinking about something distressing?

The most important part of this step is to do it prior to allowing yourself to eat.

If you wait until after you’ve satisfied your urge, it will be more difficult to

figure out what it was.

Step #2: Give your emotion a name

Now that you know what sent you to the kitchen, you have to understand why.

Specifically, what emotion did you feel the urge to soothe or distract yourself from?

If you’ve been eating emotionally for quite some time then you may find this particular step hard to do. You’re probably pretty effective at pushing your emotions down.

But, with time, insight and continued effort, you’ll be able to pinpoint one or two feelings that are at the heart of your eating. You may find that it is sadness, disappointment, anxiety or boredom that get you every time.

Step #3: Create a plan

Now that you’ve figured out what feeling is causing you discomfort, you can create a plan to deal with it. For instance, if you know that anxiety makes you want to eat, then come up with a list of things you can do when you’re feeling anxious. Maybe you’ll decide to go for a walk or write in a journal instead.

Sometimes when you’re sad or depressed it’s best to talk to a professional. They can give you ideas on what helps or even prescribe medications if necessary. It’s okay to ask for help if you need it. It’s actually a sign of strength not weakness to admit when something is over your head.

If you truly want to combat emotional eating once and for all, you have to develop a way to deal with life that doesn’t involve food. Think about it, the only thing that food can resolve is true physical hunger.

Chapter 6: Why Water is Fundamental to Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, drinking water helps to melt the fat!

The Advantages of Water

Your life would cease to exist if your water supply was cut off, so your body gets defensive when it doesn’t get the amount it needs. We covered that briefly when we talked about bloating, which is when your body retains water if it feels dehydrated.

That’s why it’s important to consume more water if you feel like you’re retaining it. Once your body gets the amount it needs, it will be comfortable enough to let the excess go. The result is a lower weight and smaller waist.

How do you know if you’re bloated? When you make a fist, does your skin get tight? Can you clearly see where your rings are worn? If you answered yes, then you probably need to drink more water.

Water also helps the vitamins and minerals that you consume get to the cells via your blood stream. So, if you’re not drinking enough, they don’t move as easily throughout your body, thereby causing you to not be as healthy as you can be.

Lastly, water is necessary for all your vital organs to work as intended. For example, your kidneys need water to flush out the toxins. If they don’t get enough water to do so, they rely on the liver for help. Since the liver is so busy filling in for the kidneys, it can’t do its main job, which is metabolize fat.

You see, when your body runs efficiently and effectively, you will burn fat at a higher rate. Put simply, drink water and drop pounds!

What’s an Appropriate Water Intake?

The best thing you can do for your body is drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water, or one ounce for every two pounds you weigh. So, for example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you would want 75 ounces of water a day. And, if you sweat a lot or have a health condition like diabetes, you’ll likely need even more.

Chapter 7: Herbs, Vitamins & Other Supplements There are many products on the market that claim to burn fat. Some do it through raising your body temperature, which ultimately raises the amount of calories you burn, even while at rest. Others boost your liver function, resulting in greater amounts of fat being metabolized. And yet others raise your heart rate which burns higher rates of calories.

The problem is knowing which ones are okay and which ones may hurt you.

While no single pill is the answer to weight issues, there are some supplements that have been shown to help you in the process.

Natural Supplements to Consider

Three of the best natural weight loss supplements you should consider are:

Guggul – Originally used for medicinal reasons, this plant can help you drop six times more weight, as that is the result of research when some participants took guggal and others took a placebo.

Green tea – Because its caffeine speeds up your body and makes you less hungry, green tea is great for weight loss. Additionally, it contains phytonutrients which, according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, can help you get rid of double the weight of non-tea drinkers.

Dandelion – This natural substance helps promote liver function which increases your body’s ability to metabolize fat. Additionally, it also helps your body to release excess water.

Of course, there are many other options as well, but they’re not as well researched. According to WebMD, they are:

Chitosan – A sugar found in the hard layer on the outside of shellfish such as lobster, crab and shrimp and is said to stop absorption of cholesterol and fat.

Chromium Picolinate – A mineral that boosts insulin activity which ultimately raises your metabolism.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – Chemical components found in linoleic acid that are thought to get rid of fat and reduce hunger.

Glucomannan – A derivative of the konjac plant that allegedly prohibits fat absorption

Please understand that just taking these herbs and not changing your food intake or exercise level isn’t going to help. They act as a supplement to healthy behaviors.

And, even products found in nature can be harmful. So, if you’re considering taking anything in an attempt to assist your weight loss, make sure you talk to your doctor first.

Chapter 8: Time for Bathroom Talk Some people have concern that their full bowels may be to blame for some excess weight. While certainly that may be part of it, there are healthy ways to deal with that issue (such as drink more water and eat more fiber) and other not-so-healthy alternatives, regardless of the fact that they promote quick weight loss.

Manufacturers and marketers of colon cleansers and laxatives (they’re both the same thing) want you to think that your colon isn’t capable of doing its job, but they’re wrong. It’s very capable; as long as you give it the water and fiber it needs to do it.

In actuality, when you use products like those, you’ll likely get the opposite effect of a weight gain instead of a loss. That’s because they dehydrate your body so it starts to retain water. Also, if you take laxatives regularly, your colon will begin to rely on them. It will become lazy and won’t function as intended.

That’s why it’s better to just leave your colon alone and let it do its job. Only use products like these when you need them, not as a catalyst to losing weight.

Chapter 9: Get Physically Active The more you move, the more calories you burn. Yes, maybe you do work a desk job or perhaps you can’t afford great exercise equipment to help you in your quest to lose weight. Things like this can certainly make the process harder.

Here’s the thing – you have two choices in life: make excuses or make changes.

As long as you keep coming up with all the reasons why you can’t do something, you’ll never do what’s necessary to make your goal a reality.

Exercise is Your Friend Not Enemy

One of the main reasons people hate to exercise is because they focus on the negatives. So, if you view it as something that takes up your time, causes you pain and strains your budget, of course you’re not going to like it!

If you want to turn enemy into your friend, you have to look at all that it does for you. Focus on the fact that it makes you look better in your clothes, feel better physically and reduce the stress you feel. Pay attention to the way it improves your mood and puts some energy in your step.

Fun Exercise is Sustainable Exercise

If you want to stick to an exercise program for any length of time, you need to enjoy it. So, the key to a solid exercise regimen is to have fun. Here are some calorie burning workouts that may keep a smile on your face: Group sports – If you’re social, group sports are the way to go. Start a baseball game, join a soccer league or play some basketball at the gym.

Swimming – If you’d rather work out alone, swimming a few laps can be a great alternative to the treadmill or elliptical. You can also use the water as resistance to work your muscles for additional calorie burning benefits.

Playing with your kids – Take your baby for a walk in a stroller or engage in a game of tag with your young child. Take the time to build a bond while building your health in the process.

Gardening – When you do lawn work of any kind, you have the opportunity to burn some major calories. Weed your flowers, plant your seeds or mow your grass and you’ll not only have beautiful landscape but you’ll also have a rock solid body!

Walk the dog – Not only will your dog enjoy some different scenery, but you’ll stay motivated to keep going when he or she is pulling at the leash. If you don’t have your own dog, borrow a neighbor’s or volunteer to walk shelter dogs.

Volunteer for an active charity – Donate your time to an organization that needs someone to perform physical labor, such as building a house or sorting donations. You can also participate in walks and fundraise for local charities and burn calories while you’re helping others.

Chapter 10: Increase Muscle, Decrease Fat If you want to kick your calorie burn into overdrive, the best way to do that is to increase your muscle mass. You see, muscle burns more calories than fat. So, even if you’re not doing anything physical, such as sleeping or watching television, you’ll burn more calories at rest simply because you have more muscle.

Calculate Your Body Fat

To know how much fat you have, or your body fat percentage, you can do a couple of things:

Use online guides and just answer a few quick questions Step on a scale that calculates body fat

Get measured by a fitness trainer or doctor

If you’re a woman, you want a body fat percentage somewhere between 14-35%.

Any less than that and you’ll fall into unhealthy ranges. (Remember that your body needs some fat to function efficiently.) Men, you’ll want to keep your fat in the range of 6-25%.

It’s important to realize that body fat and body weight are two different things.

You can have a ‘normal’ weight and still have too much fat. Or, you can have a higher weight and also have lower body fat (which is common with bodybuilders). That’s why it’s important to know your body fat percentage.

How do you increase your muscle mass? The best way is to perform exercises that focus on strength training.

Strength Training Basics

When you use weights or your own body weight for resistance in exercising, you are building your muscles. The way it works is that the resistance creates tiny tears in your muscles that get bigger when they heal. It’s like when you add fibers to a strand of rope. It becomes thicker and stronger over time.

You have a few options when it comes to strength training. You can join a gym and use all their fancy equipment, buy your own weights at home or use your body as resistance to help you build muscle. They’re all effective options to

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increasing your muscle mass.

The main thing to remember is that you have to perform strength training exercises on a regular basis to get results. The more you work your muscles, the stronger they’ll become and the more fat you’ll burn!

Strength Training Exercises

If you want a great strength training routine, just use the same exercises that schools and the military use. Here are some to consider: Sit-ups Click here for a video demonstration

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Pull-ups - Click here for a video demonstration

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Push-ups - Click here for a video demonstration

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Chair dips - Click here for a video demonstration

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Wall sits - Click here for a video demonstration

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Squats - Click here for a video demonstration If you have a hard time doing these exercises, that’s normal. Just modify them so they’re easier. Once you get stronger, you can make them harder.

As an example, if push-ups are too hard, try them with your knees touching the floor until you can do them with your toes touching instead. If that’s too hard, try vertical push-ups against the kitchen counter.

You can change the way you do sit-ups too. Do crunches until you can handle a full sit-up. As your abdominal region gets stronger, you’ll find a whole range of exercises easier since your core assists with many strength training moves.

Proper Strength Training

If you’re new to strength training, try to do it twice a week. The stronger you get, the more you can increase your workouts, ultimately aiming for 4-5 sessions a week.

Also, don’t work the same muscle group two days in a row because you have to allow time for the mini-tears to heal. So, for example, if you work your arms on Monday, you wouldn’t want to work them again until at least Wednesday.

The best way to build your muscle quickly and effectively is to push them until you feel you can’t do another exercise. Once you have fatigued them as much as possible, it’s time to give them a rest so they can heal and get stronger.

Chapter 11: Keep Yourself Motivated When you’re beginning to make changes, staying motivated isn’t hard. You’re excited about all the great things that reaching your goal will get you.

However, after you’ve had some time to adjust to the changes and realize how much work they’re going to take, it’s pretty easy to lose that initial energy and want to go back to the way things used to be.

Here are some great ways to keep your motivation burning strong: Create Set-Points

If your final goal is so far in the distance you can’t see it, it can be difficult to keep working toward it. So, the best thing you can do is create some milestones along the way to help you remember that you’re heading in the right direction.

For example, if you want to lose 40 pounds, that can feel like a lot. However, if you break it down into increments of ten, it will seem not quite so daunting. Yes, you’ll have to lose ten pounds four times, but doesn’t that sound easier than losing 40 pounds?

Not only does it feel better to think of smaller increments, it also helps keep you motivated when you are reaching goals along the way to your final goal. Every time you reach a set-point you reaffirm that you can do it!

Reward Yourself

What good is a goal if it doesn’t have a reward? You don’t have to do anything big, just something small will do (unless it’s a big goal that you’ve hit). The key is to find a reward that makes you want to work to achieve it.

Since everyone is unique, what motivates you might not motivate someone else.

For that reason, you want to come up with your own rewards. Here are some ideas you may want to consider:

Save money for each pound you lose. When you hit a goal, spend it.

Give yourself a day of spa treatment – at home or


Rent a movie you’ve been dying to see.

Buy clothes to show off all your hard work.

Some people use food as a reward. Should you? If allowing yourself to eat a chocolate bar will keep you on the straight and narrow the rest of the time, then go for it. But, if it could start a deadly downward spiral of unhealthy eating, you’re best to pick non-food options instead.

Face Your Inner Motivation

What is it about weight loss that truly motivates you? Sure, maybe you want health or you’d like to wear those jeans you wore in high school, and if you do then great. But is that all?

Although contrary to popular belief, it’s okay to want to lose weight to make an ex regret walking away. And, if you want to be the one that has all eyes on you when you walk in the room or be considered the hottest person on the block, then so what? If that’s what you want, then go out and get it!

Not sure what your true motivator is? One way to figure it out is to imagine the future you. Picture yourself once you’ve hit your goal. What do you notice about the future you that is different from the you that you are right now?

Are you more self-confident? Maybe you’re more comfortable setting boundaries with other people so they don’t walk all over you? Or, perhaps you have more energy to play with your kids or grandkids.

Once you pin-point the differences, you’ll know what it is that you’re attempting to achieve. And, it’s these things that are going to keep you going when the going gets tough, which it will from time to time.


Research suggests that people who write their food down lose higher amounts of weight both short and long term. According to a study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, those who journaled lost around six more pounds than the participants that didn’t.

Journals don’t have to be just for food either. You can also track your feelings, thoughts, concerns and celebrations.

The great thing about journals is that they can help you see patterns. For example, you may notice that you’re hungrier after drinking a diet soda than when you drink regular water.

Don’t forget to write down your upcoming rewards. Keeping your eye on the prize will help you stay motivated when you’re ready to give in.

Ask for Help

If you’re struggling, there’s no shame in asking someone to help you.

Remember, it takes more strength to go to someone for guidance than it does to fight your battles alone.

One of the best places to find help is online. There are forums, Facebook pages and all sorts of groups you can connect with. It may be daunting if you’re a little introverted, but remember that other people struggle too. And, by you stepping up and talking about it, you may be helping others just as much as you’re helping yourself.

When you’re part of a network of people who have similar goals, it helps you stay accountable. On top of that, you just might make a friend or two!

Chapter 12: Get Your Sleep

Although not normally associated with weight loss, sleep is imperative when it comes to dropping those excess pounds. How so?

Advantages of Peaceful Slumber

Just as your body loses more weight when it has enough water, the same can be said for when it gets enough sleep. When you get adequate shut-eye, you handle stress more effectively. This is especially important because stress causes your body to release cortisol – a major weight gain hormone!

Remember that food didn’t used to be as plentiful as it is nowadays. So, when people didn’t have the necessary food they needed, it created stress on their body. In an effort to conserve energy, their body boosted its cortisol production so they could survive famines.

Now we have different stressors. We’re trying to juggle work and home. We face financial and family problems. Even though the stress is different, our body responds the same way it did years ago – cortisol production goes up, taking our weight right with it.

So, when you sleep, your body isn’t in that stressed state. Instead, it starts to relax and produce endorphins instead of cortisol. Endorphins make you feel better and promote weight loss instead of weight gain.

Sleep is also the best time for your muscles to heal after those intense strength training workouts. That’s exactly what you want to happen so they grow big and strong and push your calorie burn higher than ever before!

Although we know it’s good for us, sleep is often pushed aside as unnecessary.

However, research suggests that if you don’t get the minimum requirement of 7-10 hours nightly, you’ll likely have more fat.

Perform a Personal Sleep Inventory

Take a look at your sleep habits. Are you spending enough time in bed, or should you be spending more? What can you do to get yourself in bed earlier if it is an issue?

There are definitely times in our lives that we’re more sleep deprived, such as with an infant or when work is crazy. However, other things impact our shut-eye time too, such as late night video games, drinking and worrying about things

beyond our control.

Improve Your Sleep

One of the best ways to sleep better at night is to de-stress your body. Keep your body active, spend some time in the sun and limit your caffeine intake. If you have a lot on your mind, write it in a diary or share your concerns with a friend.

You can also do some form of yoga or meditation to relieve some stress.

Try to avoid taking medications as they can become addictive. If you want to take something, try melatonin supplements.

If you live in an apartment or have noisy neighbors, use earplugs or get a white noise machine. Also, trim down the light in your room by getting curtains that darken the room or turning the display on your alarm clock so it faces away from you.

Create a feeling of serenity by relaxing before bed. Drink something warm, like a nice cup of tea. Take a hot bath or cuddle up with a blanket or book.

When you get good sleep, you’ll find it easier to handle life. And, since you’re going to be changing yours a little bit with healthier behavior, why not set yourself up for success?

Chapter 13: 7-Day Kick Start

You know everything you need to lose weight successfully, so now it’s time to take action!

What follows is a handy cheat sheet to make sure you don’t forget anything and a plan you can use the first week to get your body burning fat at amazing rates!

(Keep using it past the first week to enjoy optimal burn!) You’ll notice it’s a little vague. That’s because no two people lose weight the same way so you need to adapt it so it works for you.

Remember that it has to fit your lifestyle. So, set it up in a way that you can live with for the long term.

If you have a lot of weight to get off, your results will be higher in the first week.

And, the closer you get to your goal, the slower they’ll become. I only mention it so that you don’t get discouraged.

Okay, ready for your first 7 days of the rest of your life?

Prepare for Weight Loss:

Figure out whether you will fast

Calculate your calorie usage

Stock up on healthy supplies

Pick a fun workout that will keep you energized

Connect with others who share similar goals

Make sleep a priority

Sample Daily Plan:

Begin your morning with hydration – think green tea and water. Also, make a breakfast that has lean proteins and don’t forget to do your yoga.

If mornings are easy for you, get in your exercise. Try for 30-60 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of strength training.

Have 5-6 mini-meals, making sure you don’t exceed your calculated calorie count.

Get your daily intake of water. (1 ounce for every 2 pounds you weigh) Stay away from sugar and salt.

Spend your evening time engaged in some relaxing stretches.

Soothe your body even more by drinking a warm cup of tea or reading a good book.

Get 7-10 hours of sleep.

Make all seven days like this. Remember, you need to eat well, exercise often and sleep good at night.

Also, keep in mind that you shouldn’t strength train the same muscles two days in a row. So, you can start with upper body exercises one day (such as push-ups and pull-ups) and do lower body the next (like lunges and squats). Use the third day to work your tummy, doing sit-ups and leg-lifts.

Keep this schedule all week and you’ll feel fantastic by the end of day number seven! Don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done this week so you’re motivated to continue on your weight loss plan.

The Continued Journey

The reality is that this schedule is one that can and should extend beyond the first week if you want to burn the maximum amount of calories possible. You don’t even have to change it once you reach your goal, because it will help you maintain it as well.

The only thing you’ll want to limit is fasting. But, the diet and exercise suggestions can be followed indefinitely to get you the body you’ve waited so long to enjoy.

As long as you keep doing healthy behaviors time after time, your results will be permanent. The key is in consistency.

Chapter 14: Medical Conditions that May Affect Weight Loss

If you follow these guidelines and aren’t seeing results, it’s possible that a medical reason may be to blame. Although they’re not very common, they have to be considered as options if nothing else is working.

Medical conditions such as Cushing’s disease, diabetes or pre-diabetes, hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome for females can make it hard or impossible to lose weight. Some even promote weight gain.

Testing for conditions such as these can be done easily through blood. If you find that you have one of these, your doctor can help come up with a way to treat it. And, once it’s under control, losing weight will become an option.

If you’re struggling to drop the pounds, it’s possible that you’re on a medication that is making it difficult. For instance, oral steroids and the birth control drug Depo-Provera can cause you to gain weight.

If you feel this may be happening to you, talk to your health care provider. It may be something as simple as switching you to a different medication that doesn’t have weight gain as a side effect.

Where To From Here?

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Jenny Allan

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Steps to Take Prior to Starting

Step 1: Let Go of Yesterday

Step 2: Engage in Proper Goal Setting Techniques

Step 3: Don’t Start Empty Handed

Step 4: Make Your Plan Fit Your Lifestyle

Step 5: Prepare to Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Chapter 2: Fasting 101

Cutting Out Sugar

Eat Only Natural Foods


Water Only

The Master Cleanse

Put It All Together

Chapter 3: Understanding Weight Loss

Know How Many Calories You Need

Use These Numbers to Create a Plan

Chapter 4: Get Rid of Bloat

Why Do You Bloat?

Decreasing Your Waistline

Chapter 5: Get Control Over Your Emotions

Negative Consequences of Emotional Eating

Ending the Cycle

Chapter 6: Why Water is Fundamental to Weight Loss

The Advantages of Water

What’s an Appropriate Water Intake?

Chapter 7: Herbs, Vitamins & Other Supplements

Natural Supplements to Consider

Chapter 8: Time for Bathroom Talk

Chapter 9: Get Physically Active

Exercise is Your Friend Not Enemy

Fun Exercise is Sustainable Exercise

Calculate Your Body Fat

Strength Training Basics

Strength Training Exercises

Proper Strength Training

Chapter 11: Keep Yourself Motivated

Create Set-Points

Reward Yourself

Face Your Inner Motivation


Ask for Help

Chapter 12: Get Your Sleep

Advantages of Peaceful Slumber

Perform a Personal Sleep Inventory

Improve Your Sleep

Chapter 13: 7-Day Kick Start

Prepare for Weight Loss:

Sample Daily Plan:

The Continued Journey

Chapter 14: Medical Conditions that May Affect Weight Loss

Where To From Here?

BONUS: Free Book Giveaway + Lifetime Updates