The New Rules of Driving by Tom Delor - HTML preview

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The new rules of driving



The new rules of driving: How to use momentum instead of fuel to move your car 2
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The new rules of driving How to use momentum instead of fuel to move your car 3

The New Rules of Driving

How to use free momentum instead of fuel to move your car
Our foreign dependency sky-rocketing oil prices have changed the rules of driving in the USA. The thing is, most drivers don’t know it yet.

Because the rules for procuring oil have changed so slowly over the past ten years drivers who learned based on the old rules have been equally slow to change. In fact, most oldschool drivers have refused to change altogether. It is time to step it up and consider the promise using the free momentum your car generates.

Do you want to increase your MPG by up to 50%?
Do you want to increase your engine’s lifespan?
Do you want to increase your passengers’ security?
Do you want to promoteenergy independence?
Do you want to move people to join you?
Do you want to help to resolve the energy crisis?