Starting An Online Business by Sandra Mae - HTML preview

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img1.pngThe World Wide Web is a vast place that many people – if not most in this present day - go when they want to search for information, or use it to socialize, or even use it for an opportunity to make an online income.

You may have seen various headlines throughout the internet in regards to opportunities to earning an online income and working from the comfort of your own home.

Is this really achievable and if so – how?

Internet Marketing is something that has taken the internet by storm and with the way today’s economy is – working from home with your own website and making money online is becoming a very popular profession.

More and more people are seriously looking into getting started in this profession as a means to pay their mortgage payments, car payments, medical bills and the like. They are seeking a better life for them and their families.

The fact of the matter is – there are more people that want to learn how to start an online business so they can make money from home - than there are instructors to teach it. The purpose of this eBook is to instruct you in the fundamental steps of getting started with your own online internet marketing business.

Are you ready to take the basic first steps?

A Personal Note for You


Even though these careers and trades were great jobs that I enjoyed very much – I always found myself taking my knowledge and going to work for somebody else. I was getting tired of doing that day in and day out and day in again – year after year.

So - in February of 2010, I began to seriously think about staying at home while earning an online income.

It was at this time that I decided to take the plunge and began teaching myself all the basic aspects of the internet marketing business.

I took various one-on-one online courses, downloaded eBooks, watched many tutorials, took a lot of notes and exhausted myself with everything I could learn about this business.


Have YOU ever had this similar challenge?

Or let me ask you in this way…

Have you ever had a img4.png


Have you ended up losing a lot of money and on top of that found you were going nowhere fast?

Were you paying for services but not making any money to cover those services?

I’ve been there too. I had no one to show me how to EXACTLY get started. I was lost, upset and – very much frustrated.

I found myself thinking that – “I can’t do this” – “maybe this just isn’t for me.”

I almost threw in the towel – I almost gave up and came very close to quitting altogether. However –I refused to quit despite my problems. This motivated me to be more tenacious than ever.

What I needed was a “beginner’s guide” for beginners. I needed something to help guide me through each and every step of the way in the correct order to help me accomplish what I set out to achieve – my own online web business and making money online.

I am the type of person who needs to be shown what to do and in what order – otherwise I don’t understand it.

Sound familiar?

Eventually - and finally over time - I learned enough about the business to get started properly and correctly. 

So – I pressed on despite my doubts and began my journey. I haven’t turned back since.



There are times when they try to learn different aspects of this business only to find that they still feel lost in the translation of the knowledge. They don’t have anybody showing them exactly what to do and in what order.

Again – it is for this very reason I have written this eBook.

You will learn an overview of all the basics of starting your own online business in a step by step approach so that you can begin making money online.

By the time you finish reading this eBook – you will know and understand the basic fundamentals of how to get started with creating an online business of your own.

It’s your training ground – your boot camp to getting started.

NOTE: You are about to embark in a serious business endeavor. You MUST UNDERSTAND each and every step before moving onto the next.

Every step you learn MUST become second nature to you. If it does not – you are not ready to proceed to the next step. Starting an online web business is a process. You must take every step systematically. If you don’t – you are only wasting your time here.


Let’s Go Over A Few Facts before We Begin…


First and Foremost: You have to have the right attitude

Starting an online web business is the same as starting an offline business.

It is a SERIOUS endeavor and it takes a lot of hard work. You have to put a great amount of effort into it.

The amount of work you put into your business determines the results you get out of it.

I need to emphasize this - like any business – it takes work.

It’s just like going to work and making money every week at your offline job – only your job is online instead.

Having the right mindset is one of the keys to being successful online.

Once you UNDERSTAND this – you then will be able to move forward with the process of building your online business.

So start envisioning where you will be 6 months to a year from now and that alone will help you get there.

If you think you will become rich overnight – think again. You will only be wasting your time. 


Starting an Online Web Business Is Easy

However –


When you first look at a web business online – it looks very complicated.

It very well may be…

But - when it’s broken down into steps – it really is very easy to understand how it all works.

Creating and starting a web business is a systematic process.


Setting up a Web Business Takes Time

Creating an online business takes time and is a slow process.


It will then move you forward to coming that much closer to getting your online business - online. This of course is the reality you are striving for.

Statistics show that the average amount of time that it takes for a business to begin making any money is 2 years.

With an online business – it’s possible to begin seeing money in about a years’ time and maybe even a bit less.

What I’m saying here is – you can’t expect to make any money online over night. There is no magic button in this business.

Depending on how much work you put into your business will determine how much you get out of it. You will always reap what you sow into it.

This is why I can’t stress it enough - and I continually tell people that when they think this is the type of business they would like to get into – they need to be absolutely sure about it and SERIOUS. It’s a business – not a game!

It takes time and a little money to start an online web business.

Don’t think if you just create a website and sit back - that money will start rolling in for you. It doesn’t work that way.

Again here – it takes much work on your part and understanding what it is you are doing - with the skills that you learn.

You Need To Have Your Own Website

Any online web business needs a website. It’s important that you learn and understand how a website works so if anything ever goes wrong, you will know what to do, what changes to make and where to look in the website to correct the problem.

This is why it’s important to learn how to create a website of your own instead of having someone else do it for you. It’s going to be YOUR online business – not somebody else’s.

You will need to know the basic web skills of how a website works and the only way to UNDERSTAND the basics is to create one of your own.

Now I realize that this may sound scary and intimidating for those of you who have never done this before. That’s okay – it’s a normal feeling we ALL get.

I certainly felt it when I first started out. Even those who are successful in this business today had to start at this point so don’t feel like you are alone with these feelings.

We’ve all been there.

Let me assure you that these skills are very easy to learn.

However –

Before you do anything – before creating a website – before building a list of people - before creating your own product to sell or before promoting a product for someone else – you need to find a profitable niche – a specific area of a market that you are getting into.

Don’t worry here if you don’t understand all this right now. It will all become clear as we progress in this eBook.

What you are doing here is setting up a plan for yourself.

You are mapping out what it is you are going to be doing.


A little bit is added to it every day – a little at a time. Eventually through time – the building is fully constructed – it is complete.

Do you see what I’m saying here?

Okay then…

Grab a cup of coffee and lock yourself away for the next couple of hours because your journey is about to begin.


Are you ready?

                       Then let’s begin…!