Apseudoism: The Path To Solving Today's Spiritual Problems


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Book Description HTML

Apseudoism means that you control your own reality, and this book tells you how, when, and where you take control over your own life! It's simple; reality and the afterlife are relative to the individual, much like how time is relative to your location and altitude, or even your age and state of mind! Purchase this book, because it's the only way you are going to find out the true secrets of reality and the Universe, as revealed by a high-functioning autistic individual!

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Joseph D. Smith

Get inside the mind of an author on the autism spectrum with Joseph D. Smith's books he authored on his own accord! For his poetry, Joseph was featured in two local newspapers in Kentucky and a nationally syndicated newspaper column in the USA. For his music, he was featured on regional television in his home region of South Central Kentucky. He then became an Honorary Kentucky Headhunter! Joseph's late mentor and buddy, Dennis Ray Adkins would always teach him secrets of the trade in songwriting and helped him refine his skills while Dennis was working on his own songs years beyond writing his song "Ace In The Hole" for George Strait. Read his books and be amazed by the author's impressive ability and skills of putting a good flow of words to paper! Joseph now makes his home in the unincorporated community he founded inside of the incorporated city of Glasgow, Kentucky, which he named Groundtown for him and his neighbors who are rather 'down to Earth', who enjoy a more simple and quiet life. The citizens of Groundtown treat each other like family, they look out for each other, and that is why this prolific author named his area of the city such a down to Earth name; Groundtown, Kentucky.

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