Treatment of Sleep Apnea by Dalyn Baker - HTML preview

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Surgery Choices

 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

o Removes excess tissue in the throat to make the airway wider. It is the most common surgery to treat sleep apnea in adults.

 Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy

o Removes the tonsils and/or the adenoids.

o It is an option if you have enlarged tonsils and adenoids that are blocking your airway during sleep.

o This is often the first treatment option for children because enlarged tonsils and adenoids are usually the cause of their sleep apnea.

 Other surgical procedures are used to repair bone and tissue problems in the mouth and throat.

 Tracheostomy

Treatment of Sleep Apnea Page 19 of 49

o Creates a hole in the windpipe (trachea).

o A tube is then put in the hole to bring air in.

o Doctors rarely use this surgery because it may cause other health problems.

o But when other techniques have failed, almost all people who are treated with tracheostomy will be cured of their sleep apnea.

 Bariatric surgery is done for weight loss.

o If you are extremely overweight (severely obese) and the excess weight is making your sleep apnea worse, you may consider surgery to help you lose weight.

o Bariatric surgery can promote weight loss that improves sleep apnea.