The Forgotten People & Company by Henry Smith - HTML preview

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This book explains the history of  the company and how the company ceased to exist and it’s name became forgotten because of  the mistakes that were made right from the start and no one realised it including the owner E. Lohmann of  the company.


Lennep, Februrary 1952

The Director Eugen Lohmann of  the company Wender & Duerholt in Lennep made many panels for camp accommodation as people who lost their homes due to the war. During the war the company made Baracken (camp buildings). Prefabrication came to an end after World War Two. The company then produced pre-cut timber framed houses. Due to the Berlin Wall making a division between East and West Germany the director Eugen Lohmann had to seek a safe haven for his company. With long time Jewish friends suggestions, to move elsewhere the direction was Australia.

The financier for the project was unknown to the workers. Regardless of  plenty of  work available in Germany many employees of  Wender & Duerholt voluntarily joined the Director’s ambition and loaded the camp accommodation panels to be sent to Australia. They also signed a contract of  loyalties to work for the company for two years to help erect 500 pre-cut timber framed houses in a land of  which most of  them had never heard. The Journey became documented from still pictures from with book has been published and a little later a video produced.


Video Part 1A



Video Part 2B


The video “The Journey of  the Employees from Wender & Duerholt (Australia) In 1952 to the Marion District in South Australia, Building Timber-frame Houses for the South Australian Housing Trust” are available on Youtube.