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Nutrition And Running

Running is one of today’s healthiest ways to help maintain your body’s

physical well-being. It is one good cardiovascular exercise that helps keep

good circulation and a healthy heart.

Everybody needs proper nutrition and a healthy diet. This requirement

becomes more vital for people who are into health activities like running.

This is amplified further for runners who are also into competitions or have

special dietary needs.

Normal diet

An average person’s diet normally consists of 40% carbohydrates, 30%

protein, and 30% fats. They also include such healthy components as

whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean sources of protein and heart healthy


The daily calorie consumption of runners can also be modified, depending

on the individual’s needs – whether he is maintaining his weight, losing

some or gaining some.

Combinations can be tweaked accordingly to suit the individual’s needs.

Runner’s diets

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For instance, a distance runner preparing for a marathon may wish to

increase the percentage of carbohydrates in his diet. This is during those

periods of intense training where he covers long and grueling distances

every week.

On the other hand, a sprinter who is working to improve his muscle mass

by way of weight training and other equally intense exercises have to

include additional amounts of protein into his diet. This is helpful because

proteins can help stimulate muscle growth.


The next factor to consider with regards to people who are into running are

calories. There are basic guidelines on the amount of calories an individual

should consume regularly.

These are based on the person’s current weight and activity level. For

runners who are into intense training, these might not be very accurate.

There are plenty of calorie calculators available online or you can get it

from your doctor. Those are ballpark figures on the amount of individual

needed calories. They can be good starting points for runners to find out if

he is eating enough or not.

Sample scale

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An example would be a runner regularly consuming 2500 calories a day

and running around 7 to 8 miles daily. If he still feels tired, he may have to

increase his calorie intake.

If the runner is already at an ideal weight, he should strive to consume

enough calories to maintain his weight.

Lastly, the quality of the calories consumed should also be carefully

considered. They have to come from quality sources such as whole grains

carbohydrates, lean protein sources, and heart-healthy fats.

The runner could always obtain his calorie requirements from foods rich in

sugar and fat. But these food groups are not quality calorie sources. More

likely, the runner will get his same amount of calories but he will feel

sluggish and may not be able to perform well.

A case in point is a piece of cake that has an equal amount of calories as a

turkey sandwich on multi-grain bread. Eating the cake will give him enough

calories. However, the sugar in it will trigger the insulin response from his

body, which can make him sluggish and less energized.

Nutrition is a very important component in such an activity as running. It is

not just a question of energy but also of health.

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personal trainer for running and other physical training tasks

Personal Trainer for Running and other Physical Training Tasks

Physical training is a complex task. It basically involves the basic and core

muscles of the body. In dealing with these muscles, an individual must pay

particular attention to proper execution of exercises. Even simple and

practical exercises like walking and running require proper form in


Rigorous exercises are not just effective in putting stress into muscles and

consequently making the body parts bulkier. When not executed properly,

bodybuilding activities can also be harmful. You probably have heard about

people who incurred injuries when running. Injuries are inevitable especially

when a person is too pressured to accelerate the manifestations of ideal

physical training and weight loss results. Some people make the mistake of

putting the body into too much physical activity in the hope that doing so

would boost physical stamina, strength, and overall physique.

Therefore, experts advise physical trainers, especially those who are new to

the activity, to hire personal trainers. Personal trainers are people who

would be willing to attend to an individual’s needs during physical training

sessions. You need the proper guidance and tips of a personal trainer to

make sure your simple activity (like running and walking) would bring about

desired and targeted results to the body.

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Personal trainers are professionals who are knowledgeable and

well-trained about assisting people to appropriately execute exercises.

Through their help, safe and effective training programs can be achieved.

They are accredited to provide assistance to physical trainers within or

sometimes outside the premises of the gym. They are knowledgeable of

the basic physical training concepts and can even answer questions about

recommended diet and supplements.

There is a need to hire a professional personal trainer when you are new to

physical training and weight loss. Some individuals even hire personal

trainers for longer duration so they could be ensured that every visit they

make to the gym would be productive. They could also consult about how to

make even the simplest exercises like walking and running tick.

When hiring a personal trainer, you must make sure that the person is

holding relevant credentials or certificates in weight or physical training.

Some trainers are even equipped with necessary college degrees, placing

them in full authority to handle relevant issues and inquiries.

Some people hire personal trainers based on the trainers' physical

appearance. A personal trainer, for some, should be buff and should

possess a great body that could serve as a role or practical model. That

way, the trainer would have credibility when talking about regimens and

exercise strategies. However, some experts argue that the basis on

physical appearance of personal trainers is insufficient. There are

good-looking and muscled personal trainers who have attained the body

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structure from good genes or the intake of steroids.

Good personal trainers would always offer the option of working hand in

hand with a doctor. By that, the trainer would determine what ailments the

physical trainer is suffering from, and he would be able to design exercises

that would be fit for the client. Even simple exercises like walking and

running should be well timed, designed, and targeted for optimal and safe


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running a form of workout for the legs and the body

Running: A Form of Workout for the Legs and the Body

Are you in search of a perfect workout to achieve the perfect shape for the

legs and body? You need not consult your fitness trainers nor check out

exercise workout regimens. In fact, you do not need to spend significantly in

enrolling in a gym membership. The best workout that experts could

recommend to you is running. It may sound a bit odd, but running up your

stairs at work, home, or escalators should take a good part of your own

physical training and rigorous daily routine.

Running up several flights of stairs could serve as an effective

cardiovascular exercise. Doing so could surely help your body burn

thousands of calories per minute. If there are stairs at home or on your way

to the office, consider running up or running down them. When you start the

activity, be sure to do it right. Yes, there is a proper way to run so you would

not injure yourself and your body would reap the benefits of the physical


The first thing you should do when you are running is to check your own

body posture. The body definitely needs to be upright. The shoulders

should stay relaxed throughout the activity. Raise your feet as high as you

comfortably could and at the same time swing both of your arms as you

continue moving up (as in running up the stairs) or down (running down).

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To make the activity a good form of workout, run about 20 steps up before

walking down to where you started. Do the task for several times until you

recover your own breath. Try not to run double steps at once. It is normal to

run out of breath and feel too tired when running. You would notice that

when you run regularly or everyday, your body could manage to comfortably

run longer. In the process, your hips, thigh, and your abdomen would get

better shapes.

When running up or down the stairs, do not forget the fact that there surely

are risks or dangers in doing so. Be very careful especially in putting your

feet on each step of the stairs. When you walk down, do so quite slowly, not

too slowly. You may use banisters if you are feeling too tired and at the

same time shaky.

Running up you stairs could in fact physically train most of your body

muscles all at the same time. If you do so regularly, your fitness level could

further improve quickly. Expect your overall personality to also improve,

especially your mood. This is because for sure, your life would get brighter

and better if you see many inches vanish from your waist. Initially, try

running once every week. On the succeeding weeks, increase your

workout. Run up to three times weekly. A 20-minute running session would

definitely do your body good. However, as a form of warning, never run

more than your body could actually endure. Do not compromise your

overall safety when running.

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Running And Hydration

Running And Hydration

Running in the good old days used to be uncomplicated and simple. Some

people remember runners before going out running with nothing with them.

After a time, they come back and drink their water.

Drinking (or hydration) was not such a big deal before. Today, there are

some runners who carry their own water and enough gadgets to monitor

their exact intake during a run or a race.

Hydration and dehydration

Of course, we all now know how important water is when it comes to

strenuous exercises like running. One thing about water is that it is not ideal

either to get very little or too much of the fluid.

Severe dehydration (loss of water) and over-hydration both cause serious

consequences on the body, including death. Knowing the difference is

sometimes hard because the symptoms are the same.

Similar symptoms

In dehydration, the symptoms include weight loss, lethargy, dizziness,

nausea, vomiting, confusion and dry mouth or lips. Over-hydration includes

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weight gain or swelling, headache, nausea, lethargy and confusion or


What is terrible is that nobody knows about the problem until the symptoms

are already in the advanced state. Even medical personnel can be hard put

in figuring out what exactly is happening. (This usually happens after a hard


Fluid needs

Knowing how much fluid you need can prevent either dehydration or

over-hydration. One way of knowing is that your performance will decrease

significantly if you are dehydrated by as little as 1%.

Your running slows down by about 2% if you are dehydrated by only 1%.

Another point to consider is that hydration is important not just for your

performance but also for your health. As a runner, you need to know how

much you need to hydrate yourself daily, and in the critical times of before,

during and after running or a race.

One formula given by experts to calculate your daily fluid needs is as

follows: multiply your weight (in pounds) by 0.55 to know how many ounces

of fluid you need every day.

Hydrating fluids

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The hydrating beverages include water , sports drinks, tea, decaf coffee,

low fat milk, yogurt drinks, juices, soda and soups or other foods with water.

Water, of course, is the best source for body hydration. Intake of beverages

with sugar and other additives should be limited, especially if you are trying

to lose body fat.

Alcohol is one drink that significantly dehydrates the body. It is a total no-no

to drink before races, or even the night before any race.

Your needs

After your daily fluid intake, you need to know how much you need before,

during and after exercise (like running) to achieve optimum performance.

Most people need 8 to 16 ounces of fluid one or two hours before any


During exercise, your fluid needs depend on the rate you perspire which is

different from person to person or the weather.

The best estimate is to take 4 to 8 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes

and weighing yourself before and after exercise. This is to check if you are

losing or gaining weight, and adjusting your intake the next time.

Depending on its intensity, running is considered strenuous enough for your

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body to need more fluid than ordinary. Listen to what it says.

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running and other exrecises in effective weight loss programs

Running and Other Exercises in Effective Weight Loss Programs

Do you need an effective weight loss program? Fret no more. There are

numerous weight loss systems that are designed to help you shed off

unwanted and excessive weight. It is true that it is far easier to gain weight

than to lose it. There is no doubt about that fact. It is fun to eat and indulge

in life's simple luxury: good food and sumptuous beverage. Then, after

eating a lot, wouldn't it be just irresistible to take a nap or sleep? If you

would get physically moving like walking or running instead, you could

effectively help avoid accumulation of stored body fat, which is responsible

for excessive weight accumulation.

The result of an idle or sedentary lifestyle: obesity or drastic weight gain.

Unfortunately, when you have gained a lot of weight, losing those pounds

would be very harder. Take note that starving yourself would not be

enough. Sometimes, depriving yourself of food for a period would make the

weight loss problem worse. There are two possibilities that could happen if

you do that: one, you would tend to eat more once you give in to take food;

and two, you might collapse or fall ill.

It is not advisable that you take those crash diets. What would be good for

you is to get yourself working out to a very effective weight loss program.

Nothing could be better than that. If you are embarking on what you think is

an effective weight loss program, you should always remember that you are

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required to observe self-discipline. The weight loss program would not be

effective if you would not have the determination to avoid fatty foods and

stationary lifestyle practices.

There are also a long list of do's and don’ts. Of course, you would be

advised to regularly do exercises. For the don'ts, you would be asked not to

indulge in food that would be accumulated in the body as extra stored fat.

You could ask a weight loss specialist about the perfect and effective

weight loss program for you. Take note that the scheme should be

complete. It should include dietary recommendations, exercise regimens,

advises on doing of activities, habit recommendations, and sometimes,

recommended supplements that are often in the form of appetite


Programs do not always require going to the gym. Doing regular exercises

would be good. Running, walking, or just moving around is an ideal form of

physical exercise that you should do regularly or at least for several

minutes in a day. Running and walking are good as they are good aerobic

and cardiovascular exercises. The activities also do not incur costs. You

could always run or walk for how long you like, anytime of the day.

If you are getting yourself into what you think is an effective weight loss

program, you should initially consult your doctor or dietician. There may be

activities, supplements or diet recommendations within the effective weight

loss program that is not suited to your body functions. Remember, a weight

loss program would only be effective if your overall health would not be

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compromised. Lastly, keep on running or walking daily. Such simple

activities could be least costly but the long-term health advantages would

truly be significant.

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running as part of weight loss systems

Running as Part of Weight Loss Systems

There are logically numerous weight loss systems these days that are

introduced and marketed to help people trim fats and excessive pounds.

Many people note that these weight management systems are impressive

and are well targeted. The most popular and proven effective are those that

involve physical activities like regular walking and running. More emphasis

is given to running, which is identified by experts as a good form of aerobic

or cardiovascular exercise.

Perhaps, peoples' greatest concern now aside from earning more money is

to have a perfect shape or a sexy body. And because fashion and sexiness

have always been associated with well-maintained bodies, people think

being skinny or slim is equivalent to being sexy and beautiful. Do not be

surprised to see more people running around the open park especially in

the morning. Running is a cost effective way to sweat and bring about

cardiovascular challenge to the body.

Running is as effective as using a tread mill. In fact, this exercise machine

has been developed and manufactured to facilitate running indoors. You

must be wondering why tread mills do not fail to be included in basic gym

facilities. Indeed, running is a good form of exercise. It is effective in

making people sweat and in the process speed up metabolism of stored

fats and calories.

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Losing weight is not as easy as anyone could think. You would surely

assert that it is far easier to gain weight than to lose it. How could you find

and get the perfect weight loss systems that would help you attain your

target weight? Choose programs that not only focus on diets. Systems with

recommended physical activities and exercises like running would truly be

more effective.

Because there are many weight loss systems now available and introduced

in the market, all you have to do is to collect and then choose the system

that would go with your preferences and lifestyle. There are weight loss

systems that are too strict, while there are others that are easier to take.

Some weight loss systems would recommend or mandate taking in diet pills

or a weight loss supplement to suppress appetite. As mentioned, on top of

the drugs, there would also be recommended exercises to be executed

regularly, plus nutritional or diet plans.

If you are taking a weight loss system, it would be important to abide by the

recommendations. Strictly following instructions and mandates of such

weight loss programs would be of great help in ensuring that you would

eventually attain your target weight. Incorporate daily, yet simple exercises

into your lifestyle. Running in the neighborhood every morning is a good

aerobic and cardiovascular workout to help the body accelerate metabolism

and fat burning.

To choose the best weight loss systems, you could ask your friends o