The Bendersons: Kidnapped at K7 by Leanne Schroder - HTML preview

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Soon, we went on the bus, at the casino and were taken to our rooms. “Now Tam, would you be able to get some food from the café? Here is some money,” said Mum seriously.

“Mum, I seriously need to have a sleep,” “I faltered. “Okay, I will get some supplies.” I ordered some food and went to our hotel room and Mum was waking up from a nap.

“Tam, would you mind to buy a port? All this stuff will not fit in,” she pleaded.

“Jees, Mum,” I said at the thought of walking to the discount store at this hour.

“Well here is the money and keep the change, Tam,” said Mum sounding surprisingly generous.

I went to the store purchased a port that was half price, kept the change and threw away the docket. “Gee, that is a nice port and it is so bright, Tam,” smiled Mum.

“Well I did my best, Mum,” I said.

“How much did you pay for it, Tam?”

“Forty dollars,” I lied.

“Oh that is alright. I expected much more than that,” said Mum.