Treatment of Sleep Apnea by Dalyn Baker - HTML preview

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Put Snoring to Rest

Almost everyone can tell at least one joke about people who snore. But snoring's no laughing matter. According to The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, severe snoring not only interrupts sleep, it can cause serious, long-term health problems, including obstructive sleep apnea.

For chronic snorers, the good news is that they're not alone. AAO-HNS says 45 percent of normal adults snore at least occasionally, and 25 percent are habitual snorers. Problem snoring is more frequent in males and people who are overweight, and it usually grows worse with age.

The noisy sounds of snoring occur when there is an obstruction to the free flow of air through the passages at the back of the mouth and nose where the tongue and upper throat meet the soft palate and uvula. These structures striking each other and vibrating during breathing cause the sounds that keeps millions of people awake at night.

AAO-HNS attributes snoring to a variety of reasons, including excessive bulkiness of throat tissue (children with large tonsils and adenoids often snore), inflammation and obstructed nasal airways.

So what's a sleep-deprived person to do? Many doctors recommend products that relieve congestion or inflammation. For example, Z-Snore, from the

"Spray" line of sublingual sprays, can help with inflammation in the nose and respiratory tract, swollen tonsils, a stuffy nose and more.

Developed by doctors, Z-Snore is a combination of homeopathic remedies that act gently and cause no side effects. It can be sprayed directly under the tongue or mixed with water or juice. The product meets all FDA guidelines for good manufacturing practices.

Snorers and their spouses report dramatic results.

"The Spray is amazing," says Melanie Doyal, 39, of Gardnerville, Nev. "My husband snores, and I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep without having to jab him in the side to get him to turn over and quit snoring.

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"The first time he tried Z-Snore, it worked! In fact, I woke up at 4:30 a.m.

and checked to make sure he was still breathing."

Follow These Tips and Stop Snoring Now

You have to stop believing that snoring is a sign of a good night sleep. It's not! And it will never be. It may be cute in the first few minutes. After a while, it starts to sound as if woodworking is happening in your room in the middle of the night. And this is annoying. But if you have been snoring for days and your whole family cannot sleep, then you have to act now. Try these tips to put an end to their misery.

 Stop Drinking And Smoking –

These two can cause you to snore and wake up the whole block. The reason?

o Alcohol causes a partial collapse on your airways which can immediate start snoring.

o Smoking on the other hand causes blockage on the small vessels of the lungs and swelling on the tissue in the throat and mucus membrane in the nose.

o Smoking can result to sleep apnea.

Take note that if you stop drinking and smoking, you are stopping other health risks as well.

 Sleep Regularly –

Sleeping for few hours each night can cause snoring. Why?

o Unbalanced sleeping patterns develop into respiratory instability while asleep. And there is nothing good about respiratory instability because it can lead to unstable breathing.

o Hence, you need to regulate your sleeping patterns. Set a specific time of sleeping. Wake up in the morning on the same time, every day.

o Sometimes, 7 to 8 hours of sleep is all you need.

 Use Anti Snoring Devices –

o There are many of them in the market. You can get homeopathic throat sprays and tablets, throat sprays, sleeping pillows, or nasal strips and dilators.

o These devices help your air passage to relax and take in and out the right amount of air needed for a silent sleep.

 Cure Nasal Congestion And Allergies –

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o If there is an inflammation on your of adenoids and/or tonsils which are caused by nasal congestion (cold) or allergies, you have to take decongestant or antibiotics. It is simple: treat nasal congestion or allergies and you will stop snoring.

 Find A Better Sleeping Position –

o Some people find it relaxing to sleep on the back while others are comfortable sleeping at the side.

o However, if the position you are comfortable sleeping in causes you to snore, better find another one.

o Sometimes, all you need to do is to change your sleeping position to open your airways and stop snoring.

 Lose Some Weight –

o There is nothing good about being an obese. It causes several health risks and of course, it causes that load noise you create while asleep.

o Lose some weight by getting regular exercise and taking, eating the right diet, and living a healthy lifestyle.

 Steer Away From Snore-Triggers –

o If you are taking sleeping pills and products that contain antihistamines, then you are most likely a snorer.

o These are sedating medicines that relax the muscles and nerves.

o As a result, the muscle tone in the tissues of the throat relaxes and collapses.

o This triggers snoring just like the effect of cigarette smoking.

 Consult a doctor –

o Mild snorers can easily be cured. But there are cases in which snoring is a sign of other serious medical condition such as hypothyroidism or diabetes that requires surgical procedures.

o If you are snoring for some time this is the right time to consult a doctor.