Peter's Twittclass by Peter Barns - HTML preview

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Twittclass #24


“An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.”

Anon June 2012



A long time ago,

My friend Sam Beaudreau,

Who always worked hard and real steady.

Was asked by his boss,

Sir Arthur Devoss,

To make his small son a cute teddy.


Well after some thought,

Sam went out and bought,

Lots of goodies with Government cash.

He hammered and nailed,

Till at last he unveiled,

The thing he’d just built, with panache.


Sir Arthur Devoss,

Was now at a loss,

As to why Sam Beaudreau had done this.

For sitting right there,

Was a gigantic bear,

Poor Sam had been really remiss.


My friend Sam Beaudreau,

His cheeks all aglow,

Had made such a classic mistake.

That Government cash,

Means build with a splash,

Had designed it so it couldn’t break.