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común, common.

comunicar, to communicate, make known.

comunicativo, -a, communicative, affable.

con, with, by, in.

conceder, to concede, grant, accord.

concesión, f. , concession.

conciencia, f. , conscience.

concluir, to conclude, finish, end matters, put an end to; hemosconcluído, it's all over between us.

concluyamos, see concluir.

conducta, f. , conduct.

confesar, to confess.

confianza, f. , confidence, freedom, intimacy.

confiar (en), to confide, trust.

confieso, see confesar.

conformarse (con), to put up with, become resigned to.

conforme, according as; — para, according to, that depends on.

Congo, m. , Congo.

congreso, m. , congress, congressional hall ( i.e. , el Palacio delCongreso); Congreso de diputados, Congress, Spanish house ofrepresentatives.

congrio, m. , conger-eel.

conjunto, m. , combination, aggregation, mass.

conmigo, with me.

conmovedor, -ora, affecting, touching.

conmover, to move, touch ( said of the emotions).

conmueve, see conmover.[Pg 141]

conocer, to know, perceive, recognize, observe; se conoce, it isevident, it is plain.

conocido, m. , acquaintance.

conocido, -a, well-known.

conozco, see conocer.

conque, conj. , now then, well then, so.

consecuencia, f. , consequence; á — de, as a result of.

conseguir, to get, succeed in.

consentir, to consent, allow; — (en), to consent (to).

conservar, to keep.

Conservatorio, m. , Conservatory.

consideración, f. , consideration.

considerar, to consider.

consiento, see consentir.

consistir, to consist.

conspirar, to conspire.

constar, impers. , to be evident, be proven; conste, be it known.

consuelo, m. , consolation, comfort, relief.

consulta, f. , consultation.

consultar, to consult; — una cosa con alguien, to ask one's adviceabout something.

consumatum est ( Lat. ), it is finished.

contar, to count, tell, relate; — con, to count on.

contemplar, to contemplate.

contento, m. , joy, satisfaction.

contento, -a, pleased, satisfied.

contestar, to reply, answer.

contigo, with thee, with you.

continuar, to continue.

contorsión, f. , contortion.

contra, against.

contrariar, to vex, disappoint.

contrariedad, f. , bad humor, dissatisfaction, vexation.

contrario, -a, contrary; al —, (the) opposite, on the contrary.

convendría, see convenir.

convenir, to be fitting, be expedient, be well, suit, behoove; meconviene, it behooves me; no conviene, one should not.

conversación, f. , conversation.

convicción, f. , conviction.

convidar, to invite.

conviene, see convenir.

conviniera, see convenir.

convite, m. , invitation.

copa, f. , goblet, cup; sombrero de —, high hat.

copiar, to copy.

copita, f. , small glass, (small) wine glass.

coquetear, to flirt.

coquetería, f. , coquetry.[Pg 142]

coquetismo, m. , coquettishness.

corazón, m. , heart.

corbata, f. , scarf, necktie.

correcto, -a, correct.

corregir, to correct; —se, to amend one's ways.

correr, to run; — prisa, to be urgent; no me corre prisa, I am not ina hurry; corriendo, run on, hurry.

Correspondencia, f. , name of a Madrid newspaper.

corresponder (á), to reciprocate, return ( a favor), requite;

— á, tobelong to, fall to.

corriente, ready; adv. , all right, very well.

corriges, see corregir.

corrijo, see corregir.

corsé, m. , corset.

cortar, to cut, cut off.

cortesano, m. , courtier.

cortesano, -a, courtly, polite, complimentary, of the capital.

corto, -a, short.

cosa, f. , thing, affair; — hecha, an accomplished fact; otra

,anything else, something else, otherwise; no hay tal —, not at all,nothing of the kind.

coser, to sew.

cosita, f. , (little) thing.

Cosme, prop. noun.

costado, m. , side; pl. , maternal or paternal ancestry.

costar, to cost.

cotorra, f. , small parrot, magpie, loquacious woman.

credencial, f. , certificate of appointment, appointment.

credo, m. , credo, creed.

creer, to believe; ¿Cree usted? Do you think so?; Creo que sí, I thinkso; ¡Ya lo creo! I should think (say) so!; ¡Ya lo creo que no! I shouldthink not!; ¡Ya lo creo que...! You may bet that...!

criada, f. , servant-girl, maid.

criado, m. , man-servant.

crónico, -a, chronic.

cuadrar, to square; —se, to show firmness.

cuadro, m. , picture, scene, frame, case.

cual, which, what; el —, la —, lo —, who, which; cada —, eachone.

¿cuál? cuál ( indirect question), which? what? which one?

what one?

cualidad, f. , quality.

cualquier, see cualquiera.

cualquiera, any, any... whatever, anyone, anybody, either one.

cuando, when; aun —, conj. , although.

cuanto, -a, how much, as[Pg 143] much, as much as, whatever, all that; pl. ,as many, so many, as many as, all the; todo —, all that; á cuantaspartes sea necesario, everywhere necessary.

¿cuánto? how much?; pl. , how many?

¡cuánto! how much! how!

cuanto, adv. , as much as; en —, conj. , as soon as; en —

á, prep. , as for.

cuarenta, forty.

cuarto, m. , room, small copper coin, cent ( used vaguely to express atrifling sum).

cuarto, -a, fourth.

cuatro, -a, four.

cubierto, see cubrir.

cubrir, to cover.

cuclillas (en), adv. , in a squatting position; puesto en —

,squatting, crouching.

cuela, see colar.

cuello, m. , neck.

cuenta, f. , count, account; darse — de, to notice, realize; echarla —, to calculate, form an estimate; tener — una cosa, to beprofitable, be of advantage.

cuentan, see contar.

cuento, m. , story, tale; — en acción, dramatized story.

cuerda, f. , cord, string.

cuerdamente, prudently, advisedly.

cuero, m. , leather, hide; en —s, naked, destitute.

cuerpo, m. , body; tener el diablo en el —, to be lively, be full ofmischief.

cuesta, f. , back, hill, slope; á —s, on one's back.

cuest-a, -e, see costar.

cuestión, f. , question, matter, affair, dispute, quarrel.

cueva, f. , cave.

cuidado, m. , care; ¡—! notice! take care! beware!; ¡—

con...! beware of! look out for! it's a caution!

culpa, f. , fault; tener la —, to be to blame, be one's fault.

culpable, guilty, blame-worthy.

cumplido, m. , compliment, formality; nada de —s, no formality.

cumplir, to fulfil, carry out.

curar, to cure.

Currito, familiar for Francisco.

cursi, cheap, vulgar, shabby-genteel.

cutis, m. , skin.

cuyo, -a, whose, of which.


chanchullo, m. , peculation, fishy transaction, "graft."

chasco, m. , joke, disappointment.[Pg 144]

chico, m. , small boy, lad, young fellow.

chico, -a, small.

chimenea, f. , fireplace.

china, f. , pebble; a boy's game in which one of the participantsguesses which of the other's hands contains the pebble. If he choosesthe hand holding the pebble, he loses.

Hence, tocarle á uno la —, todraw the unlucky pebble, be the unlucky one.

chiquirritito, very, very small.

chistecito, m. ( dim. of chiste), little joke, joke.

chocar, to shock.


dañar, to injure, impair, affect.

daño, m. , harm, injury; hacer — á, to harm, injure, hurt.

dar, to give, cause, strike, attack, seize ( said of pains);

unavance á, to accost a person for help of some kind, give one a "brace"; — con el codo, to nudge with the elbow;

en, to hit, strike; — golpe, to excite admiration, create a furor; — gusto (á), toplease; —le á uno intenciones (de), to have a mind to; — mediavuelta, to turn half around, turn one's back on a person; — al olvido,to forget, cast into oblivion; — prisa á, to hurry; — la puntilla,to deal the final blow, give the coup de grâce; — vergüenza á, toshame, make ashamed; — voces, to shout; — la vuelta, to return; daleque le das, without stopping, persistently; lo mismo da, it's all thesame; me das lástima, I pity you; no me da la gana, I don't want to; como les da la gana, as they please; déle expresiones, remember mekindly to him;

—se cuenta de, to notice, realize; —se por, to consideroneself as; —se prisa, to hurry; —se tono, to pose, put on airs.

de, of, as, at, with, by, in, on, to, from, about; than ( beforenumerals or a clause beginning with lo or lo que).

, see dar.

debajo de, prep. , under.

deber, to owe, should, must, ought; — de (+ inf. ), ought, to be to( expresses probability);[Pg 145] —se, to be owing, be due.

débil, weak.

debilidad, f. , weakness, faintness of the stomach.

decente, decent, proper, nice.

decidido, -a (á), decided, ready.

decidir, to decide; —se, to decide, make up one's mind.

decir, to say, tell; es —, that is to say, I mean; querer —, tomean; digo, I mean, that is ( to correct a previous statement); ¡digo! interj. , my! I declare! I should say!

dedicar, to dedicate, devote.

dedo, m. , finger, finger-breadth.

deducir, to deduce, infer.

dejar, to let, allow, leave, let go, let alone; — cesante, to removefrom office, discharge; — de, to cease, quit, fail;

plantado, todesert, drop, give up, "turn down"; —se de, to give up, renounce,cease, leave off.

del = de + el.

delante, adv. , in front; — de, prep. , before, in front of.

delirio, m. , delirium, madness; con —, madly.

demás; por lo —, otherwise.

demasiado, -a, too much, too great, excessive; adv. , too, too much.

demente, demented, mad.

demonio, m. , demon, devil; ¡—! the deuce!

demostrar, to demonstrate, show.

demuestra, see demostrar.

den, see dar.

dentadura, f. , set of teeth.

dentista, m. , dentist; profesor —, doctor of dental surgery.

dentro, adv. , within, inside.

depender (de), to depend (on).

deplorable, deplorable.

derecho, -a, right; la derecha, the right hand.

desagradar, to displease.

desahogado, -a, in comfortable circumstances.

desahogarse, to unbosom oneself, give vent to one's feelings.

desahogo, m. , ease, comfort.

desahogue, see desahogarse.

desaparecer, to disappear.

desatinar, to bewilder, perplex, drive distracted.

descansar, to rest, repose.

descarado, -a, impudent, saucy.

desconocido, -a, unknown.

descorchar, to uncork.

descortés, discourteous.[Pg 146]

descubrir, to discover, make known, disclose.

descuidado, careless, negligent.

descuidar, to neglect; descuide usía, have no fear.

desde, prep. , from, since; — que, conj. , since, from the momentthat; — chico, from the time he was a small boy;

— luego, naturally,of course.

desdén, m. , disdain, scorn.

desear, to desire.

desempeñar, to redeem; to fill or discharge ( an office).

desengaño, m. , disillusion.

deseo, m. , desire.

deseoso, -a, desirous.

desesperado, -a, desperate, in despair.

desgracia, f. , misfortune.

desgraciadamente, unfortunately.

desgraciado, -a, unfortunate, wretched.

deshilacharse, to ravel, fuzz.

despacio, slowly, leisurely.

despecho, m. , pique, spite, chagrin, mortification.

despedir, to dismiss, discharge, emit, radiate.

despide, see despedir.

despilfarro, m. , prodigality, waste, extravagance; pl. , idem.

desplegar, to unfold, display.

después, adv. , later, afterwards; — de, prep. , after;

que, conj. , after.

desterrar, to drive away, dispel.

destinar, to destine, intend.

destino, m. , employment, position, (government) job, public office.

desvanecerse, to faint.

desvanecido, -a, fainting.

desvergonzado, -a, shameless, impudent.

detalle, m. , detail.

detener, to detain; —se, to stop, stay.

detengan, see detener.

detiene, see detener.

detrás, adv. , after, behind; — de, prop. , behind.

devanadera, f. , spool, bobbin; tener las tripas como una

, to be ina state of worry and anger, be ready to burst with rage.

devocionario, m. , prayer-book.

devolver, to return.

di, see decir.

día, m. , day; el — menos pensado, some fine day, when leastexpected; (muy) buenos —s, good morning, good day, how do you do?; de —, by day, in the daytime; ocho —s, a week.

diablo, m. , devil; tener el —[Pg 147] en el cuerpo, to be very lively, befull of mischief.

diabólico, -a, diabolical.

diálogo, m. , dialogue.

diario, -a, daily.

dic-e, -en, -es, -iendo, see decir.

dicho, -a ( see decir), the said, aforesaid, the same.

dichoso, -a, happy, blessed.

diente, m. , tooth.

d-iera, -ierais, -ieron, see dar.

diez, ten.

diferenciar, to differentiate, distinguish.

difícil, difficult.

difunto, -a, defunct, deceased.

dig-a, -as, -o, see decir.