A Journey Through the Shades of Love
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Author: George Loukas
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Pages: 181
Published: 9 years agoRating: Rated: 3 times Rate It
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Book Description
"Shades of Love" recounts the life of a young man and the circumstances that led him to a life of illegality. At nineteen, John Zimit, born of mixed parentage in Port Said during WW II, is forced by penury to associate in a cigarette smuggling operation. A troubled childhood ties him intimately to his mother and when she dies, he quits and moves to Cairo. Later, with his sentimental and professional life in a mess he embarks on a ship to India where he remains for two years, meets remarkable people and is fascinated by India's heritage of erotic temples and the Tantric philosophy. He forms a joint venture with an Indian businessman before embarking on a path of unlawful quick enrichment. The contradiction between his human nature and the life he leads makes for a captivating narrative.