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Sit Back Automated Income

In this report we are going to talk about how to make money on the internet using a really cool strategy - a really cool strategy which runs on autopilot for you once it is all set up. BUT it does take work to start with! Doesn’t everything that is worth achieving take work?

There are, of course, other really good ways of making money online, but we just HAVE to share this one with you. It may take a bit of tweaking (talked about later in this report) to get it REALLY

working for you and we can say that we have used this exact method several times to bring in money on the internet. After the work had been done, we now check our Paypal accounts on a regular basis to see money deposited into our account.

This is after you have completely forgotten about the work you put in, in the first place. The art to this is in finding the RIGHT market and the RIGHT


OK, So What Is The System?

The system I am talking about is selling Affiliate Products Using Youtube So what do we need to do first of all? Well, first of all, you need to find a hot selling product in a hot market where people are hungry to buy – you MUST

find a market where there is a demand first – that is the first golden rule. We are not going to go into all the different ways of finding markets as this is a huge area to cover and we have covered much of this in the Ebook written by


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Sit Back Automated Income

Steven Sanderson

Elaine Sanderson called ‘Find Hot Buying Customers’ so check that out.

That can be found when FREE when you sign up by clicking the link in the footer of this Ebook.

It is also great if you have an interest or knowledge in your chosen area as this gives you a head start in terms of your confidence level, knowledge & benefits you already know about to get across to your audience.

Once you have established an area where people are looking to buy online, you now have to find a product to suit that market and it is a lot easier for you if this is somebody else’s product.

Having said that we actually have produced

our own product and this is a series of 7

online videos in a subject that I will disclose to you in a few moments so stay with me..

AND we sell it using Youtube in this exact

same way.

Just remember that you will be selling all over the world via the internet; you will have a global audience. Great financial opportunities!

Making your own products takes a lot more work for you but YOU REALLY

DON’T HAVE TO MAKE YOUR OWN. This Ebook focuses on finding other peoples products to use so it makes life a whole lot easier for you.

This saves you masses of time and effort making your own. As you may well be aware, this is called becoming an affiliate.


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Sit Back Automated Income

Steven Sanderson

So what is our product that we sell. Well, I was a joiner before we started making money online and I sat down one day and thought about what I already knew about. OK, it took a little time but he came up with a really neat idea.

There are millions of houses across the UK all sat with uPVC windows. AND

there are also millions of households wanting units to be replaced as the glass unit has misted up with condensation (you may know what I mean?), or they have smashed up or broken down.

Lots of people are nervous about calling a qualified window fitter as it could cost them an arm and a leg! I did some research and found that there were thousands of people searching on the internet for ´how to replace a broken windowór words to that effect.

I also knew that simply replacing the glass (not the whole unit) is VERY

EASY (almost anyone can do it) so I established a few things:

There was a hungry market wanting their glass units changed in their uPVC Double Glazed Units

They did not want to spend the money on a qualified window fitter who would even charge for the privilege of a call out SO what did I do? Well because I knew ALL ABOUT IT, I put together a 7


THEMSELVES a fortune.


CLICK LINK For Free 20 VIDEO TRAINING ‘Step By Step Guide To Building An Everlasting Online Web Business, FREE Facebook Templates and ‘Success Online Weekly’

Sit Back Automated Income

Steven Sanderson

OK, it will never make us rich but for a small project like that, it brings in a regular £70 per week and we now do nothing for it. It runs itself as all the videos are downloadable.. We disclose our niches on our Membership site (access of which can be gained by clicking on the link in the footer of this Ebook).

How Do You Find Other Peoples Products To Sell To This Hungry Group Of People I Can Hear You Asking ?

Ok so let’s get back to you and what you can sell. I now want you to check out what we call Affiliate products. You can do this by looking at several affiliate market places but in this report I am going to concentrate on one source only.

I apologise in advance to many of you that may already be familiar with becoming an Affiliate but I am starting from the basics for those who are beginners in this field. Bear with me..

Affiliate products are products that belong to someone else and that you, as the affiliate seller, promote and sell for a percentage commission, and quite often a very handsome commission.

You may be quite surprised to hear that some of the big well known companies out there encourage the likes of you and I to sell their products for them for sometimes excellent percentages reaching 75% in some cases.

These can be physical (once you sell them, you do not have to dispatch any goods yourself; this is all dealt with by them) – you merely get them the sales and the rest happens on autopilot and you get your cash. Or they can be digital downloadable products (which we talk about any moment now!).


CLICK LINK For Free 20 VIDEO TRAINING ‘Step By Step Guide To Building An Everlasting Online Web Business, FREE Facebook Templates and ‘Success Online Weekly’

Sit Back Automated Income

Steven Sanderson

Sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not – it is reality now and a lot of money can be made as an affiliate but like with anything in life, you have to learn the skills and put some work in.

The internet has changed the way we live, the way we think, the way we shop and lots of people now part with their cash online so these opportunities are open to us all.

And, the great thing is, that there are millions of different products and services out there you can offer and profit from, so even though there will naturally be competition, this should NOT be a CONCERN – just get to know the tricks of GETTING SEEN AND GETTING PEOPLEŚ ATTENTION. That is the bit that requires work on your part by learning skills and implementing them.

However, that aside, we are going to talk to you today about selling digital downloadable products where, again, you have no dispatching of products to deal with.

The basic philosophy is that you forward your customers: 1) Straight to the Affiliates Sales Page Where They May Buy OR

2) Straight To Your Squeeze Page Where You Collect Their Name and Email Address First and Then You Promote The Affiliates Product At A Slightly Later Stage

With Number 1) you forward your customers onto someone’s else Sales page (the affiliate product you want to promote), they buy from there and you get rewarded with a commission. The customer then gets his product to download


CLICK LINK For Free 20 VIDEO TRAINING ‘Step By Step Guide To Building An Everlasting Online Web Business, FREE Facebook Templates and ‘Success Online Weekly’

Sit Back Automated Income

Steven Sanderson

straight away. These are generally information products as people seek information on EVERYTHING, especially problem solving type things.

Sounds easy right? Well remember that it is kind of proven that sending people ćold´ to a sales page, you convert 1 in a 100 to a sale, so you need to be aware that you are going to need a fair amount of traffic to make this be profitable for you.. so getting traffic is now the key.

That aside, I want you to go to what we call the Digital Affiliate Marketplace and check out a company called Clickbank. Now, once on this site, check out the Marketplace for available products - you will see masses and masses of available digital downloadable products on offer in areas such as heath, wealth, hobbies etc etc. Take a good look and get yourself familiar with the site.

Once you have done your research and established where there are great and profitable markets to sell into (loads of market research ways in our Ebook FIND HOT BUYING CUSTOMERS – access of which can be gained by clicking in the link in the footer of this Ebook), look into Clickbank to see if there are plenty of good products to suit that market. If there are only a few to choose from, I would think through your chosen market again..

More often than not, if you have done your research right and found a NEEDY MARKET, there should be plenty of products to suit those customers so when you home in on a certain product that ticks all the boxes for you, I want you to purchase that product.


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Sit Back Automated Income

Steven Sanderson

MAKE SURE THAT THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT IS HIGH ENOUGH and the percentage commission is high enough for you to make decent money out of it; you want your efforts to be rewarded after all. There are other things to look out for on Clickbank but this is beyond the scope of this report. All the factors to look out for can be found by accessing our membership site (click link in footer of this Ebook).

Now I assume that you have made that small investment and bought it – this is VERY important if you are going to do this properly.

Once you have bought it, you need to thoroughly check it through, read it word for word, get to know it and write down all the BENEFITS of this product.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and think carefully through all the perceived benefits that they will see and MOST IMPORTANTLY

‘WHAT IS IN IT FOR THEM?’. Even take screen shots of this product and this is easy to do on your computer. On a Mac, it is simply Command & Shift & 4 (at the same time) or Alt Print Screen for some PCs or use free software.

I have done this with one of our niche areas; sought out a good Clickbank product, bought it, read it from cover to cover and first of all listed all the BENEFITS that a potential reader would glean from the information if they bought it. I have then put these benefits down in the order of BEST BENEFIT




CLICK LINK For Free 20 VIDEO TRAINING ‘Step By Step Guide To Building An Everlasting Online Web Business, FREE Facebook Templates and ‘Success Online Weekly’

Sit Back Automated Income

Steven Sanderson

You will now need to construct a very simple video of the product and this can be essentially in 2 formats. This should not scare you off at all as it is very easy to do:

1) It could be in the form of a very simple presentation of slides that you can create with Powerpoint initially and then recording this with Camstudio (free tool) or Camtasia (paid tool).

2) Do a video with a camcorder and import it into free software on your PC (Moviemaker) or on your Mac (iMovie).