The Secret Behind the Secret by Brian McPherson - HTML preview

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Would You Rather Want Your Goals or Would You Rather Just Have Them?

We have been brought up to believe that in order to get what we want in life, we have to want it really, really bad…we have to have a burning desire for it.

May I ask you a question? How many of your burning desires have you achieved? If not very many, that’s ok…its not your fault. I wanted the physique with the six pack abs so bad in my high school and college years and it seemed the harder I tried, the more elusive that goal would be.

What I have learned from The Sedona Method is that the best place to create what you want in life is to be ok whether you achieve your goal or not.

You see…AND THIS IS KEY…whenever you want something or you desire it, you are sending a STRONG signal to your subconscious mind that you don’t have it...and because your mind is only creative, it will continue to produce the exact opposite of what you want!

Perhaps you have noticed this yourself if you think back to a time when you were really striving hard for what you want. It probably felt like there were invisible walls in the way or maybe it felt a bit like driving with the emergency break on.

What the Sedona Method program I mentioned earlier teaches is that when we let go our any emotional attachments to the outcomes, we are far more likely to get what we want in those situations.
In other words, if we released all of the negativity and all of the lacking associated with what we want, we are far more likely to achieve it. Perhaps you have also noticed this phenomenon as well.

The side benefit is that it’s also a cool feeling to be free of the attachment to the goal. We spend so much of our time struggling and “I’ll be happy when I make X amt of dollars” or “I’ll be happy when I reach my target weight

We are miserable up until the completion of the goal...and the irony is, all that misery and struggle keeps the goal out of reach for most of us. It keeps us out of the flow of life…not exactly a fun way to live...I certainly didn’t enjoy it!

So may I ask you a question? Would you rather want your goal or just have it? I know I asked that at the beginning of the chapter but it’s important. You see, want=lack to the subconscious mind.

Can you stand up and sit down at the same time? And so it is with wanting. You can’t want something and have it at the same time.

If you were to make a list of everything you wanted in the left hand column, and made a list of everything you have in the right column, how many of your wants are over on the right side?

Starting to make sense now? What I learned in the Sedona Method Course is a way to actually make the secret work. The real secret is letting go of the subconscious thoughts, feelings, and programs that block you from having, doing, and being what you want in life.

It’s a much easier way to go about your goals when you aren’t so emotionally attached to them. You can actually enjoy the journey instead of just the destination…and the journey in most cases lasts a lot might as well enjoy it me thinksJ

In the next two chapters I am going to talk more about subconscious programs and have a chapter each for increasing wealth and weight loss...two subjects that most of us can relate to.