Stop this Pain in my Brain by Rich Allyn - HTML preview

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Hi, I’m Rich Allyn.

I have put this ebook together because of the pain and suffering my daughter has had to endure over her life time. The excruciating pain and having to lie in bed with no noise and the total absents of all light for sometimes days until the pain finally subsides.

She was born 3 months early and weighed in at just 2lbs 10 oz. This was when a baby so small had to be a fighter or would not survive.

Being a little girl the doctors told us her chances were better than if she was a boy but still only had a 1 to 10 percent chance of making it through the first 48 hours of her life. Being born in a great hospital in the Midwest and having a fantastic doctor I am happy to say today she is a beautiful woman in many ways.

I couldn’t help but think that the oxygen she was on and being born so early may have played a part in her migraine headaches. So with the help of the internet and access to all the information in this ever shrinking world I set out to find answers.

No father or mother in this world wants to see their child suffer no matter how young or how old that child is. I am not a doctor nor am I an over intelligent individual. I just want to help my daughter and in doing so maybe help others find information or a few answers to their questions about migraine headaches.

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Report 1

Abdominal Migraines

Anyone who has ever had a migraine will say they do not just happen in the head. The headache is usually the worst and most painful part of a migraine, but there’s more. Most migraineurs (people who suffer from migraines) will talk about photosensitivity (sensitivity to light), phonosensitivity (sensitivity to sound), scent sensitivity, gastric pain, cramping, and vomiting.

Sometimes the abdominal symptoms show up without the other typical migraine symptoms. When they do, a patient is said to be experiencing an abdominal migraine. An abdominal migraine is pain, usually varying from mild to medium, in the abdomen. The pain is either along the midline or unspecified and is frequently accompanied by abdominal tenderness, cramp-like spasms, bloating, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Since abdomen pain can be caused by a wide variety of conditions other causes need to be ruled out before a diagnosis can be made. In a classic abdominal migraine, no gastric cause for the pain can be identified. Migraineurs need to let their doctors know about their migraines when they experience unspecified abdominal pain so that the doctor knows abdominal migraine may be a possibility.

Abdominal migraines are most common in children. Children who experience abdominal migraines frequently grow up to be migraineurs.

While abdominal migraine is not unheard of in adults, it is rare. Like most other types of migraine, it is also more common in females than in males.

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While the exact cause of abdominal migraines is unknown, it is highly likely to be related to serotonin deficiency. Serotonin deficiency has been linked in several studies to migraines, and 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gastric system. Serotonin deficiency causes cascading waves of nerve reaction in the brain when triggering a migraine and a similar process may be in effect in the abdomen.

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Report 2

Acupressure and Migraines

Acupressure is a completely non-invasive treatment option that has a high success rate among migraineurs (people who suffer from migraine headaches). It has a proven track record as a successful pain abatement technique. Acupressure is also efficacious in reducing both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are over 800 vital energy points in the human body. These points lie along meridians that run throughout a person’s body. Chi, or life energy, flows along the meridians and through the energy points in healthy people. Chi that is blocked or overabundant near particular energy points causes illness and pain.

Acupressure massage applies pressure to these energy points in order to release chi and stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. The energy points are massaged with the fingers, thumb, or occasional blunt object with medium pressure in a circular pattern.

The simplest acupressure a migraineur can learn is an all-over head massage. This technique just requires the practitioner to massage the scalp as though they were washing their hair. Sit with the elbows resting on a table to prevent arm strain and the head resting lightly in the hands to perform head and neck acupressure.

Moderate pressure applied to the GB20 points offers the best relief for migraine pain. They are on either side of the neck, approximately one inch to each side of the spinal column just below where the skull and neck muscles connect. GB20 also goes by the more romantic-sounding Chinese name “The Gates of Consciousness”.

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Migraineurs seeking to relieve their headache and neck pain should practice deep breathing while using the thumbs of both hands to press firmly on the GB20 points for one to two minutes. If this is painful at first, home practitioners can start out by pressing and releasing the points in five to fifteen second intervals.

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Report 3

Acupuncture for Migraines

Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical techniques in the world, practiced in China for over 2,000 years. It is a FDA-approved treatment modality for a number of illnesses, especially pain management and chronic pain, and is particularly effective in treating migraines.

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment that involves stimulating some of the over 800 vital energy points in the human body with fine, hair-thin needles to release chi and encourage the body to heal itself. The vital energy points are on the meridians that run through the body from head to toe.

Chi (pronounced chee), or life energy, flows through these meridians and energy points.

The obstruction of the flow of chi leads to illness and is considered the source of many bodily aches and pains. The flow of chi along the meridians can be obstructed by illness, poor diet, the weather, and other outside factors.

Most acupuncture practitioners work with patients to form a treatment plan that addresses both the blockages themselves and the things that cause them. These treatment plans, like those of Western Medicine, often include diet and lifestyle changes to enhance the patients’ well-being.

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Migraineurs (people who suffer from migraine headaches) need to tell their acupuncturist exactly where they hurt when seeing one for pain mitigation. The location of pain is important due to the large number of acupuncture points in the head, face, and neck. Where to apply pressure depends on where the migraine pain is most acute.

Migraineurs can find long-term relief from their migraines by working with an acupuncturist who specializes in headaches. These specialists do an individualized assessment of the patient to create a long-term treatment plan. Many people who undergo an acupuncture program like this experience relief from migraines for years afterward. For some the headaches stop completely.

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Report 4

Aging and Migraines

Aging is a fact of life. Getting older means increasing frailty and susceptibility to illness, but it can also be a boon to migraineurs (people who experience migraine headaches). Only 2-10% of the elderly population experiences migraines (as opposed to up to 28% of adults under 65), and elderly women are still more likely to have them than their male counterparts.

Migraines can happen at any age, but they peak around age 40. The frequency of migraine attacks after 40 decreases for most people.

Many migraineurs who have suffered with this condition for years experience a reduction in the frequency and severity of attacks after age 55.

About two thirds of migraineurs stop having attacks altogether by age 65. Patients over 65 who still have migraines report drastically decreased severity, duration, and frequency in their attacks. They are also less likely to experience the gastrointestinal upset that accompanies migraine in younger people.

The downside to all this good news is that adults over 65 who suffer from migraines are more likely than younger patients to experience disability because of their affliction. Many physicians are uncomfortable with treating senior citizens for migraines because therapeutic methods used on younger people are often not tested for safety in an older patient.

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Additional conditions and the medications used to treat them complicate the problem. Seniors are more likely to be on one or more prescription drugs and each new medication increases the risk of adverse drug reactions. This possibility makes some doctors reluctant to offer senior migraineurs pharmaceutical assistance.

The onset of migraines after age 50 is very rare and should be investigated with a doctor to rule out the possibility of secondary causes. Late onset does not rule out migraine (only one third of senior headaches are due to secondary conditions) but it makes it less likely.

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Report 5

Applying Heat or Cold for Migraine Relief

Many migraineurs (people who suffer from migraine headaches) relieve the pain of a migraine with the judicious application of heat or cold. This type of pain abatement is particularly popular with people trying to minimize or avoid prescription medication use, especially among pediatric patients and their families.

Below are a few techniques that can help ease the pain of a migraine.

Not all techniques work for all patients. While some migraineurs find comfort in cold, at least as many are more uncomfortable in the presence of cold. The same is true of heat used for pain relief—for some it helps, for others it makes the pain worse.

Apply a compress, hot or cold, to point on the head where pain is most severe. This is frequently on the temple where a large artery runs, or in front of the ear, another arterial locale.

For patients who feel their migraine pain “stabbing into the back of the eye” a damp cloth (warm or cool) laid over the eyes often provides relief. As a side benefit, covering the eyes in this manner also eases the discomfort of photosensitivity for many patients.

Taking a hot or cold shower with the water directed at the head and neck is another method to try, as is taking a warm (neither hot nor cold) bath. The latter is further enhanced with the use of appropriate aromatherapy techniques.

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Some patients find relief in by alternating hot and cold cloths at the point where the migraine pain is most intense. Sometimes hot and cold used simultaneously can ease the pain. A migraineur may apply a cold compress on their forehead while at the same time soaking their feet in a container of warm water.

Rarely are patients simultaneously sensitive to both hot and cold, but it should be watched for.

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Report 6

Are You In or Out?

You have a migraine. You have a job. Now what do you do?

Deciding if you are able to go out when you have a migraine is a tough decision. You are in pain; you do not feel well, and more likely than not you are not thinking clearly. The ability to determine when you are okay to leave home when you have a migraine is a big part of learning to manage your condition. Here are a few things to take into consideration when deciding if you are in or out for the day.

How do you feel?

Yes, you have a migraine, but can you function? Only you know your personal headache pattern, is it likely to get better or worse from where it is now? What’s your mood? Are you sufficiently enthused about the day to be willing to function while in pain?

What did you take?

Stop and think about your pain relief for a minute. Did you take an over-the-counter remedy, or something a little stronger? If it was a prescription medication, go read the label and see what it says about driving and operating heavy machinery. If you aren’t supposed to do those things, it’s probably a good idea to hang out at home. This is not a hard and fast rule since only you know how you react to a medicine, particularly one you are familiar with. If you don’t think you’ll be impaired by your medications, great, but really think about it first.

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Why are you going out? Basically, you have to decide how important it is that you go out. Work is important, but not if you have a job where potentially impaired function can be dangerous. Errands can always be run later, the class play? That might be worth it, if you can handle it.

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Report 7

Aromatherapy and Migraines

Most physicians agree that aromatherapy makes an excellent complementary therapy for migraineurs. Aromatherapy has not been shown to eliminate migraine headaches, but when used to complement traditional therapy and medication it can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

Aromatherapy is a natural healing methodology that uses plant-derived essential oils to achieve a desired therapeutic effect. It is not known precisely how aromatherapy works, whether it is the scent or a chemical action of the essential oil itself that provides relief. Because of this unknown factor some doctor’s worry about potential essential oil interactions with standard drugs used in treating migraines.

When trying aromatherapy to relieve migraines, keep in mind a few safety precautions.

* Always talk to a doctor before trying anything new.

* Speak to an experienced aroma therapist, if possible.

* When combining aromatherapy with other medications, watch for adverse reactions and report them to a doctor immediately.

* Buy real plant-derived essential oils designed for aromatherapy.

Good ones will be sold in dark containers and stored away from direct sunlight.

* Use a carrier oil or aromatherapy diffuser. Essential oils can be powerful irritants and should not be applied directly to the skin.

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Essential oils can be used in a number of ways. They can be used in an aromatherapy diffuser and inhaled two or three times daily. Oils can added to a large bowl of hot water and the aroma inhaled with eyes closed. While essential oils can also be added to carrier bath, face, or massage oils and applied to the body or bath, this should only be done after consulting with a knowledgeable aroma therapist to make sure the oils used are safe for this purpose.

Some of the essential oils commonly recommended for migraine aromatherapy are lavender, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus, sandalwood, clary sage, ginger, ylang-ylang, basil, marjoram, and chamomile.

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Report 8

Balancing Chakras to Soothe Migraines

The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel. The chakras are the seven primary distribution points for the energy in the body that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. They are also called the psychic centers of consciousness. Migraines may be a side effect of a blocked chakra or unbalanced chakras. Migraine can be eased, and possibly cured, without the aid of the prescription drugs by clearing and balancing the migraineurs chakras.

Each chakra is the energy focal point for a different part of the body or body system and affects the energy flow of both physical energy and emotions. The two chakras most concerned with migraines are, naturally, in the head.

Ajna, Sanskrit for command, is the sixth of the seven primary chakras.

It is also known as the brow chakra or the third eye. It is in the center of the forehead between the eyes. This chakra is linked to psychic ability as well as the more mundane pineal and pituitary glands.

Migraines are considered, by some, to be a sign of a weak or blocked Ajna chakra. When balanced the Ajna chakra is a deep indigo color.

Sahasrara, or the thousand-petalled lotus, is the seventh of the primary chakras. It is also known as the crown chakra since this chakra is on top of the head and includes the entire crown area. This chakra works with the root to balance energy throughout the body. Stress, fatigue, sleep problems and migraines are all associated with an unbalanced crown chakra. When balanced the Sahasrara is violet.

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Meditation, visualization, and color therapy are all excellent ways to balance the chakras of the head. Many people find crystals and semiprecious stones helpful in focusing and balancing their chakras.

Check your local library for more information about healing through chakra balance.

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Report 9

Basilar Migraines

Migraines can be more than just a pain in the head. Basilar migraines, once known as basilar artery migraines or BAMs, are an extraordinarily rare but potentially life-threatening variant of the classic migraine with aura.

Basilar migraine symptoms are caused by constriction of the basilar artery, which supplies blood to the brain stem. BAMs were originally thought to affect only young women and adolescent girls, but research shows that while they are primarily a problem for these groups they can occur in people of all ages and genders.

During the aura phase, basilar migraine symptoms may include loss of balance, double vision or partial vision loss, lack of coordination, numbness on one or both sides of the body, weakness, dizziness or confusion and severe vomiting. The symptoms typically last an hour or less and disappear when the headache begins, but may last as long as days after the headache pain has disappeared. Some basilar migraine sufferers pass out or lose consciousness during the aura phase as well.

In extremely rare cases, they may even slip into a coma that can last hours or days.

The danger of basilar migraines is that they can lead to a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke. A transient ischemic attack is essentially a miniature stroke resulting from a temporary interruption of the flow of blood to the brain. Unlike strokes, TIAs have not been shown to cause permanent damage to the brain and most neurological problems that arise from them, like slurred speech or weakness on one side, clear up within twenty-four hours of the attack.

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The basilar artery is located at the back of head. The headache associated with basilar migraines is usually a severe throbbing ache on both sides of the back of the head, as opposed to the unilateral temple throbbing more commonly associated with migraines.

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Report 10

Butterbur for Migraines

Migraineurs would prefer not to have migraines at all. If headache cannot be eliminated, reducing the number of migraine episodes they experience would certainly be an improvement. It would be even better if it could be done without synthetic pharmacologicals.

Migraineurs, meet butterbur (Petasites hybridus). Butterbur is a shrub native to southwestern Asia, Europe, and northern Africa. It is not what’s above ground that makes it interesting though, it’s the root.