The Supplement Conspiracy by Rusty Moore - HTML preview

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Supplement Suckers Unite!

I was a big-time sucker when it came to buying supplements, especially when I first began working out.


Maybe you can relate to my story...

I grew up in the 80's and reached my teenage years just as Arnold Schwarzenegger became popular. I turned 14 when The Terminator (1984) came out.

I wanted to get as big as Arnold...As Fast As Possible!



That is when I found out about Protein. I read in the fitness magazines that all the Pro bodybuilders got big by taking protein.

NOT just any protein!

These guys got this big, by taking protein powder that had magical ingredients not found in food.

Obviously these guys didn't take steroids. They were 265 pounds of pure natural health. Why else would they be in a Health and Fitness magazine!

Of course you couldn't get Really Big, without Amino Acids!

When Mongo Lloyd packed on 40 pounds in a year, he obviously took a lot of protein powder (a given fact in the 80's). His real "secret" was amino acids!