Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Ten by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 73-The corruption of Sionn.


Reeas and I, are now in the restroom, preparing to transfer by dream travel, to Axvious, which is in the Quintos-Galaxy.

As you students know, if a planet is too far away to travel by light ship, we can dream travel to the equivalent Astral world, and then transfer into our Astral bodies, and then transfer, or wake up, in the physical body, which is usually a clone. I know you students, can understand all this, as you have access to the dream worlds, and can also access the Guardian-Database; many of you have also been of help while accessing the earlier recordings of my adventures in the Physical, Astral, Mental, Ethereal, and higher regions of God, plus, the thousands of sub planes in between, for this, I am eternally grateful, and that is the key, word my student friend; Eternity, we are all Eternal Beings.

Our physical bodies are now asleep in the rest room, but we, as soul, are now able to access numerous places while dreaming; one place we frequently visit is the Room-of-Doors, it is a place where we can access our past lives. Reeas, as you know, is the love of my life, or past lives, as we have been together many times before. Now, students, this is the situation: a fleet of super robot ships has attacked numerous planets in five Galaxies. We have to get to a planet called Axvious in the Quintos-Galaxy; there is a Guardian base there, we then have to collect a lightship and transfer to another planet called Rifion, where Super-Robots have already started to destroy the population.

What can we do with just one lightship? You say. We can link into many more ships from Axvious and also any other ships which we can contact. The trouble is I can’t contact Debra. She is what I named the lightship; she is also the reason why we have to seek out Sionn. He used to be the Higher-Coordinator. He asked me to follow him into an inaccessible region where he used his powers to incapacitate me; he then somehow, managed to link into Debra, who was, at that time, part of my consciousness, and merge with her.

I know all this is a little hard for you to take in, but you, are Student-Guardians and so, you are able to relate to these circumstances.

We have just received a message in high security mode, from Deria, who is a Higher-Guardian; apart from Reeas, Deria is my closest friend, she is also a master, when it comes to cloaking or invisibility, and you will also know, that she is an Elfin-being, or fairy, and just six inches tall. The message she relays to me is about Sionn; he has been located on the Astral equivalent planet, of Dienna3. We cannot reply to the message for security reasons, so we will have to transfer to the inaccessible plane, to meet Deria. You students will know, that the inaccessible plane, is only inaccessible for anyone other than Guardians, and higher beings.

For students who are new to the database, and want to know why we can’t reply to the message right away, the reason is, Deria, is a higher being, and can send Thought Transfer messages to us, but although, we are Guardians, and higher beings, we are not as high as Deria. All these details will become clear to you, as we travel together, on many planes, and sub planes, in the past, present and future.

Reeas and I are now conscious, on one of the inaccessible planes. Deria is now in her human form and unbelievably beautiful; she is wearing a silken silver gown, with a golden chain belt, and a golden tiara on her head, with a big ruby stone, in the center. Reeas and I are dressed in white. You can access the database, so you will also know when, and to whom, you were related to in your past lives. Deria said, Sionn is on Dienna 3, but he transferred to his Room-of-Doors probably thinking that he can link into Debra better, by going to one of his past lives, and where he was in a lower state of consciousness. Sionn, as you know, is a Higher Being and has been in his last lifetime over three thousand five-hundred years, he wants to merge with Debra, to gain the power, and knowledge, to defeat the Super-Robots, and to finally defeat the Dark-Agents; these agents are clones of a master called Kallo, he was a friend of Sionn’s, and a Guardian until he fell from grace in a spectacular way, he is also the reason why Sionn, has took it upon himself to put a stop to the never-ending battle between the Guardians and Kallo’s Dark- Empire. You will also know that Kallo, was Lucifer, in one of his past lives. If you are a new student, and you want to access the recording of Kallo as Lucifer, please access the database, for the recording of Dan Sherman ‘All Worlds.’ Deria is now telling us, that Sionn has accessed a past life, where, he was a teacher on a world which was very much like Earth. Surely, he can’t be trying to copy me! I used to be a teacher, in my past life. I was then chosen to be a Guardian, or in truth, I had earned the right to be one. Sionn must have tried to merge with Debra, but he must have failed, so, now he is trying to get, on a par, with her, so to speak.

Deria said,’ Let us proceed to my Room-of-Doors, you will be perfectly alright, as long as you are aware that, you can only observe, just follow me, and stay silent. I will relay any messages, I have to you, but please, don’t reply; if you must message me, use Thought-Transfer. Sionn may have laid a trap for you, but he won’t be able to access my Room-of-Doors. Deria then said, let us hold hands. It only takes a few seconds to transfer to Deria’s Room-of-Doors, the difference between Deria’s Room-of-Doors and mine, is startling! Standing in front of Deria’s first door I am amazed and transfixed, by the beautiful colors, and sounds! In my Room-of-Doors it is drab, and plain, with no noise.

Deria said, ‘don’t be disappointed, you will become more attuned with the light and sound, in the future, just be at rest, and learn.’ I can see Reeas, is in awe of this place, also, but we can’t talk. As you know, there are three-hundred and sixty doors, in the room, which surround us, in a big circle, plus, there are invisible sub plane doors, in between each door; these sub plane doors only become visible, when we are conscious of them. We start to walk through the first door; you will know already, that this door, emerges into another Room-of-Doors; this is because, Deria is conscious of travelling to a certain lifetime, in the past; that lifetime, is some thousands of years ago. We will have to travel through many rooms.

Students, take note: each room is ten-thousand years. This means, that if you don’t want to go to a certain lifetime in the first set of doors, then you simply walk through the first door, to the next Room-of-Doors; these doors, are the previous ten-thousand years of lifetimes. It can be confusing, but knowing that, you are Student-Guardians, you will already understand. We are now one hundred and fifty-thousand years in Sionn’s past, but we are only sixty-eight thousand years in Deria’s past. Why is this? You ask. This is because, Deria is an Elfin being, and she is able to live very long lifetimes. Sionn, though, has chosen to reincarnate numerous times, but even so, he has managed to live some very long lifetimes also.

We have now walked through seven doors; each door representing ten-thousand years. Deria is now, standing in front of the actual door, that we need to access. Deria said, ‘This door is the lifetime that I spent learning about genealogy, and all things related to it.

When we walk through this door, please be aware that we cannot relate to anybody. We will be invisible, of course, and untouchable. I will then navigate my way, to Sionn. Stay close to me, and be calm.’

We walk through the door into a world where everything seems strangely alien, but beautiful. It is an Astral world, but as you know, the Astral World is only a copy of the Physical World, or vice versa. I can’t recognize any of the many plants, and trees, that are in the wooded area where we now stand. Deria said, this is a world where all plant life is unique; each plant, you can see, has been propagated to a stage where it will never die. Before you, become too interested in this place, I can only say, that we have to find the equivalent Astral region, where Sionn is. Suffice it to say that, you can access this place from the database later. Please stay close as we transfer to Sionn’s lifetime in this region.

For student purposes: a region on the Astral Plane can be anything from, a main region, to a sub plane. The astral plane itself, is astronomically big; many times larger than the Physical Universe, but it has no space, as such. We are now holding hands with Deria, as we transfer to Sionn’s lifetime, in this region; all we have to do is be aware.

Deria said, ‘Dan, be mindful, that Debra, might possibly recognize you, even though, you are with me, and in high cloaking mode, this is because, you are still linked into Debra; Debra is still part of your consciousness.’ I know that I can’t reply, but I also know, that Deria understands. After a short time of holding hands, Deria said, ‘close your eyes, and within a few seconds, she said, open them. Sionn himself is stood only a few feet away, he is talking to Debra, who is stood next to the character, who was Sionn, in that lifetime! The character, is a male, of about forty-five years old, and dressed in similar clothes to the Earth world! The unusual thing is, that this character is me! Sionn has managed to transform his past life character, to resemble me! Debra said,

 ‘Dan, can you hear me! Please say something.’

I realize that Sionn, has made himself invisible to Debra, but is probably directing her thoughts.

Students will know, from previous recordings, that Debra is not just part of my consciousness, but she is also, the lightship, and everything connected with the Guardian-Database, she took a liking to me, while we were travelling in the ship. I said she sounded like a girlfriend I used to have in my last-but-one lifetime on Earth. From that moment, she became fixated with me, to the extent that, she wants to be with me all the time; she even transformed herself into a hologram and then a robot, but I have to be very careful, when Debra is with me, as she doesn’t like to be referred to as a robot; Debra, can also appear in the shape of anyone, or anything; I like it, when she appears as one of my favorite female movie stars. Imagine being with someone like Marilyn Monroe, with ultimate power! I have been able to control her, up to now, but Sionn seems to think, he can use his power, or consciousness, to manipulate her! I am starting to feel angry, but I know I have to keep myself in control. I can see Sionn is now trying to concentrate his thoughts on Debra, as he is holding his head, in his hands and Debra is in the body form, of the original Debra, who was, as you know, my girlfriend; well, actually, I refer to her, as my girlfriend, but she was a year older than me, so, she didn’t think of me, as a boyfriend but as just a friend; she was also my next door neighbor. We lived in Iowa in the U.S.A. in the 1930s. She got killed, in her boyfriend’s car, after her family moved away, so I didn’t even know, although, I never forgot her; this connection with her, has never been broken. Sionn may think, he can link in to her, but I know different. Mannus himself, told me that Debra, is part of me, and that we cannot be parted.

Mannus, as you students know, is the ultimate power, in this part of the Multiverse. I am getting more and more worked up, and Deria knows it, she sends me a message, telling me to calm down.

I am trying to focus my mind on something else, when Debra looks straight into my face! She can’t see me, but she can sense my presence. She walks up to me, and says,

 ‘Dan, is that you? Dan, please answer me. I’m lost; I can’t find my way back, Dan, please help me!’

This is now getting too much for me to handle. I reach out my hand and try to touch her. Of course, I can’t actually touch her, but she knows what I am doing, and she put her arms around me. Straight away, I am once more united with her.

Sionn is stood staring at me, with a look that I have never before seen on his face; it is a look of amazement and hatred! Sionn is to me, everything that a spiritual person should be, and more, but this person stood here, is more like Kallo, the Dark-Agent.

Deria is now visible, as is Reeas. Deria said, ‘Dan, are you alright?’

‘I don’t know, yet, but Sionn has changed!’

Deria is now looking at Sionn, and holding out her hand, as though she is going to send a shock wave through it, she said,

‘Don’t come anywhere near us, I know what you are!’

I am now confused, although, Debra is with me again, she is nowhere near, her usual self. I also feel very tired. Dear, God, I think, please don’t let this be another trap.

The next thing I remember, is being conscious in a dark and depressing place. I can’t make out the size of the room that I am in, because it is too dark. All I can think about, is Reeas and Deria. Where can they be? I am starting to panic now, as I can see the walls starting to close in. I have never liked closed in spaces, so this experience, is now, really starting to freak me out. Yes, I know, students; I am a Guardian, and I should be able to control myself. All I can think is, that Sionn, or Kallo, have managed to link into Debra, and deplete my consciousness. Suddenly, Kallo himself came into view.

‘Well, if it isn’t Dan, the Trainee-Guardian. How do you like being imprisoned? Not very nice is it? I suppose you think you can easily get out of here. Well think again, my friend, and I will make sure, that you never interfere with our plans again.’

I am now, stood facing Kallo, I am trying to find out whether this person, is actually Kallo, himself or another clone.

‘I know what you are thinking, Trainee, well, let me inform you, before you damage you’re fragile little mind. I am the real thing, now; let me introduce you to my old friend, and partner.’

Sionn came into view. I am now, not only speechless, but more afraid than I have ever been.

‘I suppose you are wandering how I got out of the Astral-High-Security prison,’ said Kallo with a laugh.

I am now looking at Sionn, and I am still speechless. All I can do is to sit down, in the lotus position.

‘Well, look at this.’ Kallo said, ‘The Great, Dan Sherman, lost for words, and beaten.’