The New Rules of Driving by Tom Delor - HTML preview

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This is a terrific, – and real – results obtained by the new rules of driving are astonishing.

The New Rules of driving:: How to use momentum instead of fuel to move your car? By Thomas Delor 10

We must reach everyone to strengthen our National Security.

Under the old rules,
the only way to strengthen our National Security depended on Congress.


Under the new rules we will collectively succeed if each of us is doing his part. Remember what President John F. Kenned told us?


My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man”.

We can unit and all together strengthen our National Security by decreasing our fuel consumption by at least twenty percent immediately (that's 70 cents saved for each gallon). This will save us at least 40 billions of Dollars per year that we can spend on ourselves here at home instead of buying oil from foreign countries.

We’ve come a long way. The Moment-O-Meter is finally one of the best inexpensive solutions to an immediate and durable way to save fuel by driving our vehicles efficiently.

Until recently, nobody ever thought of an instrument such as Moment-O-Meter and someone asked me why that is since Moment-O-Meter is so evident. I responded that it took us more than one thousand years to put wheels on our luggages, that’s why. Human nature.