Stop Losing Money and Join the Winners: Great Picks are Not Enough by Frank Neal - HTML preview

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Introduction to the formula


What we preach is a totally new approach to sports betting. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen. It brings sports betting up not one but several notches. Not only are we generating the best picks you possibly can, but we also use our odds reversal technique together with a way of managing money that’s unheard of in the sports betting world. When you combine that with the right mindset to allow you to base your decisions on real facts using a precise plan and sticking to it, you get something pretty special.


In this document, we will share with you the concepts we’re using every day, highlight you what traps not to fall into, and what kind of mindset will allow you to grow your capital without risking losing it all over night.


The title we give our formula, Sports Betting Reinvented, really is the perfect description. It reinvents the way sports betting can be utilized as a part of a real profit producing endeavour. Notice that we’re not using the term “system” here. That’s because this is much more than a system, we’re talking about a proven formula and this is where the word REINVENTED takes all its meaning.


Sports Betting Reinvented is the formula and the sports betting scene is the vehicle used for reaching your financial goals. Sports betting is only the “Tool” if you will. Basically the formula would work in other business circles just as well by modifying a few variables. Our way of doing things has nothing to do with regular sports betting systems.


A better term for describing it would be “Sports Investing”. For those of you who are familiar with the game of Blackjack, a pretty good analogy would be to say it’s almost as if you would play Blackjack at a casino where you would see the down card of the house before deciding to hit or stay.


It sure would be an unfair advantage and the Sports Betting Reinvented formula comes as close to that as can be.


Now that you know we’re talking about a real business concept, we’ll obviously be using some business related terms which you’ll encounter throughout this document. At first, you’ll likely not make the connection between those business terms and the sports betting world, but just bear with us and everything will become crystal clear by the end of this document.


The connection between sports betting and the stock market or Forex trading or other prediction based businesses is a whole lot closer than most people imagine. And you’re about to understand in what way right now!