Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Nine by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 67-The search for Debra The Loss of Dan


In the restroom, which is fairly plain, I notice some personal little things, that I know are from Reeas, things like photos of my wife and son, from my last life, and some furnishings from my home.

‘Thank you, Reeas,’ I said, she knows I can’t function as I want, even simple things, are now, hard for me to do.

‘Reeas, how am I going to live, like this?’

‘You will be fine.’

‘I can’t even conjure up, simple personal belongings.’

‘Dan, why do you believe, you are now in this condition?’

‘I have been trying to fathom that out, but as yet, I don’t know.’

‘I believe you are being deliberately kept in this state, for some special reason.’


‘As I said before, it must have something to do with Debra.’

‘Oh, yes, I can’t even remember that.’

‘Don’t worry, come, we will access the dream worlds.’

‘But we are already on the Astral Plane, and didn’t Deria say it is a special sub plane, maybe we can’t go beyond it?’

‘I know, Reeas said, but let us see, how far we can go.’

‘I know I should relate something to the students who can access this recording, but maybe you had better do it, Reeas.’

‘Yes, Dan, I will.’

For Students who can still access these messages: This is Reeas again. Please remember that we are now outcasts. The trouble being, Kallo and whoever else is helping him. If you can access these messages please help by uploading any info which will be of use to us, from wherever you are able to go in the inner worlds. My belief is Sionn or Mannus is still in charge of things, but for some reason, they are letting Kallo rule the roost, for the time being. If Kallo himself manages to send you messages, or interferes with the recordings, then we are all in trouble.

Not even Sionn is allowed to send messages en masse to students.

I am also worried about Dan. He seems to be receding more in consciousness. We have either got to get into the Guardian network, or find Debra. As Sionn and Mannus are unavailable and Kallo rules the network, I suppose our only option is to find Debra. Now, Students: Why would Debra go away? I believe she thinks Dan is dead. Well, not dead, but isolated, as soul. The only thing I can think, is that Debra is searching for Dan somewhere in Dan’s past lives! now, I know some students will think nonsense. But don’t forget, Debra is everything that is the Guardian-Network, she is also a part of Dan, how can she access the inner worlds, then? She is, in essence, a mechanical fabrication. But she is more than a mechanical fabrication, she is part of Dan.

Now, Students: Where would you start? Please upload your thoughts to central database. If you said the Room-of-Doors you are right. But not Dan’s Room of Doors, no, mine! How can I access Dan’s past lives from my Room-of-Doors? you ask, and I can answer that, by saying, the same process that I used not very long ago on Altreena. The problem is going to be which door to access? Students again, please upload your thoughts on this problem, and I will take a little break and access the database, not by light book as you know, but by the old fashioned way of Thought-Transfer. I know we call it old fashioned, but really it is a process that is very old.’

‘The Light Book, on the other hand, is simply a modern way of accessing the network on various worlds, both inner and outer. The light book itself, is also, very old, but not as old as the thought-transfer system. Now, I am back from my little break. Dan is increasingly getting worse, so I have decided to leave him at the sub plane base. I asked him to try and use the thought-transfer system to contact me but I decided that it is too much for him, yes, students. I am very worried. My Dan, is much worse than when he first came here as a trainee. Time is now of the essence. I meet Deria before I go to the sleep room, she also is coming on the mission to find Debra. I am now feeling better. If anyone can find her, it is Deria, she also said we can use her Room-of-Doors, instead of mine. For Students: We can access our own Room-of-Doors and we can access someone else with permission; why can’t I access Dan’s then? You say, because he is in such a low consciousness, and in no condition to give permission. We are now stood before 360 doors. As you know, each level of doors is 10,000 years of past lives. Deria wants to contemplate before we start.

‘Reeas, I feel a strange need to a walk through five levels!’

‘That is 50,000 years ago.’ I said.

‘Yes, normally, it would be, but my lives are much longer than humans, but don’t forget, for Dan, it will be much more.’

‘How much?’

‘In the hundreds of thousands, we will see when we get there.’

It didn’t take long to reach the fifth level.

‘Reeas, I’m getting a message from Oasis.’

‘I can access it also, Deria. Dan has de materialized; he is nowhere to be found on the inner planes!’

‘This is Kallo’s work,’ said Deria.

‘He must have done something to Dan, at the derelict house, when we were in the lower regions,’ I said, ‘he pretended to save Dan, when in reality, he was destroying him! I can’t function like this Deria! I have to get to Kallo. I’m going to rip his head off!’

‘No, Reeas! We have to find Debra; she is the key, now, Kallo knows this, and he will also be looking for her.’

‘But he has access to all the worlds, while we only have access to this special region.’

‘No, Reeas, we can access my Room-of-Doors to any time! Kallo cannot reach us here. Trust me.’

‘I’m sorry, Deria. I’m stressed out.’

‘I know.’ Deria said. ‘But I feel Dan, is OK. Kallo couldn’t destroy Dan in the lower regions because he wanted to access Debra. That is still the case.’

‘Why has Dan gone, then?’

‘Because Kallo wants to make it harder for us, come, we are at the crossing point. I feel an urge to access the fifteenth door on this level.’

Students: I just want to say, that of all the people, or should I say Higher Beings, that I have access to, I am very glad, that I have Deria here with me, she is all that I aspire to be. Dan has told me, that he aspires to be like me! And I love him for it. What I am saying is, no matter how high we go in consciousness, there is always someone who is higher.

Kallo, on the other hand, may be riding high at the moment, but as sure as night follows day, he will fall. Deria has told me to tell you students, that she is getting some messages from you. They say that there is a strong impulse to go to level eighteen! She has informed me that this is a false thought reading, probably from Kallo himself; please continue to send your thoughts, and try to be aware. OK, we have now passed through the door. The landscape is beautiful as usual. Anywhere Deria has been, in her passed lives, is probably like this. I am now getting used to the place. I know it is a planet called Belrine; Deria spent several lifetimes here, as a woodland nymph. I would like to describe the landscape in more detail, but words will not do it justice; let me just say, that everything you can imagine heaven to be, is here. I am also very grateful to Deria for helping me in my training to become one with her people.

The experience, is very probably, going to be vital in finding Dan. Deria is now in meditation. I sit down and do the same. I open my eyes, to find myself, sitting on a beautiful golden cushion. I look around to see, Deria, plus hundreds of her kind, sitting in a large circle. I can’t help noticing the beautiful young lady, sitting in the center; she is dressed in a silver silken gown, and has a golden tiara on her head, with a large ruby type stone in the center. I can see the stone getting brighter! The light seems to melt into me, now, I can see wings starting to grow from her back! They grow so big, that they are now bigger than her. The Love I feel is overpowering.

‘Deria, Reeas, she said, please come forward.’

I know this Higher Being is called Gloriel.

‘Hold my hand.’

I look at Deria, who also was incredibly beautiful. We walk forward, and take her hand.

‘Now, close your eyes.’

At once, I can see Debra! She is talking to a Stone-Age person!

‘Please, Dan! Talk to me.’ she said!

I know the stone-age person is Dan as a Neanderthal man; I also know the scene we are experiencing, is from one of Dan’s past lives, from Earth, in the region that will become Germany, 250,000 years ago! of course, Dan can’t possibly know Debra is there; all he is bothered about is surviving day to day. Debra is different; I notice she is smaller, and younger, with a worried look on her face. All at once, we are back in the circle.

‘Now, Deria and Reeas, you know what has happened?’

Deria said, ‘Yes, Debra is being guided to Dan from lifetime to lifetime.’

‘Yes, but there is a danger that Dan could become lost within his own past lives.’

‘How is that possible?’ I said.

‘Debra is looking for Dan, in his normal consciousness, once she finds him, and she will, he will merge with her in the wrong time. Kallo, as you know, wants just that to happen, he will be rid of Dan. He can then concentrate on creating a new Debra.’

‘Surely, Mannus won’t allow that?’ I said.

‘Mannus let’s the lower worlds, take care of themselves. It is up to the Guardians, to keep order.’

I feel anger, love, frustration and confusion all in one.

‘What can we do?’ said Deria.

‘It is no good trying to get to Dan as the stone-age person, as Debra, has now gone’ she could be anywhere in hundreds of thousands of Dan’s past lives. You must try to get to Kallo.’

‘What?’ I said.

‘He won’t be expecting that;’ of course, it will have to be Deria, she has special powers, when it comes to concealment. You, Reeas, will have to search for Sionn.’

‘All I can think about, is my Dan.’ I said.

‘Yes, I know. Don’t worry, we will keep an eye on the Guardian- Network from here. Should there be any change, then, we will message Deria. Hold on, my friends, something has happened. I am getting a message from Grenwer. Please return to the sub base, right away, where you will be briefed. Farewell.'

We are now back in the Room-of-Doors.’

‘I‘m worried sick, about Dan, Deria’

‘We will do just as Gloriel said; I feel something good has happened. You have an unbreakable link with Dan, Reeas; it is like two stars that are too close together, there is no way that they can escape the gravity, or their destiny.’

‘Or three stars, Deria, the other one, being you!’

‘Thank you, Reeas. I feel as close to you, as my twin sister, do you know, my sister and I have been together for eighteen lifetimes and nine thousand years?’

‘That is a long time, Deria.’

‘It is only long, if you think it is long; time is only what you perceive it to be, and Kallo cannot harm us, Reeas; he can only try to catch us in lower consciousness, as he did with Dan. Please remember, to always look to the Higher Regions. I have to go somewhere, Reeas, please don’t ask me where. I feel I am needed to help someone. Go to the sub base, and relax. I will see you later. Farewell.’

I return to the sub plane base.

Please remember students: We are still on the Astral Plane, also, we are still in the special sub plane known as Oasis. It can get confusing, for some students, especially students, who can access the Guardian-Network, but they might not have sufficient consciousness, to realize it, yes, I know it is confusing, but that is the way it is. God works in mysterious ways. A person may have been working for lifetime upon lifetime on the inner planes, helping to serve God; but he may live an ordinary life on his, or her, planet, until one day, the Master appears. This can happen on the inner or the outer worlds. Right, enough lessons for now.

I make my way to the restrooms, at Oasis. Imagine my surprise when I see Grenwer, standing there!

‘What’s happened?’ I said.

‘Please, don’t worry,  just sit down, and meditate, to the fifteenth level, of the Mental Realm.’

‘I don’t know, if I can? My mind’s in a mess.’

‘Reeas, please relax. Dan is OK. He is with Mannus, at the moment.’

‘Thank God, can I see him? How is he?’

‘Please, just rest in meditation, and follow me.’

I close my eyes, in blessed relief, I open them to a find myself in a function room, similar to the one at the sub base, then, to add ecstasy, to joy, there is Sionn! He is sitting at his usual place on the platform as the Higher-Coordinator. I also know Dan is near, so you can imagine my excitement.

‘Come, Reeas.’ he said. ‘Sit here, at the front, let me start, by saying it is thanks to Reeas, Deria, and numerous other Guardians, that Kallo, and his accomplices, are now, close to finally being brought to justice. Some of you, are probably a little confused, by the events that have taken place in the Guardian-Network, also, we must welcome any students, that can access this level. It is secure, so please, don’t worry about your thoughts being intercepted. ‘Please be assured, that we have everything in order. The events over the last few days, have been satisfactory to say the least. We have now captured several thousand dark agents, with many more predicted to be caught, in the near future. Now, Reeas, there is a certain little job, we want you to do.'

‘On my own?’ I said.’

‘No, you will have help.’

I feel my senses tingling, right now, I also feel Joy, beyond compare, as my Dan, comes walking out from the side of the stage, followed by Debra!

I can’t control myself; I jump up to grab him. I also put my arm around Debra!

‘How long have you been like this?’ I said.

‘Not very long, I’m still receiving thoughts by the second!

It feels as though, I am an android, again!’

‘Please don’t worry, about that,’ said Sionn. ‘It will settle down, later. Now we have someone else to thank.’

I know it is Deria, before he finishes speaking. ‘She has, not only, successfully brought Debra back to us, but also managed to infiltrate Kallo’s network, without being detected, on numerous occasions, for this, she is to receive the order of ‘Master Guardian.’ Deria then comes walking out from the side; she is in her human form, and as Dan has said before, she is very beautiful. We are now, all together again.

How did you manage to find Debra, so fast?’ I said.

‘I just went beyond the conscious mind. I felt that I should, simply go, to a certain past life, of Dan’s, and I would meet Debra there, so that is what I did.’

‘Which past life was it?’ I said.’

‘Believe it or not, it was on Altreena again, and yes, he was a Napie again!’

‘I can’t help it, if I like being cuddled and loved.’ Dan said.

‘There will be a lot of that, later,’ I said.

‘I can do it better.’ said Debra, as she turns into the Robot Nanny!

Sionn said, ‘Now, Dan, Reeas, Deria and Debra, please report to the briefing room for details.’

I can’t help thinking, I might have to be careful again, in front of Debra, even if she isn’t here!