If You Truly Loved Christ... by Lord SG Vanwells - HTML preview

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Written by: S.G. VANWELLS





Bible versions used in this book include: KJV, NIV, NASB, NLT, ESV, BLB, NETB, ASV ABPE, GWT, and WEB (These were all primarily used for your understanding; The original King James 1611 version with Apocrypha, accompanied by a Strong's Bible Concordance was my primary translation guide/version and biblical source of Information)




















This book is dedicated to the twelve tribes of Israel scattered throughout the world. To the strength of my Mother and to the wisdom and charm of my Father. To all my Sisters, Brothers, Nephews, and Nieces. To little Jimi, where ever you are, be good. To my Wife who continually supports my endeavors. To Jonathan, stay strong cousin, George, and Casie. To my lifelong friends Andrew, Kendall, Aryeonne, and Megan J. In addition, I would like to give a very special thank you to Dr. A and Elder Nathanyel














































If the authentic post resurrection Jesus of Nazareth himself wrote a modern book, what would it say? Would he still say controversial things like the fact that he comes before your family? Matthew 10:37 (BSB) Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. The definition of worth is having sufficient importance. So, anyone who loves their family more than Jesus therefore lacks the sufficient importance to deserve Jesus at all according to Christ. That was the primary writing goal of this entire writing endeavor you sit before and take in today. An overwhelming amount of prayer and fasting went into the work which you are about to evaluate meticulously, which I highly encourage. Much like our savior Jesus, this books content will likely be viewed as controversial by some due to its transformational concepts. These particular biblical concepts are by no means new, however many of them have either been completely forgotten or just flatly ignored by most of Christendom and even some of them by Judaism. The phrase "the old laws are done away with" is articulated much too often by the modern Church. The "old" laws are in fact Gods laws. Why is the church so adamant about getting rid of the very laws that God dictated personally to Moses over his forty years in the dessert wilderness? This was after God audibly spoke the ten commandments to all the Israelites present from the Egyptian Exodus. God then proceeded to hand write the ten commandments on the stone tablets with his finger. God eventually gave Moses hundreds more commandments that he required Israel to follow under an agreed upon two-way covenant. These commandments dictate what Sin is from God and to God, and all that Sin happens to be is a failure to keep these specific laws. Is sin now done away with? It sure didn't look that way last night on the news, so how can the old laws (Gods laws) be done away with? Sounds to me like a phrase straight out of Satan's own mouth or at least one he would at least love to have verbally perpetuated. Modern believers are practically saying that you don't have to follow any of Gods rules from now on. Just stop and think about that for a second. How can that ever even sound "righteous" or justifiable to someone who truly loves God.

Christ taught us to pray this way; Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed (Holy) Be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, (a kingdom where Gods laws are fully followed) Thy Will Be Done (its Gods PERFECT Will for you to keep and do his commandments) God gave his own son as a perfect sacrifice so that none of the former sacrificial aspects of Gods law would be necessary today. Some wonder why the Jesus has yet to return in these last days and I myself will finally inform you of why. It's because Christ's TRUE INTENDED message has not been preached to the world yet. This book is the beginnings of the Son of Man breathing life into the dry bones of TRUE Israel as found in Ezekiel chapter 37. As we must remember the several times in the bible that Jesus stated during his earthly ministry that he came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This book will allow you to discover for yourself who those proverbial lost sheep of Israel really are and where they live today. A portion of the proceeds for each book and all subsequent monetary donations will go to The Because I Love You; Commandment Re-Establishment Fund1 and go completely toward the obtaining (at minimum author's cost) of multiple prints of this publication for personal paypal donation through my organization at Shaevanwells@gmail.com to Individual pastors, public/private libraries, University libraries, and even prison libraries. My highest intention is to get this book and the revolutionary message within it into the hearts and minds of all those who lack that excitable passion for Christ and his father's given commandments. Followed by those who are deficient in the spiritually healthy and very necessary fear and reverence of God and his laws. Matthew 5:19 (BSB) So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Lastly, this book is for those who have been having trouble attaining an authentic manifestation of the Holy Spirit within themselves.

A friend of mine by the name of Michael who often plays Jesus on film gave me a perfect analogy regarding the difference between Christ and God. If Gods law was man’s law then our final judgement would be like a courtroom case. Jesus would be your high-priced defense attorney and God would be the Judge. Satan would be the head prosecuting attorney. Some people are under the non-biblical impression that Christ is somehow our defense attorney and our Judge simultaneously but this is not a very good analogy at all. Christ will only plead your case as a well-respected and highly favored defense attorney. The issue with your personal testimony in the case of your judgement is that only by keeping the Commandments can you add to your personal merits in the Judges eyes. You have full control over the Judges view of your personal character by either the keeping or the breaking of Gods laws, the latter of which would have you in risk of a guilty verdict. God makes the final decision of your specific life's judgement and there will be no jury of your peers to rely on for a mistrial. No appeals and no mercy from the court. Your allotted mercy was all used up during your grace period of Christ's forgiveness while on Earth. All your past disobedience and sins were perpetually forgiven. Thus, giving you more than the appropriate amount of time to strictly adhere to Gods very straightforward commandments

As a lifetime student and worshiper of both Christianity and Judaism I have seen both sides of the road. In College I studied Psychology, Early Childhood Education, and Theology. I was raised Baptist in Atlanta, Georgia my mother eventually converted to Judaism when I was in my early teens. Very soon after I had my first of many spiritual religious experiences and convinced my mother to join a Messianic2 (Christ as Messiah) Synagogue. I began to learn more of the Hebrew origins of the Mashiach3 and a fellow member of the Synagogue was led by the God to buy me a copy of The Complete Jewish Bible. I was a veracious studier of everything I could get my hands on from the Synagogue library and from my own library and web searches until the bible I had been reading started figuratively speaking to me much more clearly. I eventually visited Israel and Bethlehem, which is in Palestine, to learn more about the land first hand and was surprised to realize how knowledgeable I had become about the history there. I was offered an interview by the touring company as a guide if I was interested in working for them. Many of the ideas in this book are original thought and therefore some of them will not have a source citation outside of the Bible and the Strong’s Concordance as a researched idea. The source is the bible for all my personal theoretical ideas but during my first draft some of my original ideas were contested for not being cited properly by my manuscript reviewer. These ideas are not made up, they are legitimate theories with biblical evidence backing them. Even if they are ground breaking and innovative theories they should still be respected as legitimate and sound, because I assure you they are.

By reading this book you will be blessed with the vast knowledge, protection, and fortunate events that many in this world are missing out on. Your relationship with the almighty will be closer and more rewarding, the way it was originally meant to be. You will finally and truly be following in the footsteps of Christ by understanding and following the same commandments that he held dear and followed until his dying day and beyond. You will discover for yourself that only by following the advice from this book, taken directly from biblical sources, you will be personally invited into the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven. I can even promise you a personally created secret biblical based exercise/dance that quickens you with the Holy Spirit and changes you into "another person." This book will inform you on a vast array of things. Jesus's Hebrew name, what sin really is, the many commandments of God, Paul's arrant teachings, common Christian misinterpretations, signs of the true tribe of Judah (blessings & curses), why Jesus died for Israel, who are the actual twelve tribes of Israel and where they are today, and so much more.

Don't procrastinate and miss out on all the blessings present inside this extremely unique book. It's nothing like you have ever read before and it will change you as a person and as a believer. Be the kind of person that people marvel at. Be the kind of person that other people see and say, "I don't know how they got so blessed." Be the type of person who takes prompt action and starts reading this book immediately because it is the one that you have been looking for all this time. The Holy Spirit was highly influential in putting these words on these pages for you and I promise you don’t want to miss what's in store for you behind this introduction page.













Yeshua’s Personal Biblical Requests

In this book, the name Yeshua will be substituted in the place of the name "Jesus" interchangeably throughout some of the upcoming pages. There are locations in the Bible where I have chosen to keep Christ's name as Jesus for the readability and the comfortable familiarity of biblical verses and personal comments, although there is no letter J in the Hebrew language. Yeshua literally means "Jehovah/God is salvation" in Hebrew. Yeshua would have been the name that "Jesus" would have heard himself called (in his own language of Hebrew-Aramaic) during his lifetime. Yeshua would have also been the name that demons would have trembled in fear at the mentioning of during his ministry and after his resurrection, at least until it was substantially phonetically reassembled through translation into Greek, Latin, and English. I will also be using the word Christ for continuity even though the Hebrew words Messiah or Mashiach also applies as the same meaning for the phrase “anointed one.” God's actual name God (YHVH) will be used in place of the title God in some Commandments and laws. Information for this book was mostly taken from the original King James 1611 Edition Bible which originally included the Apocrypha. I will be including the canonized Apocryphal texts throughout this book as well as the old and new testament texts to add to certain points of explanation. Contrary to popular Christian belief the Apocrypha was definitely included in the original canon of the Bible, you can look that information up for yourself if you don’t believe me. Although your pastor may not agree with me that it was part of the original bible, it is still a provable historical fact. The Protestant church removed the fourteen canonized apocryphal books from most King James version Bibles in 1647. I will occasionally be using various translations of the Bible for your1 increased readability and understanding of the scriptures selected for this publication such as the New Living Translation symbolized by (NLT) or the New International Version as (NIV) or English Standard Version (ESV) etc. However, I don’t personally recommend these Bibles overall because of their consistent and seemingly purposeful fallacies of translation and outright deletions of verses at crucial areas of biblical interest. My personal recommendation is to get a King James version bible with a Strong's Concordance reference book. In the Strong's you can look up any word in the King James Bible for its original Hebrew or Greek definition from before it was ever translated to English. In this book Yeshua’s own words will be in BOLD RED LETTERS.

Since most the New Testament revolves around Jesus and most of his words are in red letter writing in many Bibles around the world, you would think that what he says would be substantial. Many modern-day theology schools and preachers overrule what Jesus himself says with other doctrines from those such as Paul and interpretations from other apostles. Why is it that Jesus is not treated as wise and beyond reproach in his preaching? Why must his words and intent be tampered with and his requests to his followers be viewed as non-literal? One of the first aspects to understanding Jesus's ministry is understanding whom Christ was speaking to precisely. More than 98% of Jesus's audience during his ministry were fellow Israelites or Jews who were already aware of many of the commandments given to Moses in the wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt. Most Christians are aware of the ten commandments that God wrote with his own finger and gave to Moses. However, most Christians are not aware of the other 600, or so commandments God gave Moses during the forty years he remained in the wilderness before moving on to Israel. These other commandments are just as important as the first ten, however many Christians are unaware they exist and that there are terrible consequences for breaking these commandments.

Contrary to popular belief these are God's commandments, not Moses's commandments. John 10:30 I and my Father are one. So, If Jesus and the Father are one, these are also Jesus's commandments as well. We will get into these commandments later individually, but for now, you need to understand that Jesus expressly intended us to keep these laws. In John 14:15 Jesus says; If you love me, keep my commandments. He puts it even more plainly here in this verse John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. How many people do you know that can actually say that Jesus "Manifested" himself to them? Not too many probably, including the pastor or teacher who told you that you don't have to keep the "old" laws anymore, huh. Even God the Father manifests himself in bodily form to Moses in Exodus 33:23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen. Surprisingly enough the Hebrew word for back parts literally means “butt or rear end” according to the Strong's Concordance the Hebrew word is “achor.” Strong’s concordance of the KJV reference word 268, look it up yourself if you don’t believe me. The physical manifestation of God into a body or any grouping of molecules (i.e. pillar of cloud, fire, etc.) was coined into an extra biblical Hebrew phrase known as the Shekinah presence of God. Shekinah is a Hebrew word meaning "dwelling" or "settling" and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God. The Shekinah is the feminine aspect of Divinity, also referred to as the Divine Presence similar to the Holy Spirit.

As for keeping Gods Commandments, Jesus also states that he will love you for it. Read over the New Testament right now and see how many other times Jesus actually says he will love “You” specifically for doing something (Jesus speaking to his disciples doesn’t count here), don't worry I'll wait. I have all day…. are you back so soon? Couldn't find any other example besides him talking to his disciples, huh? I thought all you needed was faith to get Jesus's special love. More on that later, but for now you see where I'm going with this don’t you? Jesus practically outright tells you the secrets of the heavens, but his words are generally ignored by almost everyone. This has relevance to Matthew 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. As upset as it may make you for me to say this, the “them”4 he is referring to in this scripture has a direct relation to the future pagan Roman "Gentiles" Paul would later minister to. He would tell "them" throughout the new testament that they did not have to keep any of the Israelite/Jewish (aka God’s) commandments, even though Jesus said otherwise while speaking to the Israelite community. The "them" who are spoken of are always those who are either uninitiated in or the willfully ignorant of the entirety of God’s laws and commandments. As in the case of the Roman Gentiles to "them," it (the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven) is not given.

At the time only the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel or who Jesus referred to as the Lost sheep of Israel5 (the ten lost tribes of Israel) were included in the required keeping of the commandments under God’s requirements. There are extraordinarily incredible blessings that go along with the keeping of God's laws but also terrible punishments for failing to keep them once knowing them. Deuteronomy 28:63 And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so, the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. Those punishments are better articulated as curses from God himself. These curses are still in effect on multiple nationalities of people expressly for their forefathers breaking of God's commandments and the continual breakage of them now. Even if by sheer ignorance of God's laws and statutes. These punishments and/or blessings applied after the Hebrew people made the original covenant with God at Mount Sinai where God spoke to over a million Israelites audibly. The entire Exodus chapter 20 was spoken aloud to the Israelites from God out of a thundering cloud. He told them his first ten commandments specifically to scare them and then eventually brought all twelve of the Israelite tribes into covenant with him to keep these foundational laws. The additional 603 laws of God would be gradually added over the next forty years in the wilderness. The ancestors of these twelve Israelite tribes have dispersed throughout the world and have become the progenitors of several various nationalities. Many of whom you probably would not expect. We will examine these aspects further within the Bible and world history in later chapters.

For those who argue the ten commandments that God spoke where the only commandments, please explain what Moses went up the mountain and talked to God about inside of the actual cloud for the next forty days. This is before he got the first set of tablets he would break in disgust of the golden calf situation. How about the other few hundred laws given to Moses by God during the next forty years in the wilderness, yeah, I'm pretty sure God intended for them to count and be followed also. All the laws, commandments, and statutes are there in those books that most Bible readers ignore such as Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Most of Jesus's ministry comes from the books of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), and if we knew the laws, our Messiah was immersed in keeping we would understand his teachings entirely. There is one request from Jesus that almost everyone ignores and seems to write off so hurriedly that even the thought of it seems impossible. Matthew 5:8 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. I can hear the grumbling already and you saying to yourself that nobody's perfect. You're probably thinking up a counter cop out scripture such as all men sin and come short of the glory of God blah blah blah. What if I told you there is a way strive for perfection but only one way. It's the same way that Jesus did it actually. The only thing in the bible that is considered perfect and makes the simple wise is.... wait for it.......God's Law. Psalm 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. If the law is perfect then following it can perfect you from imperfection and sharpen your mind from that of a fool. The new testament often differs from the old testament by its repeated talk of love. God is Love we've all heard that however, our modern idea of love is not the biblical love that is intended when the word is used. This is Gods idea of love in the New Testament 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. Grievous means dreadful or awful. You kind of have to enjoy keeping the commandments, just doing them begrudgingly or reluctantly doesn't make God very happy about it apparently.

Another request that Jesus made is for us to pray a certain way otherwise known as The Lord's Prayer. It starts off with Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. This aspect of the Lord's Prayer is often ignored by Most. You must be willing to give up your current patriotism and national pride for the sake of God's coming kingdom. You've probably prayed for this without fully comprehending the probable circumstances involved. The present governments of the world will likely stand in complete opposition of his return. They definitely wouldn’t sit idly by and allow an outside (even a heavenly one) force take power and authority over the entire world without a serious fight. Even if that force is Jesus and his angels, so prepare yourself to have the proper mindset for your messiah over your love for the sinful world you are currently immersed in. It will truly be a life or death decision. The description of God's Kingdom coming to earth is described in the book of Zechariah. Zechariah 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. Matthew 19:28 So Jesus said to them (his