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Tomorrow’s Science Today:
Part 3 of 3

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Intergalactic And Time Travel, Einstein's Relativity, Bohr's Atomic Model, Dark Matter, Dark And Negative Energy, String Theory / Unification, The Law Of Conservation, And Combining Newtonian And Relativistic Gravity With Standing Waves And Quantum Probability Waves

With Liberated Science‘s

Implications For Religion And Philosophy As Well As Everyday Life In The Light Of The Concept of an Electronic And Holographic Universe Shaped Like A Mobius Loop
Space and time only exist in our experience. They are emergent properties, like wetness and mind. We experience wetness because it emerges from the building blocks of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms which make up water. We experience mind because it emerges from the building blocks of neurons composing the brain. And we experience space-time since it emerges from the building blocks making up the universe. These units are a combination of electromagnetic pulses (forming a cosmic computer which includes randomness and thus the potential to escape rigid preprogramming, and have a small degree of free will) as well as a cosmic hologram (this is produced by the interaction of electromagnetic plus gravitational waves and combination of the holographic aspect with the electronic aspect unifies general relativity with quantum physics). Every physical and nonphysical part of the universal hologram would be a receptor for the downloading of data from the cosmic computer which not only exists in the hyperspace of the large-scale universe but also in the hyperspace of each subatomic particle. (In other words, the holographic universe or spacetime we know is a screen for displaying data from the 5th-dimensional computer.)
It might be helpful to visualise time as the playing of a CD or video tape. The entire disc or tape obviously exists all the time. But our physical senses can only perceive a tiny part of the sound and the sights at any fraction of a second. I believe space and time are infinite, so it might be more accurate to visualise time as that HUGE number - in this case, of CDs or tapes - which some versions of string theory propose (10 exponent 500). My essay tells you exactly how to travel to the future, how to return home, and how to travel into our past. Neither future nor past can be altered (a blow to our belief that we have the free will to shape the future) and my explanation of travel to the past requires re-interpretation of the concepts of "multiverse" and "parallel universes". It also requires the ability to travel billions of light years INSTANTLY - no doubt many readers will instantly dismiss the essay because their preconceptions "know" this simply isn't possible. It indeed sounds like pure fantasy, but I outline an approach based on electrical
engineering, General Relativity, and Miguel Alcubierre's 1994 proposal of "warp drive" that makes it logically possible.


10^500 videotapes = infinite time Why can particles and the universe be considered as Mobius loops? The 1st reason this seems possible is - all particles in the universe have a property called spin which is related to, but not identical with, the everyday concept of spin. In the case of particles of matter, according to the book "A Brief History of Time" by mathematician and physicist Stephen Hawking, this spin is said to have a fractional value of 1/2 which means they "do not look the same if one turns them through just one (complete) revolution: you have to turn them through two complete revolutions!" Similarly, you have to travel around a Mobius strip or loop twice to arrive at your starting point. The 2nd reason it seems possible is - the concept of "dark matter" would be used today to explain the increased gravitational effects caused by undetectable matter. But that undetectable matter would not be a new, unknown form of matter - it would be known particles traveling EXCLUSIVELY through the 4th and 5th dimensions (and therefore nonexistent in the 3 dimensions of ordinary space). While in these other dimensions, the particles known as dark matter are invisible ... but would of course still exert gravitational influence. (Physics´ string theory states this by saying "Gravity may not be confined to 3 dimensions.") My essay explains why the universe is a Mobius loop and how it is unified with each of its particles (using fractals, and the principle that the largest scale is repeated on the smallest scale - the word "fractal" was coined in 1975 by French
mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot). Then each fermion and boson would also be composed of the 3 spatial dimensions, the 4th dimension of time, and the 5th dimension of hyperspace. Detectors like the Large Hadron Collider would be unable to "see" the time and hyperspace components of particles but could only see the small (maybe 5% of the whole) 3 spatial dimensions (the time component would be what we call dark matter), erroneously assuming particles are those small fractions of a Mobius loop that physics calls strings. "Dark matter" would exert a gravitational influence because time, being part of a curved Mobius loop (whether of quantum or cosmic scale), would push objects together in the same way Einstein's curved space-time pushes objects together. We can speak of the HST now - no, not the Hubble Space Telescope but Hyperspatial SpaceTime. We can visualise the Mobius loop as composed of a hyperspace computer which generates information on how things change from one presently undetectably tiny fraction of a second to the next (we call this time, and it's comparable to the frames in a movie) and transmits the data (transmits dark energy) to the insignificant portion of length, width and depth that makes up subatomic particles ... and the universe.


Part of Large Hadron Collider (world‘s largest particle accelerator – hadrons
are the subatomic particles called protons, neutrons and mesons)
Preceding the Big Bang (which created this local section of the infinite, eternal universe ... or if you prefer, this subuniverse of the megauniverse) there would have been no space, matter or time in this subuniverse. No transmissions of dark energy (creating time and space/matter) would have occurred - therefore the dark-energy content of the universe would have been zero, increasing to the present 72% as more and more matter was created. How is matter created? Perhaps as cosmologist Alan Guth once suggested– "You might even be able to start a new universe using energy equivalent to just a few pounds of matter. Provided you could find some way to compress it to a density of about 10^75 (10 exponent 75) grams per cubic centimeter, and provided you could trigger the thing ... At the time the Cosmic Microwave Background was emitted (less than a million years after the big bang), results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe say the dark-energy content of the universe was negligible. Space/matter has been increasing since the big bang so transmissions from the hyperspace computer (dark energy) which create them are increasing. Time is also created by hyperspace and is thus also increasing but (see the next 3 paragraphs) the amount of time being transmitted to our material 5% of the universe is decreasing - according to the WMAP satellite, dark matter has reduced from 63% when the CMB was emitted to 23% today. Why isn't dark energy increasing at the same rate dark matter is decreasing? It must be because, as stated earlier, both time and hyperspace exert a gravitational influence, thereby mimicking space and matter to a degree. This mimicry causes the dark matter between the start of the CMB and the present to decrease by only about 40% while dark energy increases in the same period by about 70%. If we were dealing with a simple and ordinary loop, this similarity would cause dark matter and dark energy to be more or less equal and if there was any difference in their amount of
decrease/increase, it would be in the same direction. But we‘re talking about Mobius loops which are like strips of paper that have been twisted 180 degrees before the ends are joined. This causes their variation to go in different directions (one increases, the other decreases) and the amount of variation is quite significant (+72%, -40%). My guess is that the real-life twist occurs in the temporal segment of the loop, enabling a traveller in time to go in different directions i.e. into the future or into the past. To replenish dark matter in billions of years, we merely have to extend Guth's proposal by using the knowledge of that future time to create more hyperspace (with its associated extra space, extra matter and extra time).


artist depiction of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP satellite)
A real-life Mobius is by no means a featureless loop, however. If, contrary to our impressions, the universe is unified with each particle it‘s
composed of; the WMAP satellite‘s findings must apply to the quantum world. The figures 72%, 23% and 5% would not only describe the present universe‘s content of dark energy, dark matter and ordinary matter but also any particle‘s content of space or ordinary matter (5%), time or dark matter (23% - time is considered to be dark matter here because dark matter is regarded as ordinary matter invisible to us since it‘s present in another region of the dimension we call time, just as most of a sphere is in another dimension and
consequently appears as a dot when first entering Edwin Abbott‘s 1884 exploration of other dimensions called Flatland), and hyperspace (72%: the transmissions from the hyperspace computer create space and matter, cause expansion of space on cosmic scales where there are no forces to overcome the expansion as there is in matter, and are known as dark energy– creating more matter causes that matter‘s repelling gravity to bring about accelerating expansion).

On p. 179 of The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow (Bantam Press, 2010) it‘s stated One requirement any law of nature must satisfy is that it dictates that the energy of an isolated body surrounded by empty space is positive … Page 179 also says … if the energy of an isolated body were negative … there would be no reason that bodies could not appear anywhere and everywhere.
Let‘s assume for the moment that everything is a union of positive and negative energy– the conclusions in the rest of this article will support the assumption and make it clear that this is how reality must operate. Every matter particle (fermion) and force-carrying particle (boson) would be a positive-negative union. So when matter and antimatter meet, the positive and negative quantities form zero and neutralise (destroy) each other. The positive/negative components of everything must therefore avoid direct contact – this separation can either be in space or in time because all things are able to display both separateness/solidity (isolation in space) as well as the potential to appear anywhere and everywhere (in time as well as space). Also, as we‘ll see later, the universe – here I refer to the infinite, eternal megauniverse; but I also use the term to refer to our local, visible subuniverse which originated from one of many Big Bangs - is a Mobius loop and is contained in, or unified with, each of its particles (relying on physical senses or 21st-century scientific instruments would make this statement
ridiculous). Then each fermion and boson would also be composed of the 3 spatial dimensions, the 4th dimension of time, and the 5th dimension of hyperspace. Detectors like the Large Hadron Collider would be unable to "see" the time and hyperspace components of particles but could only see the small (maybe 5% of the whole) 3 spatial dimensions (the time component would be what we call dark matter), erroneously assuming particles are those small fractions of a Mobius loop that physics calls strings.
If everything is a union of positive and negative energy, gravitation would be too, and could thus either repel or attract like magnetism (causing either the accelerating expansion that occurs on a cosmic scale or the attraction within the solar system we don‘t want the planets to be blasted away from the sun and escape into intergalactic space).


Our solar system‘s planets Here‘s a way to visualise gravity causing cosmic expansion while, at the same time, pushing together planets in a star system (combined with this push, their orbiting speeds stabilise the system and produce the solar system we know). Imagine the universe to be an ocean and each star system to be an island. As ocean waves approach an island, part of the wave feels friction with the increasingly shallow sea-bed resulting in wave refraction or bending. This causes part of the wave to travel in the direction of the shore while part continues on parallel to the shoreline. In the same way, as gravitational waves approach a star system, part of the current in the cosmic ocean feels friction with the increasing mass experienced as planets orbit closer to their star. This causes gravitational refraction or bending in which part of the gravity travels in the direction of the star (this is called the negative component and pushes planets together) while the other part continues on (this is called gravitation‘s positive component and produces universal expansion when it eventually leaves the relevant group of galaxies)*. As the refracted gravitational wave heading for the sun passes a planet, part of it is once again diverted by the increased mass (the more mass, the more gravity is diverted– see PS; though the International Space Station weighs around 400 tons, it has tiny mass compared to any planet and produces so-called
weightlessness) – this time towards the centre of the planet, giving the impression that objects on that planet are being attracted to the planetary centre. Space would be nothing if it was merely the distances between matter in the universe but can be something, and curved, if it‘s a product of binary digits from a 5th-dimensional hyperspace (more about this in the next paragraph). Being curved space, the portion of gravitation that‘s called dark energy (the portion responsible for universal expansion) would have an amplitude– displacement of a wave equal to half the distance from the top of the wave to the bottom– corresponding to the moving layers of the atmosphere which make the stars seem to twinkle.

Page 180 of The Grand Design says Because gravity is attractive, gravitational energy is negative. Since there was no gravitation in our universe prior to theBig Bang (we didn‘t even have this subuniverse), this sentence can be combined with the backward causality (effects influencing causes) promoted by Yakir Aharonov, John Cramer and others to explain that gravity‘s negative energy gives us no reason to think that bodies could not appear anywhere and
everywhere – as Professors Hawking and Mlodinow put it Bodies such as stars or black holes cannot just appear out of nothing. But a whole universe can. Maybe it‘s only
playing with words, but I‘d regard gravity as repulsive instead of attractive (its energy would then be positive like matter‘s, matter and gravitational waves would be unified, and the universe could be more than a vast collection of the countless photons, electrons and other quantum particles within it; it could be a unified whole that has particles and waves built into its union of digital 1‘s and 0‘s (generated in a 5th- dimensional hyperspace). And the article Gravitation by Robert F. Paton in World Book Encyclopedia 1967 agrees that gravity is repulsive:
Einstein says that bodies do not attract each other at a distance. Objects that fall to the earth, for example, are not pulled‘ by the earth. The curvature of space time around the earth forces the objects to take the direction on toward the earth. The objects are pushed toward the earth by the gravitational field rather than pulled by the earth.
Repelling gravity would cause the universe to expand– astronomer Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) confirmed this expansion in 1929– and adding repelling gravity by continual "creation" of matter and hyperspace would cause the subuniverses^ to expand at an accelerated rate– this
acceleration was discovered in 1998 by
observations carried out by the High-z Supernova Search Team and the Supernova Cosmology Project, has been confirmed several times and is claimed to be caused by mysterious dark energy.

^ Page 118 of Stephen Hawking‘s/Leonard Mlodinow‘s The Grand Design says M-theory (that theory which string theorists now consider fundamental) has solutions that allow for many different internal spaces (the curling up of extra dimensions into tiny, invisible spaces), perhaps as many as 10^500, which means it allows for 10^500 different universes, each with its own laws. My article suggests there is only one universe (I call it a megauniverse), with one set of physical laws. 10^500 would therefore not refer to space and the number of universes but to time (space‘s other half) and the number of frames existing in the cosmos at present. Every bit of space/instant of time exists forever like an individual frame of a
movie (when these are displayed in rapid succession, what we call motion
comes into being). Could this unbelievably enormous number also be known as infinity (infinity will increase in the future when hyperspace transmissions produce more space and time)?


Gravity Probe B: the satellite that measures spacetime curvature near Earth
I must confess to being a bit lazy in one of that paragraph‘s sentences – I should have pointed out that gravitation‘s energy is mostly positive (consider the vast amount of positive gravity in intergalactic space vs. the smaller amount of negative gravity holding together solar systems and galaxies) and matter‘s energy is mostly positive: the apparent asymmetry of particles (with their positive energy) and antiparticles (with their negative energy) may be due to, as stated earlier, the need for the positive/negative components of everything to avoid direct contact and
consequently not appear to be in the same place e.g. we might appear to live in a universe dominated by matter – this separation can either be in space or time (one can‘t exist without the other, as we know from Relativity) because all (components in a unification) are able to display both separateness/solidity (isolation in space) as well as the potential to appear anywhere and everywhere (in time as well as space). If gravity is forever pushing against matter, why don‘t gravitational-wave detectors pick up the waves literally all the time? In the sensitive LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory), a passing gravitational wave will slightly stretch one arm as it shortens the other – there are two arms which a laser beam travels along and is reflected by a mirror, the arms being 2-4 kilometres long and at a 90 degree angle – but only by a billionth of a billionth of a metre. In the universe, the refracted gravitational wave, with its negative energy, meets matter with its predominantly positive energy … and the two tend to cancel (since the meeting of total negativity and total positivity is required for complete cancellation, it remains possible for the incomplete cancellation of gravity and matter to produce some photons, and shrinkage on the order of 10^-18 metre). If we built a detector from antimatter, we‘d cause an enormous explosion (unless we isolated it from the ground and air it was located in), but we‘d have a far better chance of finding gravity waves. * Magnetism could operate in a similar way. When two like poles (north and north, or south and south) are placed close together, the lines of force – shown by sprinkling iron filings on a sheet of paper and placing the paper over the magnets – would repel each other because they resemble the unrefracted part of the gravitational wave which contributes to universal expansion. Two unlike poles (north and south) would attract because they resemble the refracted gravitational wave which feels friction either with magneton particles composing magnetic waves, or with the opposing magnet itself, or with the lines of force between the magnets (thanks to mass-energy equivalence and magnetic waves behaving like particles) and is diverted to a planet‘s, or another object‘s, centre. This divergence implies a very small angle of refraction at the planet‘s rim, followed by many increasingly large angles as interior density grows (see next paragraph) i.e. if we could see the wave, it would appear to curve and end in the planet‘s centre. So in magnetic attraction, we‘d expect the lines of force between two magnets‘ ends to possess a curvature like that formed by successive angles of refraction (positive– a sphere has positive curvature). In magnetic repulsion, lines of force would curve like an unrefracted wave spreading out in the depths of space (the curvature would be negative or saddle-shaped). Sprinkle some filings on a sheet of paper and place magnets underneath– this is what you‘ll see (and if preferred, all this can be described in terms of directional flow).

00027.jpgMagnetic field of bar magnets attracting

1) The unrefracted gravitational wave means starlight does in fact twinkle in space. It won‘t be detectable anytime soon, though. Since the electromagnetic force is 10^36 times the strength of the gravitational force, the electric and magnetic fields of atoms in the atmosphere‘s air currents cause the electromagnetic twinkling observable to the eye, but this is a trillion trillion trillion times greater than the gravitational twinkling in space, and

2) the refracted gravitational wave heading for the suncaptures the light from distant stars that appear close to the rim of the sun before it‘s diverted to the centre of our star (string theory predicts that gravity‘s gravitons interact with light‘s photons**). Acting as a gravitational attractor, the refracted wave carries the light with it as it bends towards the sun‘s centre. The light is not carried all the way but breaks free since photons have their own energy and momentum. However, the light is carried far enough to be deflected a tiny amount from its original path. According to Newton‘s 3rd Law of Motion (to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction), the light will be deflected toward the sun by an equal and opposite amount to the gravity wave‘s deflection to the solar interior. Opposite means the light wave travels away from the sun at approx. 186,282 miles per second and the gravity wave travels into the sun at the same velocity. Equal means, since experiments have shown the bending of starlight to be 1.75 seconds of arc (in geometry 60 seconds = 1 minute, 60 minutes = 1 degree, and there are 360 degrees in a circle), the refraction of gravitation from the solar rim is also 1.75 arcseconds (as density increases the deeper the gravity wave goes, the greater its refraction becomes).
** Gravitons and photons interact via mass-energy equivalence (described by E=mc^2). A
gravitational wave acts as an attractor and captures light by feeling friction with the massenergy of the photons. This causes gravitational refraction or bending in which part of the gravity travels in the direction of the centre of each photon in the light (once it reaches the centre, the 3rdLaw of Motion accounts for the photons‘ reaction of being attracted to the gravitons). Compared to the other forces we know; gravity is incredibly weak and the weak equal but opposite reaction cannot overcome the heaviness of macroscopic objects which consequently don‘t float off towards the gravity doing the pushing. Photons, when pushed towards the surface, are so tiny and light that they do recoil from the push– saving us from perpetual darkness.


In a universe with an electronic foundation, E=mc^2 has the binary digits of 1 and 0– and is therefore E=m^1+0
What type of wave can a gravitational wave be? There are 2 basic wave motions. Electromagnetic waves, such as light, consist of varying magnetic and electric fields vibrating at right angles to each other and to the direction of motion– they are transverse waves. Sound waves are transmitted by the vibrations of the particles of the medium (such as air) itself, the vibrations being in the direction of wave motion– they are longitudinal or compressional waves. Gravitational waves must share some properties with transverse waves, in order to travel through the vacuum of space (or space-time). Longitudinal sound waves cannot do this – nor can they undergo polarization (a state in which rays of light, or similar radiation, exhibit different properties in different directions – ordinary light vibrates in all directions, but polarized light vibrates in only one direction e.g. when they are passed through a crystal of the mineral tourmaline which transmits rays in which the vibrations are confined to a single plane). In this hypothesis, gravity is diverted to a planet‘s, or another object‘s, centre. This divergence implies a very small angle of refraction at the planet‘s rim, followed by many increasingly large angles as interior composition changes and density grows i.e. if we could see the wave, it would appear to curve and end in the planet‘s centre. The idea that gravity waves must end in a planet‘s centre comes from Isaac Newton‘s work which says gravity depends on the distance between the centres of objects. They could do so because any wave would meet others coming from different directions and if they were out of phase (with one at maximum amplitude in its cycle and the other at minimum amplitude, perhaps as a result of entering the planet‘s surface at varying altitudes or encountering different materials and densities during their journeys into the planet), they‘d undergo destructive interference and cancel each other. Both transverse and longitudinal waves can undergo refraction and give rise to interference phenomena.

Gravity waves might also share some properties with longitudinal waves. This idea comes from seismic (earthquake) waves. If a gravity wave travels to our planet‘s centre, it must pass through the liquid outer core to the solid inner core. The seismic Secondary or S waves are transverse in nature and vibrate rock from side to side, or up and down, or both– all motions that require the resistance of a solid. S waves cannot traverse liquids and the outer core. However, the seismic Primary or P waves are compressional
(longitudinal) and can negotiate both solids and liquids.
So gravitational waves seem to require both transverse properties (to travel through space [space-time] like electromagnetic waves) and compressional properties (to travel through Earth‘s outer core, like seismic P waves and sound). If we visualize such an oscillation, we‘d see in our mind‘s eye a spring with regions that alternately compress and dilate (the longitudinal or compressional component) with the compressions rising to an amplitude several times higher than the dilated portion then falling to become the dilated portion (this would be the transverse component). Physicists call this a wave packet (or wave train) with no dispersion - a wave packet whose envelope (short burst of the wave that travels as a unit and has the large amplitude) changes or oscillates i.e. has dispersion would inevitably be out of phase with other gravity waves met in the planet‘s centre and would guarantee cancellation as well as confirmation of Isaac Newton‘s work which says gravity depends on the distance between the centres of objects. Quantum mechanics ascribes a special significance to the wave packet - it is interpreted to be a "probability wave" describing the probability that a particle or particles in a particular state will have a given position and momentum.


Wave packet
Acceleration (due to either approaching an appreciable fraction of light‘s velocity or
experiencing massive gravitation, such as from a black hole) mimics the universe‘s expansion, no doubt because matter and space are both made of space-time bits i.e. they‘re both produced by the binary digits emanating from the hyperspace computer. There would inevitably be mass increase in the universe as some of the dark energy expanding the universe naturally becomes, according to mass-energy equivalence, particles of matter. More precisely, the increase in dark energy as our subuniverse expands (due to increased transmissions from hyperspace creating more space and time) is responsible for the extra particles – and acceleration mimics this expansion, also producing mass increase. There would also be relative length (and volume) contraction in the universe since each particle would occupy a smaller proportion of our subuniverse‘s length/volume as expansion continues (and acceleration mimics this). We‘ve seen that spacetime can be twisted into a Mobius strip - picturing spacetime as a length of paper in somebody‘s hands, it‘d be twisted by applying forces in opposite directions viz. by turning one hand away from the body while simultaneously turning the other hand towards the body. In truth, twisting space-time would be a movielike special effect accomplished by the hyperspatial computer. Though there would be an initial increase in time (as noted earlier in this
paragraph), this would only be obvious in the socalled dark matter portion of the Mobius. Seemingly, increase of time would be the norm but the twist – affecting all parts of a unified universe - means dark matter (time) decreases by the time it reaches the 5% of the Mobius that is the materialism our physical senses perceive (this decrease of time is mimicked by acceleration and may also be termed time dilation). (The figure 5% comes from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe‘s measurements of the universe‘s dark energy, dark matter and ordinary matter content – since the universe is contained in, or unified with, each of its particles; transferring the results from the cosmic to the quantum is valid.)


Twisting space-time would be a movie-like special effect

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