How To Lose The Weight And Keep It Off by (Peterson, Jacob) - HTML preview

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How To Lose The Weight

And Keep It Off

Copyright © 2013

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Copyright © 2013

Table of Contents


You Need To Make A Lifestyle Change

Plan Ahead

Make Sure You Take Measurements

It Is Ok To Snack

Get Moving !

Eat A Big Breakfast

Try To Minimize Alcohol Intake

Make Sure You Set Realistic Goals

Claim Your Free Gift!


Welcome !

Thank you so much for buying this book, I know you will find it to be full of tremendous value. I want you to know that I do not take your purchase lightly. In exchange for your purchase I am going to reveal to you some of the best ways you can lose weight (and a lot of it) and how to actually keep it off for once! One of the main reasons diet and workout programs fail to help someone lose weight is because they are simply too hard to follow and can make you lose your mind! This book will talk about how to drop the weight without going crazy and give you some great suggestions on how you can keep the weight off for the rest of your life.

I stand behind this method 100% and I am very excited to share it with you because I know it will work very well for you.

Before you continue reading this report, I wanted to let you know that I made a free video for you to watch that goes over one of the best workout programs I give to my clients. You can watch the video here I recommend you

take a look at the workout program before you continue reading this report so you can see how the workout program fits in with all the tips and tricks I cover in this report ! If you follow that workout you will start to see results faster than you ever thought possible !

I will not fill this report up with a bunch of fluff. What you will get is actionable steps without the heart wrenching details of my life story.

Once you are done reading this book from start to finish, I have no doubt in my mind that you will know for sure that these tips and tricks to lose weight and keep it off will work for you just like they have worked for thousands of other people who have applied these same exact techniques.

See How to Weight Loss Fast >>

I completely understand that life can get hectic at times. However, you will only need 20 minutes per day to achieve your weight loss goals and get the body you have always dreamed of.

The beauty of everything I talk about in this book is the fact that you can do everything from your own home. You don’t need a gym membership. Even though those can help, I understand they can be a little expensive. Because of this I have designed all these tips and tricks work even if you never leave the house.

Ok, enough of the intro. Let’s get started !

You Need To Make A Lifestyle Change

Anybody can start a new diet or workout program and get results from it.

However, if you want to get permanent results that will last forever, then you truly do need to make a lifestyle change.

The reason I say this is because you will notice that just about every one of the tips and tricks I will cover in this book require you to make some sort of lifestyle change. Some of them might be big changes, others might ber very small changes.

There might be some suggestions I make that will make you a bit uncomfortable. You might not want to do some of the things right away.

But let me ask you a question…

What if i told you that if you follow every single one of the tips and tricks I will be showing you in this book, I can promise you that you will have a lot of success? Would you be more likely to actually follow through with everything and not give up when times get hard?

There is something about us humans that need that guarantee. If we don’t have that guarantee then chances are good we won’t achieve our goals.

However, if we do have that guarantee, if we are 100% sure that if we do something, the end result will be success, we are much more likely to actually follow through with it.

I am here to tell you that everything I am about to teach you in this book has been proven to get results. I have seen literally hundres of people follow the advice I am about to give you and lose weight.

With that being said, I will also say that I have seen countless people FAIL

at losing weight. The reason they failed is because they didn’t want to

make any of the lifestyle changes.

You need to ask yourself how badly you want to lose weight. If you want it bad enough, if you have that STRONG desire, then all you have to do is follow the methods in this book and you will get results.

I know that is a very bold statement, but at the same time I know I can make that statement because these are scientifically proven methods that you will be learning. You will be learning methods that allow you to work with your body instead of against it to lose weight and shed as much fat as possible.

However, you need to remember that you are the one in control of your own destiny. You can have all the information in the world on how to lose weight, but if you don’t actually take action and put everything you have learned into use, then you will continue to gain more and more weight each and every day.

The choice is yours, are you willing to make the lifestyle changes that you know you need to make?

How To Lose The Weight And Keep It

Plan Ahead

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when they are trying to lose a lot of weight is the fact that they try to do everything on the fly.

What do I mean by this ? Well, basically I mean they don’t plan ahead.

They don’t plan out when they are going to exercise and they don’t plan out what they are going to eat for each meal.

I know a lot of people don’t like planning ahead because they don’t want to feel like a robot and live a life that is constantly on a schedule.

I completely understand that, but you need to understand that there is a very fine line. The problem with not planning the exact time you are going to workout each day is the fact that if you don’t have a set time, chances are good you are just going to keep pushing it back and before you know it the day will be over and you will have missed your workout.

It is also very important to plan out your meals ahead of time because if you don’t then you are just going to start eating anything and everything when you get hungry. If you don’t have your meals planned out you are probably going to end up going out for fast food instead of eating a healthy, home cooked meal.

What I like to do is plan out my tomorrows schedule right before I go to bed. I will actually take the time to sit down for about 30 minutes before bed time and actually write down everything I want to do the next day and plan out the exact times I want to do it. Then, I will wake up thirty minutes early the next morning and start preparing my meals for that day.

Doing stuff like this is one of the biggest lifestyle changes you can make.

When you prepare for tomorrow the night before, you will be able to go to bed without much stress at all becauase you will know exactly what you need to do to fit all tasks you need to get done for the day in your busy schedule.

Make Sure You Take


Before you begin your weight loss adventure, it is very important you take measurments to get a good idea at where you are starting. Many people ask me why they need to take measurments instead of just stepping on the scale and seeing how much they weight.

There are many reasons for this actually, but the main reason is because the scale shouldn’t be your number one indicator of your improvements.

Obviously you want to lose weight, but you want to make sure all of that weight is fat.

The truth is when you workout, you are going to be building muscle. So even if the scale isn’t showing that you lost a whole lot of weight, you might have lost a bunch of fat already and just built muscle alone the way.

We need to always remember that muscle weighs more than fat.

This means that just because you might not be losing as much weight as you wanted to, you might still be dropping a lot of fat. If you only judged this by the scale you would have no idea. However, if you take measurements, especially around the waist, you will know for sure that you are making the progress that you need to make.

Another reason I highly suggest you take measurments before you start is because it will allow you to track your progress so you can see if what you are doing is actually working or if you are wasting your time. If you follow a certain diet and workout program for a month and don’t see much of a difference in your measurements then chances are good the diet and workout program you are following need some changes.

While we are on the topic of taking measurements, I want to share with you another thing you can do that is sort of like keeping track of your

See How to Weight Loss Fast >>

measurements but will also give you a lot of motivation to lose as much fat as fast as you possibly can.

You should find a pair of jeans that you love, but can no longer fit in. Once per week try them on and see if you are close to fitting in them yet. If you are then great! Keep doing what you have been doing.

If you still aren’t close to fitting in them then that will show you that you still need to do some work. This is one of the things I have my cleints do and they always tell me how motivating it is for them every single time they try on the jeans.

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It Is Ok To Snack

Ok, Here’s the deal…I know a lot of trainers have probably told you that if you want to lose weight, you need to cut out your snacking. Truth be told, this is not totally true. You can still snack and lose weight at the same time.

Whenever I hear a fitness expert tell someone that if they want to drop that fat then they need to give up snacking, I always want to step in and say something. When your body gets hungry you need to feed it.

The main reason snacking has received such a bad reputation lately is because when people snack, they typically eat unhealthy foods and foods that are very high in sugar.

If you just finished your workout it is ok to eat sugar, but any other time of the day I always tell my clients to try to limit their sugar.

So if you want to snack, that is 100% ok and will not hurt your weight loss goals, as long as you make sure you are snacking on healthy things.

This means you need to drop the cookies and chips and start snacking on things such as fruits, veggies, nuts, beef jerkey, protein shakes, ect.

If you choose to snack healthy instead of not snacking at all, it can actually HELP you lose weight instead of gaining weight. I know this might sound weird to some of you guys because most of you probably think that if you eat more calories, that means you will lose more weight.

This isn’t 100% true. You want to make sure you are feeding your body at least once every three hours because if you don’t then your metabolism will start to slow down because your metabolism speeds up every time you eat.

So if you snack that means you can actually keep your metabolism running fast.

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I usually tell my clients that as long as they eat healthy things, they should feed their bodies every time they get hungry!

Get Moving !

I do recommend you decide to start a workout and exercise program.

However, I know many of you don’t have the time to stick to a plan. That is why I recommend you just decide to do something active when you have down time.

I have heard many people tell me they truly don’t have any time to do some sort of physical exercise. The truth is everyone has the time!

Let me explain, there are things you can start doing right away to help you fit some sort of exercise into your days. If you are watching TV, start doing push ups, sit ups, and pull ups when the commercial comes on.

I have had a few clients who have extremely stressful jobs and they don’t get a whole lot of sleep because of it. I know a lot of trainers will tell someone to wake up 30 minutes early to get their workout in for the day, but the truth is if you aren’t getting enough sleep already, waking up thirty minutes early to get your workout program in can actually hinder your weight loss goals.

The reason for this is because when you sleep your body enters an anabolic state which basically means it is repairing muscle and burning fat. You want to stay in that state for at least 6 hours every night. For those of you who struggle to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night, you don’t want to give up those extra thirty minutes.

If you are getting at least 6 hours of sleep per night, then yes, I would agree that waking up 30 minutes early to get your workout in is a great idea.

However, if you struggle to get that sleep, then I do recommend you do something like I said above and get your workout in while you are watching TV or have some other down time.

Even if you are in the office and decide to just do 10 push ups every once in a while. Just make sure you do something ! It only takes 10 seconds to do

10 push ups, so time should not be an issue.

I do prefer following a routine where you can keep track of your progress, but if you truly don’t have time for that then don’t let that be your excuse for not doing anything physical at all !

See How to Weight Loss Fast >>

Eat A Big Breakfast

Out of all the meals, breakfast is the one that gets skipped the most. Now obviously I don’t want you guys to skip any of your meals because I want to make sure you keep your metabolism running fast, but out of all the meals to skip, the worst one is breakfast!

If you are skipping breakfast, I highly suggest you stop doing that ASAP.

In fact, I tell my clients to make sure that breakfast is the biggest meal they eat during the day.

Some of you might be wondering why I recommend eating breakfast.

There are a couple different reasons for it.

First off, when you wake up in the morning you will probably have gone about 8-10 hours without eating anything. That means your body and your muscles are STARVING for protein. If you don’t eat breakfast then you are going to start to lose muscle, and if you lose muscle that means your metabolism slows down.

When you do eat a good breakfast, you are going to jump start your metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day. If you skip breakfast, then your body is going to have a very tough time burning off the calories that you just ate.

Another major reason I recommend you eat breakfast is because it will help you not over-eat the rest of the day. You see, when we eat a big breakfast, we satisfy ourselves and give the body all the proper nutrients that it needed. When this happens your body won’t be nearly as hungry throughout the rest of the day.

If you skip breakfast the chances are good you are going to feel really hungry throughout the day and start to over-eat a lot.

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So what should you eat for breakfast ? Well, you have a few different options. I do not believe fats are bad for the body, in fact I believe the body NEEDS certain types of fats if it is going to function properly. However, when it comes to breakfast I do believe you should minimize your fat intake and and eat a breakfast that is high in protein and carbohydrates.

I love to eat eggs in the morning along with oatmeal. However, I do know of a few people that simply don’t have time to make breakfast.

If you feel like you have no time to make yourself some breakfast in the morning, you should purchase a meal replacement shake and just drink that on the go.

Even though eating whole foods is better than drinking a meal replacement shake, having the shake is much better than skipping breakfast and will actually allow you to drink it on the go so you aren’t wasting any time.

Try To Minimize Alcohol Intake I know, I know. I am sure a lot of you don’t want to give up your alcohol. I know how relaxing it can be to crack open a beer after a hard days work, or make a margarita during a hot summer day.

The problem is the fact that you if you consume alcohol, the calories can really start to build up. The reason people consume so many calories when they drink alcohol is because alcohol itself has a lot of calories in it. There is 7 calories per gram of alcohol. This means that your typical drink will have over 100 calories.

That is already a lot, but on top of that, if you consume alcohol, it is going to do nothing to make you feel full. In fact, when a person drinks alcohol they will start to get really hungry and start to over eat. This means that not only are you getting calories from the drink itself, but you are also getting calories from the food you eat while you are drinking. This is obviously NOT a good combination.

I am not telling you that you have to give up drinking completely, but try to not make it an every day thing, and when you do drink it is important you don’t drink too much.

If you are going to drink I do recommend having a glass of wine or a light beer. I personally only drink a little bit on the weekends, I recommend you do the same. I am not one of the strict trainers that say you have to give up drinking completely or else you will never lose weight. I lost a ton of weight while drinking lightly on the weekends and I know you can as well.

The reason for this is because even though too much alcohol can be terrible for you, having a little bit of it can actually be very good for your health.

It is very important that you do not drink to the point where you get drunk.

Once you do this you are going to interrupt your sleep patterns and your body will not be able to get the quality of sleep that it needs. I know it is

easier to fall asleep when you go to bed drunk, but the truth is your body will never hit the deepest stage of sleep which will end up slowing down your metabolism and causing you to lose some muscle.

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Make Sure You Set Realistic Goals

How many of you have actually sat down and set goals for yourself and for your weight loss goals ? Goal setting is a great idea for those of you who want to lose the most amount of weight in the least amount of time. It is also great for just about everything else in life that you want to accomplish !

Think about it like this. If you were going to go on a road trip accross the country, would you just get in the car and start driving and hope that you will eventually end up at your destination ? Probably not. Chances are good you would pull out the map and plan out the fastest route so you can get from point A to point B in the fastest amount of time possible.

The same is true when it comes to weight loss and goal setting. You need to set goals because that is like planning out your road trip. If you don’t set goals you will just be getting in the car and driving without a plan of action. Sure, you might arrive at your destination eventually but if you actually planned out how you were going to get there, you would have gotten there much faster.

Instead of deciding you want to lose weight, get specific with it. How much weight do you want to lose? Once you decide how much weight you want to lose, that is going to be your long term goal.

Now that you have your long term goal, I want you to break that down into monthly goals.

For example, if your long term goal was to lose 100 pounds within 18

months, break that down into monthly goals. This would mean you would have to divide 100 by 18 which gives equals 5.5. This means you would need to lose 5.5 pounds per month to lose 100 pounds in 18 months.

That’s just barley over 1 pound per week, that doesn’t sound too hard now does it?!

Think about it, if you just lose 1 pound per week for the next 18 months you will have lost over 100 pounds!

So don’t focus on the goal of losing 100 pounds. Focus on the goal of losing 1 pound per week. Each time you lose one pound you are closer and closer to your final destination.

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Claim Your Free Gift!

I told you at the beginning of this book that I do not take your purchase lightly. I want to make sure you get the most out of this book and I also want to make sure I do everything I can possibly do to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Because of this I have created a special gift for you. This book gave gave you a lot of great tips and tricks on how to change your lifestyle to lose weight and keep it off. I usually don’t give away my exact diet and workout programs, but because you guys put your trust in me I have created a 12 week workout program for you to follow that will help you lose weight and get your dream body at a rapid pace.

The best part is I am going to give it to you for FREE!

So how do you claim your free gift? All you need to do is head over to

All I ask is that you do not share that link with anybody else. I don’t ever give this stuff away like this. I want to make sure the only people that get their hands on this are people who have placed their trust in me by purchasing this report.

I hope you enjoyed reading this report. Be sure to let me know about your results!