Eden Can Wait, Episode 2: Welcome to the Hotel California by Ray N. Kuili - HTML preview

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Episodes of Eden Can Wait:

Episode 1: Down the Rabbit Hole

Episode 2: Welcome to the Hotel California

Episode 3:  I'm Not Your Enemy

Episode 4:  Fake It Till You Make It

Other episodes


First two episodes of Eden Can Wait are free. Episode 3 and beyond are paid ($0.99 in US, with a matching price in other countries). However, here are four ways to get any episode for free:

  • Post a review of any other episode (Amazon or another bookstore)
  • Review the series on your blog, podcast or video channel (and get a free Season 1 subscription)
  • Get it through Kindle Unlimited
  • Borrow it through Kindle Owners' Lending Library (Amazon Prime members)

If you post a review, just send a link to it to ray@raynkuili.com, specify what episode you need—and receive it in your mailbox. Amazon reviews are strongly preferred, but a review posted at any online bookstore would work just fine.
