The Network Marketer's Online Promotion Secrets Blueprint by Vincent Czaplyski - HTML preview

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! Create entirely new streams of income in addition to your primary MLM business opportunity


If online marketing is new to you, this course will give you the overview you need to understand the right way to get started accomplishing these goals.


And if you"ve already begun marketing online this will give you some additional ideas for how to leverage what you"re already doing and possibly avoid some strategic mistakes.


Why “Old School” Methods of
Promoting Your Business Don’t Work

Network marketing has been around a long time, much longer than the Internet has been in existence. Consequently certain “We"ve always done it this way!” mindsets have evolved that didn"t depend upon or even contemplate the power of the Internet.

One in particular unfortunately continues to this day, and for every success story it creates (and it has created many success stories) I"m pretty sure it ruins the chances for a hundred others who are just starting out in this industry.

And that is the old school “we"ve always done it this way approach” to promoting your MLM business.

Distributors continue to be told by their uplines that the smart way to promote their business opportunity is to create a master list of everyone they even remotely know, then approach them about their opportunity.

Family, friends, distant relatives five times removed, it doesn"t matter. According to this approach, any warm body will do.


Never mind that “everyone you remotely know” doesn"t qualify as a targeted market.

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