Creation Curriculum: The Origins of the Universe by Ryan M. Marks - HTML preview

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     A study of Creation is foundational to the Christian Faith. In this study we will take a look at the first couple of thousand years of history as we examine Genesis 1-11, scientific facts, and more!

     This study has originated from the notes that I created for a 3 month multi-generational Sunday School at the church I was a member of during my early adulthood. It was originally inspired by my mentor Vincent Newfield’s Sunday School class on Creation which I was privileged to take twice during my teens, helping compile his notes and help spearhead an effort to create a curriculum for his ministry to offer. While that never materialized, the themes and intertwined philosophies, debates, and truths of Genesis and Creation have become a passion and basis for a large portion of my Biblical worldview. Thanks, Vincent! And most of all, thank You, Lord Jesus, for stirring my heart by Your Spirit to cherish Your Word!

       I and FMM pray that this curriculum will be a blessing to Disciples of Christ around the world!


Grace, Truth and Peace in Christ alone,

Ryan Marks