Tres Comedias Modernas en un Acto y en Prosa by Mariano Barranco - HTML preview

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habilidad, f. , ability, skill, accomplishment.

habitación, f. , room.

hablar, to speak.

habr-á, -é, see haber and hay.

hacer, to do, make, cause, perform, render; — asomar, to bring (toview); — calceta, to knit; — de su capa un sayo, to do as onepleases; — caso de (á), to heed, notice, take notice of; — al caso,to be to the point; — daño á, to hurt, injure, harm; — falta, to benecessary, be needed; — el favor de, to be so kind as to; — fiestasá, to fondle, dandle, play with; no —le gracia á uno, to [Pg 156]displease,not to please; —le á uno monadas, to ogle, cast sheep's eyes on;

— unpapel, to play a rôle; —suerte, to be lucky, successful; — traición,to be untrue, be disloyal; tener que

, to be busy, be occupied; —secargo de, to form an idea of; —se ilusiones, to be deluded, deceiveoneself; hace with expressions of time, for, ago: estoy sirviendoaquí — tres meses, I have been employed here for three months;

ocho días que no descanso, I have not rested for a week;

— que nonos vemos muchos años, we have not seen each other for many years; — cuatro días que apenas como, I have hardly eaten for four days; — catorce años, fourteen years ago; — dos años, two years ago; — cuatro días, four days ago; — ya mucho que perdió usted, youlost... a long time ago; — poco, a short while ago.

hacia, prep. , towards.

hacienda, f. , property, estate, finance; Ministerio de —, Treasury,Department of Finance.

hache, f. , the letter h.

hag-a, -an, -o, see hacer.

har-á, -é, -emos, see hacer.

haragán, -ana, idle, indolent.

hasta, prep. , until, to, up to, as far as; — ahora, so far;

que, conj. , until; adv. , even.

hay ( see haber), there is, there are; — que (+ inf. ), it isnecessary, one must; ¿— alguien? is someone there?;

¿habrá alguien? Iwonder if someone is there?; no ha habido, there has not been; no — quien... , there is no one who...; no — tal cosa, not at all,nothing of the kind.

hay-a, -áis, -an, see haber.

haz, see hacer.

hazaña, f. , exploit.

he, see haber.

( probably imperative of ver); — aquí, behold.

hecho, see hacer; cosa hecha, an accomplished fact; esto es —, thething is settled.

helado, -a, chilled, frozen.

hemos, see haber.

hermana, f. , sister.

hermano, m. , brother.

hermoso, -a, beautiful, lovely.

herrador, m. , farrier, horse-shoer.

herrar, to shoe ( horses).

hice, see hacer.[Pg 157]

hija, f. , daughter; sometimes used without reference to relationship,as in pero hija, llegas tarde, but my dear girl, you come too late.

hijo, m. , son, child; —s míos, my children; sometimes used withoutreference to relationship, as in hijo mío, my dear fellow.

hilo, m. , thread.

hipócrita, f. , hypocrite.

historia, f. , history.

hizo, see hacer.

hojear, to turn the leaves ( of a book), glance over.

hola, interj. ( expresses surprise or familiar greeting), Hello! Lookhere! well, well, haha!

holgazán, -ana, lazy.

hombre, m. , man; interj. , man alive! goodness! why!; —de Dios, manalive!

hombro, m. , shoulder.

hondo, -a, deep, profound.

honradez, f. , honesty.

honrado, -a, honest, honorable.

honrar, to honor.

honroso, -a, honorable.

hora, f. , hour.

horca, f. , gallows, gibbet.

horquilla, f. , hair-pin.

horrible, horrible.

horror, m. , horror.

hortelano, m. , gardener; el perro del —, the dog in the manger.

hospedar, to give lodging to, harbor, entertain.

hospital, m. , hospital.

hospitalidad, f. , hospitality.

hoy, to-day.

hub-iera, -iéramos, -an, -as, -iese, see haber.

hueso, m. , bone, tooth.

huir, to flee.

humor, m. , humor, disposition.

humorado, -a; mal —, ill-humored.


i, f. , the letter i; poner los puntos sobre las íes, to speak to thepoint.

ib-a, -amos, -an, see ir.

idea, f. , idea.

idem, idem, likewise.

idilio, m. , idyl.

iglesia, f. , church.

ignorar, not to know.

igual, equal, like, alike, same, the same, similar.

igualar, to equalize, make alike, match.

igualmente, equally.

ilusión, f. , illusion; hacerse —es, to be deluded, deceive oneself.[Pg 158]

imaginación, f. , imagination.

imbécil, m. , fool, imbecile.

imbécil, silly, stupid.

impedir, to prevent.

impid-a, -e, see impedir.

implicar, to prevent.

importante, important.

importar, to import, matter.

imposible, impossible.

impresión, f. , impression.

imprimir, to imprint, impress upon, stamp, impart.

inaugurar, to inaugurate, begin.

incluso, including.

incomodado, -a, angry.

incomodar, to disturb, inconvenience, offend, displease.

inconscientemente, unconsciously.

inconveniente, m. , inexpediency, objection.

incorrecto, -a, imperfect, irregular.

independiente, independent, separate.

indicar, to show.

indiferente, indifferent.

indignación, f. , indignation.

indigno, -a, unworthy.

inepto, -a, incompetent.

infame, m. , wretch, scoundrel.

infamia, f. , infamy, infamous act.

infancia, f. , infancy, childhood, boyhood.

infeliz, m. and f. , poor creature.

infeliz, unhappy, unfortunate.

inflamación, f. , inflammation.

inflamado, -a, inflamed.

inflamar, to inflame.

informalidad, f. , unconventionality, etiquette.

ingenuidad, f. , candor, frankness.

ingrato, -a, ungrateful.

inhumano, -a, heartless, cruel.

inmediatamente, immediately.

inmenso, -a, immense.

innumerable, numberless.

Inocencia, prop. noun.

inocente, innocent.

insinuación, f. , insinuation, innuendo.

insistir, to insist.

insolente, insolent.

insoportable, unbearable.

inspirar, to inspire.

instalar, to instal, quarter; —se, to come to live, take quarters.

instante, m. , instant; al —, at once, immediately.

instruir, to instruct.

instrumento, m. , instrument.

instruyendo, see instruir.

insufrible, unbearable.[Pg 159]

intención, f. , intention, purpose, desire, significance; me dan —esde, I have a mind to.

intento, m. , purpose.

interesante, interesting.

interesar, to interest.

interior, interior, inside.

interpelación, f. , question put by a member of a legislative assemblyto a minister or member of the government.

interrumpir, to interrupt.

íntimo, -a, intimate.

inútil, useless.

inventar, to invent, concoct.

invierno, m. , winter.

invitación, f. , invitation.

invitar, to invite.

ir, to go, go on, continue; — á (+ inf. ), to be going to; ir+ gerundexpresses progressive action, vamos viviendo, we go on living, wemanage to get along; que voy pagando á plazos, which I am paying on theinstalment plan; — á paseo, to go for a walk; —en un vuelo, to gowith all speed, go like lightning; vamos, interj. , come now, see here,there now, well, indeed! I should say!; vamos á ver, let's see; ahívan... , there are...; ahora va de veras, now it's really settled, nowit's serious; vaya con Dios, God be with you, a polite formula ofleave-taking = good-bye; vaya, interj. , there! there now! well!( denotes impatience, displeasure, or sudden resolution); vaya con expresses ironical contempt, derision or disapproval, as ¡vaya con loscriados! a fine lot these servants are!; ¡vaya con el hombre! justlisten to the man! used emphatically, as ¡vaya una mano linda! there'swhat I call a pretty hand!; —se, to go, go away, go off, leave.

ira, f. , wrath, anger.

irresistible, irresistible.

Isabel, Elizabeth.

Isidra, prop. noun.

izquierdo, -a, left; la izquierda, the left (hand).


¡ja! ¡ja! ha! ha!

jamona, f. , a buxom woman no longer young.

¡je, je, je! interj. , denoting laughter.

jefe, m. , chief, head.

Jesús, m. , Jesus; ¡—! Goodness! Lord! Good heavens![Pg 160]

Jiménez, prop. noun; «Pedro Jiménez,» a brand of Sherry wine.

jorobado, -a, humpbacked.

José, Joseph.

joven, m. and f. , youth, young man, young woman.

joven, young, youthful.

Juan, John.

jubileo, m. , jubilee, merry-making, thronging of people.

juega, see jugar.

jueves, m. , Thursday; —Santo, Holy Thursday.

jugar, to play; — con, to mock, make game of.

juguete, m. , trifle, play-thing; — cómico, comedietta.

juicio, m. , judgment, sense, wits, senses, good sense; el día deljuicio, the Day of Judgment; muela del —, wisdom-tooth.

juicioso, -a, judicious, sensible, discreet.

juntito, -a ( dim. of junto), united, together.

junto, -a, together; muy —s, very close together.

junto, adv. , near, at hand; —á, prep. , near, by.

justicia, f. , justice.

justo, -a, just, proper.

juzgar, to judge, deem.

juzgue, see juzgar.


labrar, to cause, work out.

lacayo, m. , lackey, groom.

lado, m. , side; de al —, near by.

lágrima, f. , tear.

lamentar, to lament, regret.

largarse, to leave, go away, be off.

largo, -a, long; cuatro dedos de —, a length of four finger-breadths.

lástima, f. , pity; me das —, I pity you.

lastimar, to hurt.

lateral, lateral, side.

lavabo, m. , washstand.

lavar, to wash.

lección, f. , lesson.

leer, to read.

lejos, far.

Lelis, prop. noun ( suggests the meaning of lelo, ninny, fool).

leña, f. , fire-wood.

letra, f. , letter, handwriting; de su puño y —, in her ownhandwriting.

levantar, to raise; —se, to rise.

leve, light, slight.

levita, f. , frock-coat.

ley, f. , law.

leyendo, see leer.

libertad, f. , liberty.[Pg 161]

librar, to free, deliver, preserve.

libro, m. , book.

lila, f. , lilac, lilac color; colloquial, foolish, stupid.

limpiar, to clean.

limpio, -a, clean, free, clear; poner en —, to make a fair copy of.

lindo, -a, pretty.

lío, m. , imbroglio, confusion, scrape; armarse un —con, to gettangled up with, not to understand a jot about; meterse en un —, toget into a scrape.

listo, -a, prompt, bright, clever, shrewd.

literata, f. , literary woman, bluestocking.

literatura, f. , literature.

lo, ntr. , the.

lo, it, so.

lo, that; — de, the affair of, the business of; —de siempre, the sameold thing; — que, what (that which), that ( after todo); — que eshoy, as for to-day.

lograr, to succeed in, accomplish.

lucero, m. , morning-star.

lucir, to shine, appear to advantage; —se, to be eminently successful,make a fine showing; ironically, to make a mess of it.

luego, then, next, presently, afterward; desde —, at once, of course,naturally.

lugar, m. , place.

Luisa, Louisa.

lujo, m. , sumptuousness, elegance.

lujosamente, sumptuously.

lumbre, f. , fire; al amor de la —, by the fireside.

luna, f. , moon; — de miel, honeymoon.

lunes, m. , Monday.

luto, m. , mourning.

luz, f. , light.

luzca, see lucir.


llamar, to call, attract; ¿Cómo se llama usted? What is your name?

llegar, to arrive, reach; — á, to arrive at, reach, get to, happen to.

llenar, to fill.

lleno, -a, full, filled.

llevar, to carry, take, take away, charge, ask ( a price), endure,suffer ( disappointments), wear, raise ( the hand to the face), — ácuestas, to carry on one's back; —se (algo), to take, carry away, carryoff.

llorar, to weep, cry.[Pg 162]


madre, f. , mother.

Madrid, prop. noun.

maduro, -a, ripe.

magnate, m. , magnate; pl. , the nobility, the great.

magnífico, -a, magnificent, fine; ¡—! that's fine!

majadero, -a, foolish, silly.

majestad, f. , majesty, majestic bearing.

majo, -a, spruce, trim, fine.

mal, adv. , poorly, ill.

mal, see malo.

maldito, -a, accursed, confounded.

malejo, -a, rather bad.

malicioso, -a, malicious, spiteful.

malo, -a, bad, evil, poor, uncivil.

malsano, -a, unhealthful.

malvado, m. , wicked person.

malvavisco, m. , marsh-mallow ( an emollient is made from a preparationof the root).

mamá, f. , mamma.

mamarracho, m. , fool, clown.

mameluco, m. , dolt, simpleton.

mampara, f. , screen, screen-door.

mancha, f. , stain.

mandar, to send, order, give orders; ¿Qué manda usted?

What is yourpleasure?

manera, f. , manner, way; de ninguna —, by no means.

manga, f. , sleeve, hose; — de riego, hose, watering hose.

mano, f. , hand; echar —, to put out one's hand.

Manolito, familiar for Manuel.

mansedumbre, f. , gentleness, mildness.

Manuel, prop. noun.
