Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Eleven by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 79-Nirvara


Message from Reeas:

Tharial was asking people to help in any way, with any information that could be relevant to Dan’s predicament. We are expecting a Special-Envoy anytime to appear and preside over the meeting. This messenger will be specially trained and highly spiritual. We can’t even be told his or her name, as this could be harmful to whoever it is. Students will ask, why? All I can say is that, if anyone thinks too deeply about this unknown person by name, then those thoughts, could be picked up elsewhere on the Inner Planes; but, we are in an inaccessible plane, are we not? Yes, but who knows what, or who, could be listening in. People here are under stress at the moment, and agitated by the Higher Mental light waves. I know, I am. All I can think about, is my Dan, trapped somewhere, in an unknown place.

Tharial raises his arms, and quieted the crowd. He said, the Special-Envoy will appear, in a few moments, please can everyone be calm, and meditate.

I notice that Mannus is a different color; he is lighter shade of orange! Students will know that, each plane has a different color; the higher up we go, the lighter the color. The meeting is now in meditation, and absolutely quiet. I open my eyes, as a stir goes round the crowd. I look on in awe, as Sionn, himself, materializes in the center of the auditorium.

Tharial said, ‘I’m sorry that we couldn’t disclose Sionn’s name, earlier, as this could have brought him negative thought waves, and could have affected his mission. I will let him inform you, what has transpired. Sionn looks around with an unusual stare. He seems to be looking for someone. After a few minutes, he said, there is a Dark Agent in this arena. Everyone looks around with amazement. Tharial said, ‘I’m sure, you’re mistaken, Sionn. This meeting has been personally supervised by me, and my associates. Everyone here has been cleared.’

‘Everyone has been cleared, but you, Tharial.’

Sionn then grabs Tharial by the wrist. Tharial is now, on his knees, and crying out, with pain. Sionn continued: ‘What did the entity, offer you? Tharial, was it unlimited power, or the chance to be an Overlord? Tharial is, by now, screaming in agony. He shouted, ‘You have ruined everything; I was going to be upgraded, I could have been a Higher-Overlord. You will never find out, who my master is, he is so powerful, that not even the Guardian-Network can find him.’

‘I found you, Tharial, and we will find Dan, and when we do, your so called Master, will fall.’

Tharial’s hand, now falls to the floor, burned through, by the heat. His face is a mask of hatred. I know Mannus is about to speak, as the arena is getting brighter. His voice is very deep and solemn. He said, ‘Approach me, Tharial.’ Tharial became nervous, and tried to turn away but Sionn stopped him. Tharial can do nothing, but obey. He walks over to Mannus, holding his severed wrist.

Mannus, then said, ‘I trusted you, Tharial, and you brought in Dark-Agents, to deceive me. You were once, one of my right hand, men, and now you have lost your right hand. And so it will stay. You will be without your right hand, from now on. Kallo, will also lose his right hand. He is another, who deceived me. All people, who think they can trick their way, into my realm, will suffer thus. Shobdera, is expecting you. With that, he touched Tharial on the head, and he disappeared. Mannus continued:

‘Sionn, I want you to take a party of trusted friends, into the mental realm, and find out who is abusing my Higher Regions. You already know something of importance, to do with Dan Sherman, through Debra. Keep calm, and receptive, and you will, in time, prevail. You are too high in consciousness, to use Debra, in any usual sense. I suggest you, nominate someone, to take over control of Debra, for now.’ Mannus, then closes his eyes. Sionn turns to the crowd and said,

‘This meeting is now closed.’

We transfer to an Ethereal sub plane. (which we have to keep secret at this time.)

Sionn is, as usual, calm and collected. I have to admit, Sionn is the epitome, of a spiritual master. He informed me, that I will be taking over control of the messaging system, for now. This, makes me even more aware, that Dan is missing. Dan has, as you know, always been in charge of this side of things. I have now, and again, taken over of the messaging system, but only in a small way. I only hope, I can come up, to his standards. Sionn, has also told me, to make students aware, that the messages will sometimes seem to be lacking in security. Please be aware, that I cannot always tell students, when this will happen.

Sionn, has asked me to also take control of Debra! He told me that she is very limited, at the moment, due to Dan being away. I only hope, that I can keep control of my emotions. Sionn then touched me behind the neck. I can feel a tingling in my head, but it soon went. Sionn then asked me to concentrate on Debra. I no sooner do this, when Debra appears! She looks younger by several years, and has a nervous look in her eyes.

‘Have you found Dan?’ She said. ‘I have looked everywhere. I have even been to his home in England, but someone else has moved into his house! I was going to punish them, but I realized that they were only low in consciousness and wouldn’t have been able to trap Dan.’ I look at Sionn. He looks at me, as if to say, we might have a bigger problem here than we think.

Sionn said, ‘Debra, you will have to promise me, that you will do as we say, for the time being. We are going to search for Dan, in the Higher Regions. We want you to agree to merge with Reeas, for now. If you should separate from her, in any way, it could be disastrous. Will you agree?’

‘Oh, yes, Sionn, please find him.’

‘Now, Debra, Reeas, whoever has taken Dan, has to be a powerful entity. I feel sure that Dan is being held somewhere on the Mental Plane. There is no need to worry about this message being intercepted, as Mannus himself, gave me access to a Mental-Isolation program. I have now given this protection to you, Reeas, when I touched you behind the neck; I also did the same to you Debra. We, as a team, are now ready, to track Dan, through the many levels on the Mental Plane, be aware, Reeas, that you will have to keep a keen eye on Debra, when we get near to Dan. The entity that has taken him, will probably attempt to control Debra, through you. Mannus has suggested, we concentrate on the 31st level, but we will start at the 29th level. Let me just touch you on the neck again, Reeas, to send Debra back into your mind.’

‘What about Deria? Is she not coming with us?’

‘No, Reeas, she and her sister, will be looking elsewhere for Dan, or anyone, who knows anything about this situation; she is still on our team, so to speak. Her brother Darian, is also searching for Dan, and will contact me when he finds anything. Darian has been in deep silence for years. This makes him very hard to contact and locate by anyone but me. In my opinion, he will be invaluable to us.’